Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 428 I won’t play with you guys anyway

Li Dong put down the jade slip, his eyes wide open, the few messages just now shocked him so much that he couldn't speak.

He turned around and looked at Su Fan, and said excitedly: "Daoyou, did you hear... did you hear... our human race won..."

Li Dong was so excited that he shouted hoarsely as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

"That top brother is too fierce. He killed all the top 100 on the Demon Race Killing List by himself..."

Su Fan looked at this guy, with a look of caring for the fool in his eyes.

Originally, Su Fan regretted seeing the message just now.

He shouldn't have introduced his plane and sect to this guy, but this guy was so excited that he didn't think of this.

This guy is really generous. He just asked him where Kunxutian was.

Su Fan was also happy like this, hoping that no one would know that he was the top of the Douchang battle record list.

If it were someone else, he would have publicized such a record long ago, for fear that others would not know that he was the top.

But these false names are a burden to Su Fan, far less real than spirit stones.

Making a fortune in silence, isn't it sweet?

At this time, Li Dong next to him was still talking endlessly, as excited as anything.

If you don't know, you would think that all those demons were killed by him.

"That top brother is so amazing. By the way, fellow Daoist, which sect is this top brother from..."

Su Fan almost laughed out loud when he heard it. What else could he say, just shook his head.

This idiot is really amazing.

Li Dong took out the jade slip from the secret ring and put it on his forehead.

"Kunxu Tianchunjun Demon Sect, Su Fan..."

At this point, he realized something and stopped subconsciously.

Su Fan walked a few steps and found that Li Dong didn't catch up. He turned around and saw this guy staring at him blankly.

"Why are you standing there, let's go..."

Hearing Su Fan's words, Li Dong couldn't help but shudder and ran over quickly.

"Dao... No, Senior Brother, I..."

Li Dong's attitude was obviously much more humble than before, and he couldn't even speak clearly.

Su Fan smiled at him and waved at him.

"Okay, let's go, the fighting field is about to close..."

At this moment, the human cultivators in the top 100 fighting field of the human and demon killing list were gathered in a valley.

The valley was silent, and everyone stood there blankly.

For these proud sons of heaven from the major planes, the few pieces of information just now were too much of a blow to them.

The human cultivators who could enter the top 100 of the killing list were almost all disciples of famous families in the major planes. Any one of them would have a great reputation in the Qingkong Star Region.

But who knew that after entering the fighting field, the demons were killed before they even had a record.

What they couldn't accept the most was that the top 100 elites on the demon killing list all died at the hands of one person.

And the person who achieved such a record was a disciple from an unknown small plane.

If it were in the past, these proud sons of heaven from the big planes, even those Yuanying cultivators from the small planes, would not even look at them.

This is absolutely unacceptable to all the proud sons of heaven in the arena, it is simply a great shame.

Senior Brother Qin Cheng of Kunluntian couldn't help but sigh.

He glanced at Senior Brother Mu Feng beside him, smiled bitterly and said: "Daoyou, what do you think about this matter..."

After listening to Senior Brother Qin Cheng's words, Senior Brother Mu Feng shook his head.

"What can I think? The other person's strength is there. Even if you are given a chance, can you kill such a record..."

As a sword cultivator famous in the Qingkong Star Region, Senior Brother Qin Cheng simply couldn't accept this fact.

He always thought that he had no rivals among the cultivators of the same level in the entire Qingkong Star Region, but unfortunately today he let this kid teach him a lesson.

Especially when he saw the other party, he also teased him a few words.

But who would have thought that the next day, someone would do such a feat alone. He felt like he had been slapped in the face.

Brother Qin Cheng took a deep breath. He felt that he had been too arrogant before.

After experiencing such an unforgettable humiliation, it was like a demon in his heart, and his sword heart might have a flaw.

Of course, this is not a bad thing.

Once he survives this disaster, his future achievements will be limitless.

"That's the truth, but I just can't accept it..."

After listening to Brother Qin Cheng's words, Brother Mu Feng looked at the sword cultivator with a face full of reluctance, and couldn't help but sneered secretly.

He hated this group of sword madmen. They were arrogant and domineering on weekdays, but now they are like eggplants hit by frost.

Where did your previous awesomeness go?

Although Brother Mu Feng was also very depressed, as a demon cultivator, he was much more realistic.

