Su Fan and Wu Duo came to the control room of the flying boat and were immediately stunned by the scene inside.

On the front wall of the control room was a light screen with an image of the starry sky on it. The planes covered the entire light screen.

It was obvious that this must be a map of the Qingkong Star Region. It seemed that the "Sulun Star Region" had already mastered a lot of the situation in the Qingkong Star Region.

Perhaps many cultivators from the "Sulun Star Region" had infiltrated the Qingkong Star Region for many years.

In the middle of the room was a control console with a hemispherical device on it.

Su Fan walked over and touched the hemispherical device, but there was no reaction.

He thought about it, his eyes condensed, and he injected the spiritual power in his body into the hemispherical device.


The hemisphere on the control console suddenly hummed, and then flashed a dazzling light.

Then, a 360-degree three-dimensional star map appeared in the control room, just like the "holographic projection aerial imaging" technology in the previous life.

Looking at himself in this three-dimensional star map, with dense planes surrounding him, a huge wave of emotion rose in his heart.

Su Fan was stunned. Is the "Sulun Star Region" so awesome?

Su Fan found the plane he was in, right in the middle of this three-dimensional star map, with a shining light spot on it, which should be the location of the coordinates.

He tried to touch which hemisphere on the control console, and something even more shocking happened.

Except for the plane where Su Fan was now, the three-dimensional star map in the control room would continue to flip as his hand moved on the hemisphere device.

And some planes on the three-dimensional map also had some light spots shining slightly.

What do these light spots mean? He couldn't figure it out for a while.

"This should be 'Fututian', I've been there, this is the closest plane to us..."

At this time, a thought came to his mind, Su Fan turned his head, and saw Wu Duo pointing at a plane in the three-dimensional map.

Su Fan didn't know how the other party recognized that plane, anyway, he didn't have the ability to do so.

"That's the territory of your demon race, right..."

Su Fan sneered, with a murderous look in his eyes.

Damn, this guy must have no good intentions.

Wu Duo felt his murderous intention and shuddered. He didn't want to irritate this big devil, so he quickly sent another thought.

"We can sign another magic contract. Just send me here, I will personally take you to a plane battlefield, and then you will find a chance to escape to the battle line of the human cultivators..."

Su Fan thought about it, and this was the only way for now.

There was no way. He was really not familiar with the Qingkong Star Region. Even if there was a map, he didn't know which one was the human plane.

As for whether the demon race would see his human identity, Su Fan was not worried at all.

Now that Su Fan has been demonized, he looks like a demon.

"How long will it take to get to 'Fututian' from here..."

"I don't know, it will take at least a few years..."

Su Fan looked at the distance between the two planes on the three-dimensional map, sighed, and nodded helplessly.

"But... the contract must be drafted by me..."

After receiving Su Fan's thoughts, Wu Duo hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Next, Su Fan drafted an extremely harsh contract. Looking at Wu Duo's tangled eyes, you can see how fucked up the terms of this magic contract are.

But even though it was very unhappy, it could only bite its toothpick and write its name.

"How do you know how to start this flying boat..."

How the hell do I know.

After receiving Wu Duo's thoughts, Su Fan looked at the control room and was also confused.

Because there was nothing else in the entire control room except the hemispherical device on the console.

At this time, Su Fan's heart suddenly moved.

He walked to the plane that Wu Duo had just pointed to and tried to touch it with his finger.

The image on the light screen on the front wall of the control room suddenly changed, and the image of the "Fututian" plane appeared.


With a buzzing sound, the body of the star field flying boat trembled, then slowly left the ground and slowly rose into the sky.

Su Fan and Wu Duo both breathed a sigh of relief, finally leaving this ghost place.

The man and the demon looked at each other, then left the control room separately, and then each found a cabin on the flying boat and walked in.

The two races of humans and demons really have nothing in common.

The cabin area of ​​this flying boat is not small, but it is empty and there is nothing inside, not even a porthole, like a confinement room.

