Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 383 This is really the end

The magic boat has been in stealth mode for several days.

Su Fan sat cross-legged on the deck of the magic boat, leaning against the side of the boat to look down at the scenery below.

The Great Wilderness Realm is vast, with endless mountains everywhere, and endless primeval forests, covered with dense and towering ancient trees.

Even the plains and hilly areas are covered with dense forests or weeds as high as a person.

Countless wild beasts survive in such a complex terrain environment. Even in the air, there are hidden dangers. The huge flying wild beasts will hide in the clouds and wait for an opportunity to attack their prey.

Moreover, the wild beasts in the Great Wilderness Realm have a strong sense of territory. Each fifth-level wild beast has its own territory. Once the territory is invaded, it will summon the wild beasts in its territory to attack.

In order to expand the territory, the fifth-level wild beasts in each territory often fight.

Since the invasion of the Great Wilderness by the human race and the demon race, the fifth-level wild beasts that were originally fighting each other have also put aside their grievances and started to join forces to resist the invasion from foreign creatures.

When the human cultivators just occupied the base, they were counterattacked by more than ten fifth-level beast kings and countless wild beasts around them.

If it weren't for the timely arrival of the Yuanying Demon Lord who came to Kunxutian to reinforce, the base might have fallen completely, and even the plane channel could not be saved.

As long as I think of countless wild beasts dozens of meters high, howling and rushing over, the scene is simply unbearable to watch.

The wild beasts are huge in size. Although they have no magical powers and spells, their strong bodies and agile speed make all human cultivators feel difficult.

Even in the complex mountainous and dense forest terrain, these huge wild beasts are still walking on flat ground.

The impact of high-level wild beasts is unreasonable. Even the spiritual shield of the human defense formation can be broken by them.

The defense of the wild beast's body is extremely high. Unless it is a particularly powerful trump card, the spells, talismans and spiritual tools of the human cultivators are difficult to kill these huge wild beasts at once.

Even if several Jindan cultivators besiege a fourth-level wild beast, it will take a lot of mana and time to slowly grind it to death.

To put it bluntly, it has high defense and thick blood, is particularly resistant to attacks, and has extremely high resistance to spells of various attributes.

If you say that the wild beast is very strong, that is not necessarily true.

After all, the human demon monks have many means, and even if they can't beat them, they can easily escape from the battlefield.

But these stupid and rough wild beasts have fought with the powerful human and demon monks for decades.

Until today, the human and demon monks have only gained a foothold in the Great Wilderness, and it is difficult to continue to expand because they can't fight anymore.

Let alone occupying the entire Great Wilderness, it is good enough to be able to defend their own control area.

Su Fan took out a storage bag, which contained the supplies for this mission.

His eyes condensed, and he scanned it with his spiritual sense, and was stunned.

In order to complete this mission, Senior Brother Daoling and Senior Sister Suyun were really willing to spend money.

Among these supplies, various auxiliary materials were actually third-level top-grade elixirs and talismans, and there was also a fourth-level invisibility talisman.

The effect of the fourth-level invisibility talisman is very amazing. It can not only hide the body, but also isolate sound and smell.

In addition, everyone is equipped with a communication device that can be hung on the ear, so that they can talk to each other within the team.

Su Fan had a bad premonition in his heart, thinking that this mission should not be so simple.

Whatever happens, anyway, I'm here.

Thinking of this, Su Fan closed his eyes and fell asleep in a while.

At midnight, Su Fan heard the voice of Senior Brother Daoling.

"My fellow disciples, the destination of this mission is ahead, everyone get ready..."

After hearing his words, everyone on the magic boat became nervous and stood up one after another.

Su Fan also stood up and lay on the side of the boat looking at the dark night.

The cultivators on the magic boat gathered in groups of three or five, and even the newly joined physical cultivators formed their own small circles, only Su Fan was alone.

But he didn't care, but thought it was good.

The magic boat traveled through the dark night, and its speed slowed down significantly, and finally landed in a slightly flat place.

Su Fan followed everyone down the magic boat and gathered around Brother Daoling.

Several disciples who practiced ghost and demon ways summoned ghost slaves and contracted beasts to spread out around to conduct reconnaissance and alert for the team.