Demon cultivators respect strength and worship the strong.

Although he lost face in the top 100 fight on the killing list this time.

But he achieved such a brilliant record with his strength, and Senior Brother Mu Feng still admired him very much.

Because this kid's strength is simply too strong.

He killed the top 100 elites on the demon killing list alone. Such a heaven-defying fighting power is unique even among the major demon sects in Jiuyoutian.

If it were him, it would be very difficult to face a "Golden Bone Thorn Demon" alone, let alone kill it.

And he killed all the top 100 elites on the Demon Killing List all by himself.

This is what a human would do.

Anyway, Senior Brother Mu Feng couldn't figure out how this kid killed all the top 100 elites on the Demon Killing List.

Xue Gu, who was standing in the crowd, held the jade slip with a dull look on his face, and his body did not move for a long time.

Even if he exhausted all his imagination, he did not expect Su Fan to reach this point today.

Now this kid is no longer the inconspicuous foundation-building cultivator he was back then.

I guess the old monsters in Tongyoutian are regretting it now.

If the elders of the sect where Xue Gu is located had known the strength of this kid earlier, they would have wanted to hit their heads against the wall to death.

If they had been quicker and didn't let Kunxutian intercept him, then this kid would have been their Tongyoutian disciple.

This is a creation achievement, and it is also a supreme honor for Tongyoutian.

It's a pity that there is no "if" in this world, and Kunxutian, an inconspicuous little plane, actually took such a big advantage.

When the sect learned that this kid was intercepted by someone, they didn't take it too seriously.

If they had known that he was so rebellious, the old demons in Tongyoutian would have rushed into Kunxutian to get this kid back even if they didn't hesitate to start a plane war.

At this moment, under the light curtains of various places in Kunxutian, it has already become a sea of ​​joy.

Especially the disciples of Chunjun Demon Sect, they were so excited that they were almost crazy. They were all shouting at the top of their lungs.

"I am the human race in the Qingkong Star Region, mighty..."

"I am a Kunxutian cultivator, mighty..."

"I am a Chunjun Demon Sect cultivator, mighty..."

A series of earth-shaking shouts rose and fell in various places in Kunxutian, shaking the four fields.

Many people's voices had long been hoarse, and some people were already in tears with excitement, but no one cared about these at all. They shouted for nearly a day before they stopped.

Today, Kunxutian and Chunjun Demon Sect are both famous throughout the Qingkong Star Region.

What a great honor this is. For Kunxutian and Chunjun Demon Sect, it is absolutely unprecedented and will never be repeated.

Su Fan and Li Dong came to the outside of the valley. He turned his head and looked at the guy behind him.

Since he knew his identity, this guy has been walking behind him like a follower.

In order to break the awkward atmosphere, he chatted with him for a few words.

Who knew that when this guy talked to him, he was so nervous that he didn't even dare to breathe.

Su Fan was a little envious of Li Dong's several super formations, so he tried to ask if he could buy a similar formation from him.

Who knew that this guy didn't even think about it, and took out a super fairy formation with 9981 formation flags and stuffed it directly into Su Fan's hand.

Su Fan certainly wouldn't ask for it for nothing, he didn't lack good things in his hands.

But he didn't want to trade with him at all, he just wanted to give the formation to Su Fan, as if he would be angry if you gave me money.

Su Fan was dumbfounded, he still had to make friends with the rich in the future.

The super fairy formation with 9981 formation flags was given away without blinking an eye, how rich he must be.

Su Fan couldn't make such a good thing for nothing.

In the end, Su Fan still forced some materials from high-level demons to the other party, including the essence of the heart and blood of demon assassins such as the "Shadow Ghost Clan".

This thing is not easy to make, Li Dong certainly couldn't refuse, and later gave Su Fan a fairy formation with 8864 formation flags.

There is no way, not accepting it means looking down on others.

Su Fan was also very worried, isn't it just killing some demons, do you have to be like this?

How could he know that the heaven-defying record he achieved was absolutely amazing in Li Dong's eyes, and it had shattered his previous worldview.

Li Dong came from a famous family, and he was also seen in the market.

But he had never heard of anyone who could do such a stunning feat before.

In the world of cultivation, strength is respected, and it is not shameful to worship the strong.