Su Fan looked around for a few times, and couldn't help sighing in his heart. Staying in such an environment for a few years is definitely an extremely boring thing.

Okay, just stay here.

Su Fan sat cross-legged on the ground and took out the ring of the Sulun star field cultivator from his arms.

There are quite a few things inside, almost occupying nearly half of the space of this Qianfang ring, but most of them are various materials that Su Fan can't name.

Su Fan took out a few nearly transparent crystals from it. He carefully studied them and found that the crystals contained extremely rich spiritual energy.

This thing should be similar to a spirit stone, and it is the energy source that drives those puppets.

There are still a lot of such crystals in the ring, and I don't know if they are valuable.

There were a bunch of jade slips in the ring. He took out a few and placed them on his forehead to scan them with his spiritual sense.

The things recorded in the jade slips were all unfamiliar characters, which should be the common characters of the "Sulun Star Region". Anyway, Su Fan didn't recognize any of them.

In addition, there were various puppets of several inches in size. Each had a groove on the back. Putting that transparent crystal in it should activate the puppet.

Su Fan didn't dare to activate it in the cabin. He didn't know how to control these puppets, and he didn't know how big the puppets were.

What if it was a puppet several feet tall? Once activated, it would definitely break the cabin.

The rest were some unnamed cultivation resources and various living supplies. Su Fan was too lazy to check.

However, Su Fan didn't find anything about the identity of this cultivator in the ring.

In a plane with a harsh environment in a strange star region, a person was alone guarding the coordinates. This person from the "Sulun Star Region" was probably also a cultivator from the lowest level.

In the next few months, Su Fan and Wu Duo hardly left their homes and stayed in their cabins every day.

Every ten days or so, they returned to the control room to check the progress of the flying boat to "Fututian". After many calculations, the time for this star field trip will take at least several years.

Although this star field flying boat is quite advanced, the various supporting facilities on the flying boat are extremely simple.

More than a year later, even a homebody like Su Fan was almost suffocated by staying in a cabin like a confinement room every day.

Originally, the human race and the demon race had no topics to talk about, but the star field journey was too boring. They occasionally met on the flying boat and started to chat for a while.

This day, the two met again in the control room. They looked at the progress of the flying boat and had no intention of leaving immediately.

"What race are you from? Last time I was in the time and space arena, why didn't I see the elites of your race..."

"We, the Youkong race, are not qualified to participate in the time and space arena..."

After receiving Wu Duo's mental information, Su Fan was stunned.

Last time in Tongyoutian, he had seen assassins from the Nether Sky Demon Clan, who had a strong ability to hide.

If he had not devoured a large amount of demon blood and discovered the traces of the Nether Sky Demon Clan assassins through the resonance of demon blood, he would have been seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Seeing Su Fan's puzzled face, Wu Duo had to explain to him.

"Our Nether Sky Demon Clan is a low-level subordinate tribe of a certain high-level demon clan. The assassins in our clan are all strengthened by secret methods, which will reduce their lifespan by more than half..."

I understand, they belong to the cannon fodder tribe among the demons.

No wonder so many assassins from the Nether Sky Demon Clan were hired to assassinate him.

"How long will your lifespan last..."

After receiving Su Fan's mental information, Wu Duo's eyes dimmed.

"It's less than a hundred years. I hope I can catch up with the invasion of the 'Sulun Star Region'..."

Su Fan also smiled bitterly. From the three-dimensional map of the Qingkong Star Region in the control room, it can be imagined that the Qingkong Star Region has been paid attention to by the "Sulun Star Region".

Being targeted by this brutal star field is not a good thing.

It is said that the "Sulun Star Field" is very brutal and warlike, often invading other star fields, leaving no one alive wherever it goes.

Through the battle with the "Sulun Star Field" cultivator, although the other party is only a foundation-building stage equivalent to a human cultivator, his combat power is very strong.

If it were an ordinary Jindan cultivator, he would definitely not get any good in front of the other party.