"My fellow brothers, we are on an expedition. According to reliable information, an expedition team found 'Purple Brilliant Gold' in a cave in the valley ahead last year, but they returned empty-handed because they encountered a nearby wild beast..."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard what Brother Daoling said.

"Purple Brilliant Gold" is not an ordinary material for making tools. At least it is very scarce in the Kunxutian mine, and the mine of "Purple Brilliant Gold" is accompanied by an extremely rare material "Purple Brilliant Refined Gold".

Even a small amount is sky-high. If it appears on the market, it is a treasure that even the Nascent Soul Demon Lord will be tempted.

After Brother Daoling finished speaking, he glanced at everyone.

"Although the two Nascent Soul Demon Lords guarding the base went to scout, they alarmed the nearby fifth-level wild beasts and aroused the vigilance of the surrounding fifth-level wild beasts..."

Su Fan understood that their expedition mission this time was actually to verify whether the "Purple Brilliant Gold" mine existed.

The aura of the Nascent Soul Demon Lord was too strong, which could easily attract the attention of the fifth-level wild beasts.

Although the fifth-level wild beasts have no magical powers or spells, they are extremely sensitive to breath and can sense the presence of human Yuanying even from thousands of miles away.

"There is a group of 'Hyaenodonts' lurking around the valley ahead, and there is a nest of 'Winged Wind Beasts' on the top of a nearby mountain. Because of the long-term battle with the human race, the wild beasts are extremely sensitive to the breath of human cultivators. Everyone must be careful and never alarm the nearby wild beasts."

Before coming to the Great Wilderness, Su Fan had looked up various materials in detail and had already known the characteristics of various wild beasts.

"Hyaenodonts" are fourth-level wild beasts, and they look very similar to the velociraptors of the Jurassic era in the previous life, but their size is several times larger.

Although the size of "Hyaenodonts" is not large, the entire tribe is very large, and hundreds of them gather together at any time.

"Hyaenodonts" are not only extremely powerful and extremely fast, but also very ferocious by nature. Even those huge wild beasts dare not provoke them.

The "Winged Wind Beast" is even more difficult to deal with. It is a fourth-level flying wild beast with a wingspan of nearly ten meters and an incredibly fast dive speed. The human race suffered a lot from them in the past.

The "Winged Wind Beast" tribe is also very large, and there are often more than a hundred of them living in each nest.

Moreover, this flying wild beast has an amazing ability. Even in the dark night, these "Winged Wind Beasts" can use ultrasound to determine the location of prey.

Both of these wild beasts are difficult to deal with. Even if only one is startled, it will cause a whole nest of them. If it is in the wild, it is okay, but if it is in the cave, it will be troublesome.

Su Fan finally understood why Senior Brother Dao Ling and Senior Sister Su Yun wanted to find a physical cultivator.

Once the team was blocked in the cave, facing the siege of hundreds of "Hyaenodon" with strong flesh, if there is no meat shield physical cultivator to open the way, they can only be trapped in the cave.

To be honest, this expedition mission is quite dangerous.

This also made Su Fan frown, and suddenly felt that the other party did not give much.

Although the wild beasts in the Great Wilderness have no magical powers or spells, these stupid and rough wild beasts have extremely sensitive sense of smell and hearing, and can even hear and smell sounds and smells dozens of miles away.

Even the slightest movement can arouse their vigilance.

Moreover, the wild beasts also have night vision ability, even in the pitch-black night where you can't see your hand in front of your face, it is still as bright as day. It is said that the wild beasts can also determine the location of the target through the heat of the human body.

This is really against the sky, it is simply the function of night vision and thermal imaging.

But since we are here, we can't just give up at this time.

"Among the supplies sent to you, there is a fourth-level invisibility talisman. Everyone take it out and use it..."

After listening to Brother Daoling's words, Su Fan smiled bitterly. In order to complete this task, Brother Daoling also fought hard.

There are more than 20 fourth-level talismans in total, which cost a lot of spirit stones.

Everyone took out a talisman from their rings and slapped it on their bodies, and then they saw that the figures suddenly became illusory and disappeared into the air.

"Let's go..."

Su Fan heard the voice of Brother Daoling in his ears, and then followed the direction of the other party's voice.

