Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 404 Can't he just have a meal in peace?

Su Fan broke out in a cold sweat when he thought of such a large area, gathering hundreds of thousands of elites from three races.

This also strengthened his previous idea, that is, to find a hidden place to hide himself.

Thinking of this, Su Fan took out the cooking utensils and stoves from the ring and began to reward himself.

During the months of the journey in the star field, because it was not convenient to start a fire in the cabin, he had been living on dry food, and his mouth had long been dry.

The world is big, and eating is the most important.

Su Fan made a fire and cooked for himself, stewed a large pot of fifth-level wild beast meat, fried a few delicious side dishes, and took out a jar of spirit wine.

After tossing for more than half an hour, he found a flat ground in the cave and put on the ground table, and slowly put all kinds of food on the table.

Su Fan sat cross-legged in front of the ground table and rubbed his hands excitedly.

The tempting aroma came to his nose, and Su Fan, who had not eaten hot meals for several months, almost drooled.

Su Fan picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of stewed wild beast meat, and wanted to put it into his mouth.

"Boom... Boom..."

He was about to put the wild beast meat into his mouth, but he didn't expect that there were sudden earth-shaking noises outside the cave.

Caught off guard, Su Fan didn't hold the chopsticks firmly, and the wild beast meat fell to the ground.

"Master, there are so many demons and insects falling from the sky, and a big guy landed not far from us..."

At this time, Sister Zhen, who was on guard outside, sent a thought.

It seems that his guess was right. The elites of the demons and insects have just entered the time and space arena.

Su Fan shook his head, picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of wild beast meat. Just as he was about to put it into his mouth, he received another thought from Sister Zhen.

"Master, the big guy not far from us is a disgusting big bug. It has drilled into the ground..."

This big bug is also an old cunt. It must be hiding underground, waiting to attack someone.

"Got it. You stay alert and report immediately if there is any situation..."

Su Fan smiled bitterly. He didn't have anything to worry about. After all, he was not as carefree as other human cultivators.

Moreover, he used the "Nine Nether Hiding Technique" and hid in a cave in the mountains.

Not only that, he also arranged two hidden magic arrays outside the cave, and Sister Zhen and Yaksha were on guard outside. He was confident that the demons and insects could not find him at all.

Thinking of this, Su Fan picked up the wild beast meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

Who knew that just as he put it to his mouth, a sudden violent tremor came from his feet, and the cave began to tremble slightly, and the gravel and dust on it scattered.

Su Fan waved his hand quickly and propped up a spiritual shield.

Fortunately, he was quick, otherwise these gravel and dust would have fallen into the dishes on the table.

Damn, that big bug was too noisy, couldn't he be allowed to eat a meal in peace?

Su Fan cursed inwardly and raised his chopsticks to his mouth again.


Before he could eat anything, the huge cave was instantly torn into pieces, and Su Fan felt that his whole body was lifted up.

Then, a horn several feet long emerged from the ground.

Su Fan didn't even think about it, and a flash of blood appeared on his body. He had disappeared from the spot and escaped from the cave.

He threw away the chopsticks in his hand, crushed two third-level amulets, and then took out the magic sword from the ring, staring at the cave opposite.

I have been struggling for more than an hour, and I haven't eaten a single bite.

If I don't kill you today, I will take your surname.


There was another loud noise, and the cave in front of him no longer existed. Then a huge head appeared, and the giant insect raised its head high, revealing its true body.

This elite insect race is more than ten feet long, and its body shape is very similar to the long-horned giant beetle in the previous life. It is light brown all over, with dark golden star spots on its back shell.

Its body is covered with hideous bone spurs, especially the huge black horn on its head, which is several feet long.

Its skin is as strong as if it were made of bronze, and its wheel-like one-eye stares at Su Fan with a hint of contempt in its eyes.

"One-horned beetle, the golden race among the Zerg..."

Before entering the time and space arena, Su Fan read countless materials about the various races in the Qingkong Star Region in the secret hall of the Chunjun Demon Sect.

Especially the elite high-level demons and the golden race among the Zerg, he basically knows them all.

"One-horned beetle" is extremely powerful, and its shell can even resist the full force of the Nascent Soul cultivator, and it also has several earth-related magical powers such as mountain penetration, underground escape and earthquake.

Its attack power is nothing, but its defense is too strong, which is simply unsolvable for ordinary human cultivators, because they can't break the defense at all.