Moreover, the puppet technology of the "Sulun Star Field" is extremely advanced. An ordinary small puppet is also full of technology, and it is unknown how many streets ahead of the Qingkong Star Field.

And this star field flying boat is at least several times faster than the star field flying boat he made before.

"How do you know so much about the Sulun Star Region..."

"We, the demon race, have been communicating with some of our fellow races outside the star region, and we heard it from our fellow races outside the star region..."

"Has any of our nearby star regions been invaded by the 'Sulun Star Region'..."

"Of course not. If any star region is invaded by the 'Sulun Star Region', then this star region will definitely decline from then on..."

"Then how does the 'Sulun Star Region' find the coordinates of other star regions..."

"Then I don't know. The fellow races outside the star region don't know much either. I heard that it seems to be through a parasitic medium..."

They chatted for nearly an hour before Wu Duo left the control room.

Su Fan sat cross-legged on the ground, looked up at the three-dimensional map, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It seems that the Qingkong Star Region will not be quiet for long.

Su Fan took out a black crystal from the ring and kept stroking it back and forth in his hand.

He looked up at the three-dimensional map in the control room again, and his eyes suddenly widened.

Because there was suddenly a faintly glowing light spot at the location where the flying boat was flying.

Su Fan glanced at the black soul bone in his hand and immediately understood.

This black soul bone is the parasitic medium released by the "Sulun Star Region", which parasitizes in the bodies of the demons and insects in the Qingkong Star Region.

"Sulun Star Region" should have found the coordinates of the Qingkong Star Region in this way.

Su Fan looked up at the three-dimensional map in the control room. At least hundreds of planes have black soul bones, and they have successfully parasitized in the bodies of insects and demons.

It seems that the "Sulun Star Region" must have released countless black soul bones, most of which will float forever in the void.

But there will always be some black soul bones that will drift to strange planes. Once the insects and demons that parasitize them break through the realm, they will inevitably attract the attention of the "Sulun Star Region".

The blue sky star region is so lucky that it can catch up with this.

The flying boat flew rapidly in the vast void. The long journey was extremely boring, and Su Fan was almost depressed to death.

Finally, after more than seven years of flying, the star field flying boat finally came to an end.

According to the three-dimensional map in the control room, they have arrived at the airspace of "Fututian".

"Fututian" is also a relatively large plane in the entire blue sky star region. It is the territory of the demons and is home to dozens of demon species.

Because this star field flying boat is too eye-catching, before entering the "Fututian" plane, they changed to Wuduo's magic ship.

Su Fan also activated the demon state and came to a city in "Fututian" under the leadership of Wuduo.

This was the first time he came to the territory of the demons, and everything was so new.

But when he entered the demon city, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

This can be called a city.

The demon city is more like a gathering place than a city. Although the city is not small, it is full of chaos, violence and dirt.

The streets are bustling with demons of various ethnic groups, and fights will occur from time to time because of trivial matters.

The city construction is even more difficult to describe. There is feces and urine on both sides of the street. No matter where you walk, you can smell all kinds of disgusting smells.

The architectural style of the demon city can only be described as rough. There is no planning at all. Anyway, everything is a mess.

Udo didn't mean to dislike this place at all, but felt very friendly.

It enthusiastically took Su Fan to a street restaurant, which was full of demon warriors of various appearances, holding thick demon beast leg bones, and shouting there unscrupulously.

Su Fan didn't even dare to enter the door, and fled in a panic.

He couldn't accept the demon tribe's diet. What kind of food was it? It was disgusting.

Seeing Su Fan's face full of resistance, Wu Duo had to find a place to settle Su Fan down, and then went to a certain place in the city to take the task.

The management of the demon tribe was rough and uneasy, but the management level was really poor.

However, there was also a good side. At least when going to the battlefields of various planes, there was no strictness like the human cultivators, at least there was no need to verify the identity and blood information.

Wu Duo got a task very easily. The next day they would go to "Fututian".

The next day they got up early, took Wu Duo's magic ship, came to an altar leading to the plane battlefield, and then came to the plane battlefield through the plane channel.

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