Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 423: Taking advantage of the chaos to kill

Senior Brother Qin Cheng turned his head and glanced at Senior Brother Mu Feng beside him.

"Daoyou, since the demons are here, let's also make some arrangements..."

Senior Brother Mu Feng nodded and said, "Daoyou, you should make the decision, and we will do it..."

Hearing what Senior Brother Mu Feng said, Senior Brother Qin Cheng nodded. At this time, he didn't want to refuse anymore. He turned around and began to issue orders.

The disciples of the Immortal Sect who mainly practiced the Dao of Formation and Puppetry established a simple defense line outside the valley and arranged several formations.

The disciples of the Demon Sect and the Ghost Sect summoned contracted beasts and ghost slaves, and arranged them around the valley for alert.

Nearly a hundred human cultivators had experienced fierce battles when they first entered the time and space arena, so they cooperated with each other very tacitly.

They did their best and soon established a defense line outside the valley, and formed teams to guard various positions on the defense line.

While all the human cultivators in the valley were busy, no one noticed that a layer of mist was spreading in the valley.

Su Fan used his demonized body and had sneaked into the valley.

At this time, only by temporarily hiding in the valley where human cultivators gathered could the demons be attracted.

As long as the human cultivators and the demon elites fought, he would take advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack.

Although the human cultivators in the arena could not compare with the demon elites in terms of individual strength, the human cultivators were definitely better in terms of team combat.

Moreover, the human cultivators were also proficient in various cultivation skills such as elixir, talisman, weapon, formation and puppet. Even if the demon elites and the golden insects were endless, they could still resist the attacks of the two races by relying on the terrain.

Especially in this killing list top 100 fighting arena, the number of the two races was equal. Once the human cultivators gathered together, they were really not afraid of these demon elites.

The cultivators in the top 100 of the human killing list were mostly the most powerful sword cultivators and demon cultivators.

A few immortal sect disciples were also cultivators who were responsible for assisting and good at firepower output in the team, such as disciples of the talisman, formation, puppet and beast taming sects.

The human cultivators acted quickly, and when a large number of demon elites arrived, they were already ready.

The demon cultivators and physical cultivators were arranged at the forefront of the defense line, the immortal sect cultivators were at the back of the defense line, and the sword cultivators were the reserve team, ready to rush up to support the weak points of the defense line at any time.

Not only that, the sword cultivators had a more important task, which was air defense.

The flying races in the demon race were extremely fierce and had extremely powerful ground attack capabilities. Among the human cultivators, only sword cultivators could deal with them.


At this time, a loud noise came from outside the valley, and the demons launched an attack on the formation arranged outside.

The few demons who rushed to the front were the most powerful "Golden Bone Thorn Demon" and "Black Bone Violent Demon". They swung huge bone sticks and smashed the spiritual shield supported by the formation.

These two races are the races with the strongest melee ability and defense among the demons.

The formations arranged by the human cultivators in a hurry could not last long and were broken by the demons.

Fortunately, several formation cultivators of the human race arranged several formations in succession, and until now, they have been arranging formation flags everywhere.

Other human cultivators also relied on the formations to continuously control magic weapons and talismans, and smashed them into the demons outside the formations.


The shield of the first formation arranged by the human cultivators outside the valley was broken by the demons.

The human cultivators who had been prepared quickly retreated to the aura shield of the second formation and continued to fight.

At this time, the cultivators of the two races who were fighting fiercely did not notice that a thin layer of mist was quietly spreading over the formation shield that had just been broken, and then dissipated behind the demon elites.

Su Fan has killed more than 30 of the top 100 demons in the arena.

At this moment, the most powerful "Golden Bone Thorn Demon" and "Black Bone Violent Demon" are in the front, followed by "Curved Horn Demon" and "One-Horned Mad Demon".

Flying races such as "Black Winged Ghost Demon" and "Filthy Blood Winged Demon" are hovering in the air, swooping down from time to time to release magical powers to the human cultivators on the ground.

At the back are some demon elites with weak bodies but very powerful magical powers such as "Tarsal Poison Demon" and "Black Mist Yin Demon".

Even for demons with weak bodies, it is relatively difficult for ordinary human cultivators to break their defense.

Of course, Su Fan, the pervert, is an exception.

At this time, Su Fan, who is in a mist state, has already controlled a thin layer of mist, which has spread to the back of the demon elites.

Because they are in a fierce battlefield, the demon elites are all attacking the formation shield of the human cultivators, so they did not notice Su Fan's invisible state.

In the eyes of the demon elites, Su Fan must have joined the human cultivators in the valley.

So the demon elites in the arena launched a crazy attack on the human defense line outside the valley, without realizing the danger.

Su Fan lifted the atomization state and used the demonization state of "Shadow Demon".

There was no way, the demons in the arena had found a way to deal with the atomization state, so he could only settle for the next best thing.

But it was enough to deal with these demons who stayed behind the battle formation.

A "Black Mist Demon" behind the demon battle formation was constantly using his magical powers to throw fog balls at the formation of the human defense line.

This kind of fog ball was extremely powerful, and each time it could corrode a large piece of the spiritual shield of the human formation.

Suddenly, the mist in the air turned into a sharp blade, which instantly cut across the neck of the "Black Mist Demon", and the dark devil blood splashed everywhere.

Most of the neck of the "Black Mist Demon" was almost cut off, and the huge demon fell to the ground with a bang.

"Woo... Woo..."

Several demons nearby found that their kind were attacked and killed, and they all roared loudly.

These demons were weak in body. They had seen Su Fan's strength. Now there was no protection from the "Golden Bone Thorn Demon" and "Black Bone Violent Demon", so they all panicked.

They took out handfuls of black sand and kept throwing it around, but it had no effect at all.

Su Fan started to sneak, changing positions back and forth between the demons, and the black sand thrown by the demons could not fall on him at all.

How could Su Fan miss this opportunity? He hid in the air again, and one demon elite after another was ambushed and killed by him.

Because he had seen the powerful magical powers of the "Black Mist Demon", several "Black Mist Demons" became his priority targets.

In a short while, more than a dozen demon elites died under Su Fan's sneak attack.

For Su Fan, the most difficult to sneak attack are melee races such as "Golden Bone Thorn Demon" and "Black Bone Violent Demon".

Because the defense is too strong, Su Fan's sneak attack is difficult to kill with one blow.

To deal with powerful demons such as "Golden Bone Thorn Demon" and "Black Bone Violent Demon", he can only fight hard.

But facing demons with weak bodies such as "Tarsal Poison Demon" and "Black Mist Demon", it is much easier.

The demons in the dense forest were seen, and their vital parts such as the neck were cut by a sharp blade that suddenly appeared from time to time, and huge demons kept falling down.

The chaos in the rear finally made the demon elites who were attacking in the front react.

Several "Golden Bone Thorn Demons" rushed to the rear carrying bone shields and bone hammers, but Su Fan had long disappeared by then.

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