No matter if you are gold or silver, if you delay my meal, I will kill you anyway.

Before the "One-horned Beetle" crawled out of the mountain, Su Fan's figure had already appeared in the air, holding up the magic sword with both hands and slashing down fiercely.

"Wuji Slash..."

An extremely majestic momentum rose to the sky, and it slashed down with a terrifying killing intent.


The whole world seemed to be split in half by this sword.

The sky shattered, and the sky was torn apart.

The dark clouds that originally covered the sky suddenly parted, and the extremely terrifying sword intent instantly landed on the shell of the "One-horned Beetle".


There was a sharp collision sound, and the terrifying sword intent that Su Fan used had already cut a crack in the carapace of the "One-horned Beetle".

The "One-horned Beetle" let out a shrill scream, and its whole body rolled violently, unable to withstand the power of this sword.

As expected of the golden race among the Zerg, it actually resisted this sword.

Su Fan was about to use another sword to completely solve this guy, but who would have thought that the huge body of the "One-horned Beetle" instantly sank into the ground.

Suddenly, Su Fan's hair exploded, and a flash of blood appeared on his body, and he disappeared from the spot.

Almost at the same time, a hideous black and shiny giant horn suddenly drilled out from the ground, almost sticking to Su Fan's body and piercing through.

Su Fan appeared in the air again, and the big sword slashed down again.

"Against the wind..."

The whole space became distorted, and the surrounding air stagnated instantly. As a flash of sword light passed, the sharp sword intent passed through, making a sharp whistling sound.


This sword cut a gully several meters deep in the ground, and completely shattered the shell of the "unicorn beetle" underground.

Su Fan's eyes condensed, and a lightning flashed out, rushing straight to the "unicorn beetle" underground.

"Explosive sword..."

The "Thunder Sword" with manic lightning and thunder suddenly came, and pierced into the body of the "unicorn beetle".

The "Thunder Sword" wrapped in lightning and thunder raged wildly in the body of the "unicorn beetle", and endless violent thunder burst.

The "unicorn beetle", which originally wanted to use the earth-escaping magic to escape, instantly froze there.

Su Fan certainly couldn't miss this opportunity. He held the magic sword with both hands and stabbed it into the head of the "unicorn beetle".


The Tao seeds in his body spun loudly, and countless hot anode evil spirits, cold bone-eroding winds, violent thunder and lightning, and cold nine-hell mysterious waters rushed into the head of the "unicorn beetle" along the magic sword.

In just a few breaths, the "unicorn beetle" lost its vitality and lay motionless on the ground.

At this moment, all the "unicorn beetles" in the time and space arena began to roar loudly. They had sensed the death of a certain fellow tribe.

Su Fan pulled the magic sword out of the head of the "unicorn beetle", held the horn tightly with both hands, and dragged it out of the ground with a sudden force.

This is the golden insect race. If you take it back, you will definitely be able to sell it for a lot of spirit stones.

He patted an inconspicuous pocket on his waist, and the huge body of the "unicorn beetle" disappeared instantly.

The pocket on Su Fan's waist is one of the three treasures he chose from the secret library of Chunjun Demon Sect.

This pocket is called "Qingpan Treasure Bag". It looks inconspicuous, but the space is three thousand square meters.

Because the bodies of the demons and insects are extremely large, the Baifang ring can't hold much, so when he saw this "Qingpan Treasure Bag", he took it for himself without hesitation.

Although the "Unicorn Beetle" of the Golden Zerg is quite resistant, it is just so-so in Su Fan's eyes.

But at this moment, Su Fan thought of a problem. He was hiding well in a cave deep in the mountains. How did this "Unicorn Beetle" find him?

He frowned and took out the jade slip and put it on his forehead.


After just one look, Su Fan's eyes suddenly went black, and he saw that the red circle on the map was densely covered with light spots of various colors.

This is fucking...

It seems that it is impossible to fish in the time and space arena.

From the color of the light spots on the map, it can be distinguished that the golden ones are Zerg and the red ones are Demons, because these two colors of light spots are the most.

And the "unicorn beetle" he just killed has turned into a flashing golden light spot, which flashed for a while and then disappeared from the map.

You don't have to guess that the blue light spots with the least number must be human cultivators.

Before coming here, Su Fan had a beautiful idea, thinking about finding a place to hide and do nothing, but now it seems impossible.

The positions of all the cultivators in the time and space arena have already appeared clearly within the red circle, so how can he find a place to hide?