The results of the three races in the Space-Time Arena have not been announced yet, so Su Fan turned the tide and created a feat of unprecedented merit, but the human cultivators in the arena don’t know it yet.

If Li Dong knew that Su Fan saved the human cultivators in the Space-Time Arena, this guy might kowtow to him.

Seeing this guy always look cautious in front of him, Su Fan is also helpless.

This is why he doesn’t want to be famous. He is always in trouble all day long, and he never stops.

“Brother, please wait a moment, I will go in and tell them first…”

After Li Dong finished speaking, he ran a few steps and entered the valley first.

What the hell…

Tell them, is it necessary.

Su Fan shook his head. These disciples of the Immortal Sect have so many things to do all day long.

He stepped forward and walked into the valley.

But when he walked into the valley, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

All the human cultivators in the valley stood at the entrance of the valley and lined up.

Senior Brother Qin Cheng and Senior Brother Mu Feng, who were standing in the front, bowed at the same time.

"Welcome Senior Brother Su Fan..."

After the two finished speaking, they bowed deeply to Su Fan.

"Welcome Senior Brother Su Fan..."

Then, all the human cultivators behind them also shouted loudly and bowed deeply.

Su Fan only felt a buzzing sound in his head, and a stream of blood rushed into his brain. He felt that the blood in his body was hot.

It feels so damn good to be respected.

Damn, it seems that my state of mind has not been cultivated to the point yet.

Facing such a scene, it is impossible to be calm.

Not to mention that the Taishan Mountain collapsed in front of him and his face did not change, and the elk rose on the left and his eyes did not blink.

After a long while, he clasped his hands.

"Brothers, why do you have to do this..."

Brother Qin Cheng heard it and laughed: "It should be, brother has created such a shocking record, everyone is respectful..."

Brother Mu Feng did not say so much nonsense, but raised his hand.

"Brother, please..."

Su Fan smiled and nodded, and walked into the valley.

Brother Qin Cheng and Brother Mu Feng followed him, and behind them were other human cultivators.

At the end of the valley, there were several low tables placed by a pond, filled with various spiritual wines and spiritual foods.

There were only ten people attending the banquet, all of whom were the top ten cultivators on the Human Race Killing List. The others were not even qualified to sit at the table.

Su Fan naturally sat at the top, Senior Brother Qin Cheng and Senior Brother Mu Feng sat next to him, and the others sat at the bottom.

Facing a group of proud sons of heaven from famous families, Su Fan really had no intention of socializing with them.

He himself was not good at socializing, and Senior Brother Qin Cheng and several other sword cultivators did not have a good EQ. Fortunately, Senior Brother Mu Feng was a community leader, and the atmosphere of the banquet was acceptable with him.

The banquet did not last long, and the jade slips of Su Fan and others began to vibrate.

He took out the jade slip from the ring and placed it on his forehead.

"The battle arena of the top 100 of the killing list of the human and demon races is closed..."

As a voice came, the figures of the hundreds of human cultivators in the valley began to slowly fade.

Su Fan once again experienced the feeling of being lost, as if he had fallen into a deep abyss, falling down.

With a "bang".

Su Fan fell to the ground. He got up and found that this was exactly where he left.

He took out the jade slip from his ring and put it on his forehead again. He found that the situation in the space-time arena had not changed.

The war between the demon elite and the golden insect race had no intention of stopping. They were still killing each other.

Both sides were angry and had the momentum to not stop until they killed each other.

The human cultivators in the space-time arena finally had a chance to take a breath and gathered in dozens of strongholds to accumulate strength.

They were waiting for the result of the war between the demon elite and the golden insect race. No matter which side won, the human cultivators would concentrate their strength to take advantage of the fire.

Every human cultivator in the space-time arena was holding back a fire in his heart.

In the first few days after entering the arena, tens of thousands of human cultivators died under the siege of the demons and insects. This hatred could not be avenged.

But how the human cultivators in the space-time arena fought had nothing to do with him.

He alone saved the human race from crisis, not only killing all the elite assassins of the demon race, but also slaughtering all the top 100 elites on the demon race's killing list.

These achievements he made saved at least tens of thousands of human elites in the time and space arena.

Su Fan has done enough, what else do you want him to do.

In the next few months, Su Fan plans to find a beautiful place and spend the rest of his days leisurely.

You guys fight your own battles, anyway, I won't play with you anymore.

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