The time and space arena is too cruel. There is no other choice here except fighting to the death.

At this time, there are many red light spots around, approaching him.

Su Fan sighed, it seems that he can't hide. No matter where he hides, these demon elites can easily find his position.

Since there is no other choice, let's fight.

Su Fan let out a long breath and put the jade slip on his forehead again.

After a while, he put away the jade slip, and a flash of blood appeared on his body, and his figure disappeared from the spot.

The space-time arena that takes place once every hundred years in the Qingkong Star Region is an extremely grand day for all creatures in the entire star region.

At this moment, all the human sects and immortal cities in all the major planes of the Qingkong Star Region have propped up huge light curtains.

It was like the New Year in all places, and all the human cultivators gathered under the light curtains, waiting for the opening of the space-time arena.

Although Su Fan had just killed the golden insects cleanly, there was no shadow on the light curtains of the major planes of the human race at this time.

Because the space-time arena had just begun, the first to appear on the light curtains were the real-time images of the cultivators from various super planes.

Su Fan, a cultivator from Kunxutian, was almost not paid attention to by anyone.

Just like Weibo in his previous life, his traffic was not enough and he could not be on the hot search at all.

Of course, as the battle in the space-time arena continues, the people who appear on the light screen next will be determined by their own battle records.

Several demon elites on the map are approaching him quickly. Instead of running away, Su Fan rushed towards a demon elite.

Although he is confident in his own strength, he also tries his best to avoid being surrounded and beaten by two demons.

No matter how many ways he comes, I will only go one way.

After several blood escapes, Su Fan has seen a demon in the distance, whistling towards him.

This demon is more than ten meters tall, and each step can take several feet away. All the towering ancient trees and boulders that block its way forward are crushed by this demon.

The blood light on Su Fan's body flashed again, and he instantly appeared within tens of meters of the opponent.

Before he launched an attack, he saw the air on the opposite side suddenly twisted, and a golden halo visible to the flesh instantly spread.

Wherever the golden light circle passed, the densely packed towering ancient trees fell down like wheat being cut, and the hills and slopes also collapsed one after another.

This is fucking...

I didn't expect that the magical power launched by this demon elite would be so terrifying.

Although it was dozens of meters away from Su Fan, the golden light circle arrived in an instant. Su Fan did not dare to resist it and quickly launched the blood escape to avoid its sharp edge.

But what he didn't expect was that the golden light circle suddenly exploded and turned into a golden light mist, instantly enveloping Su Fan.

Su Fan had just appeared from the air, and the overwhelming golden light mist had already rushed towards him. In a hurry, he took out a piece of bone armor that was dozens of meters square from the ring and blocked it in front of him.


Countless golden sand grains hit the bone armor of the fifth-level wild beast that was several meters thick, leaving fist-sized holes on the bone armor.

Moreover, these golden sand grains were extremely corrosive, constantly corroding the bone armor, making a creepy sizzling sound.


Su Fan and the several-meter-thick bone armor fell to the ground almost at the same time. He kicked the ground with his right foot, and the several-meter-thick bone armor was pushed out by him, and he ran straight into the oncoming demon.

The demon had already rushed to the front, and before it could react, it was hit by the several-meter-thick bone armor.

The demon, more than ten meters tall, stretched out two thick forearms and pressed them on the bone armor, but the huge force plus inertia knocked it back again and again.


The demon raised his head and howled wildly, and his thick lower limbs kicked the ground fiercely, finally stabilizing his body.

But at this time, a sword light flashed behind the demon.

"Whirlwind Slash..."

The air within a radius of hundreds of meters seemed to be sucked away at once, and a whirlwind was instantly stirred up, and the sand, dust and gravel on the ground were swept up wildly, like a violent hurricane sweeping wildly.


The huge head of the demon race soared into the sky, and black blood splattered everywhere.

Bang! !

The demon race's head fell to the ground, and the huge demon drove fell to the ground with a bang.

Su Fan waved his hand to put the demon race elite into the "Qingpan Treasure Bag", then walked to the bone armor of the fifth-level wild beast and looked at the dense holes on it.

The golden insect race and demon race elites who can come to the time and space arena are really not given for nothing.

That is to say, if it were a human cultivator, he might have died in front of the magic power just displayed by the demon race.

The bone armor on the fifth-level wild beast was corroded into this state by the golden sand particles. The third-level protective talismans and top-grade magic weapons of the human race are estimated to be unable to resist.

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