This is a large area of ​​virgin forest, and there is no sunlight all year round. It is extremely difficult to trek in such an environment.

Many leaves fell on the ground and slowly rotted. Many branches were buried in the rotten soil. If you are not careful, you will trip over these dead branches.

The branches and leaves in the forest are dense, and some wet rotten wood is covered with dense black fungus, and many tree roots are covered with light brown moss.

Moreover, the forest is very humid. Stepping on the soft rotten soil in the forest, it seems that every step can step out of water, and some insects will drill out of the rotten leaves and flee.

Looking at the insects crawling into the grass, Su Fan felt a little alert.

These fleeing insects wouldn't expose their tracks, but he thought it was unlikely, so he didn't take it seriously.

The entire team was in stealth mode, and they often bumped into each other when they were walking.

Fortunately, after walking for a while, everyone slowly adapted, trying to keep a certain distance from each other and follow the footprints left in front.

Su Fan walked at the end, with nothing in front of him, only footprints that kept appearing, which made him feel particularly weird.

The further he went, the more traces of wild beasts in the dense forest.

Huge footprints, broken ancient trees, broken branches, and the roars of wild beasts from time to time made everyone nervous.

Everyone walked hard in the dense forest for nearly an hour before they came to the outside of the valley.

"Everyone rest here for half an hour..."

The voice of Brother Daoling came again in his ears. Su Fan found a thick ancient tree to lean on, and the disciples of the team were similar to him, because the surrounding trunks or branches were pressed with marks.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that they were lucky. The people's whereabouts were not discovered by the wild beasts nearby.

In fact, as long as they were not discovered by the wild beasts, they would have basically completed more than half of the mission. Once they alarmed the wild beasts of two species, it would be really troublesome.

If it was just a group of "Hyaenodonts", it would not be a big deal. At most, they could just control the flying magic weapon and retreat.

The most difficult thing was the nest of "Winged Wind Beasts" on the top of the nearby mountain. Once they were alarmed, no matter whether they were controlling the flying magic weapon or riding the magic boat, they could not escape the crazy pursuit of the "Winged Wind Beasts".

If that really happened, they could only rush out.

But the sky is the home ground of flying wild beasts. If these "winged wind beasts" really target them, not many of the disciples in the team will be able to return.

Just die, no one is familiar with him anyway.

Su Fan was not worried at all about his own safety.

In the air, he has the invisible "Ghost Crow" as his mount, and on the ground, he can use blood escape to escape easily.

Su Fan was most worried about the cave. Once they were trapped in it, it would be the end of the world.

If the fifth-level desolate beast is lured here again, then everyone should just go to sleep.

Just dig in and bury yourself, and it will be over.

Time passed quickly, and half an hour came in the blink of an eye, and Senior Brother Dao Ling's voice came to my ears again.

"Okay, let's set off and try to enter the cave before dawn..."

Just as Su Fan was about to follow the footsteps in front of him, he suddenly turned his head and saw a movement among the branches not far away, as if a group of black spots scattered and flew away.

He suddenly became alert. Could it be that, as he thought, the insects in the woods would inform those wild beasts?

Although Su Fan thought this idea was nonsense, his intuition told him that his guess was right.

Su Fan's eyes narrowed, and his consciousness was completely released, spreading around.

The dense forest with a radius of several hundred feet was very quiet, not even a trace of sound or breath existed, and the roars of beasts that came from time to time just now seemed to have not been heard for a long time.

At this time, the quieter it is, the more abnormal it is.

"Senior Brother Daoling, we may have been discovered..."

"Have you discovered anything..."

Su Fan hesitated for a moment, and finally told his guess.

As a result, he was ridiculed by everyone in the team. After all, there were many ghost slaves and contracted beasts surrounding him for reconnaissance and warning. Even if there was any slightest sign of trouble, they would be alerted.

Su Fan also felt it was unreasonable. If there was a problem, those ghost slaves and contract beasts would have warned them long ago.

"Junior Brother Su Fan is not wrong. It is right to wake him up more. Junior Brother who practices the ghost way will release some ghost slaves and let them go as far away as possible to guard."

After listening to Senior Brother Daoling's words, I saw ghostly shadows drifting into the distance, and after a while they disappeared into the dark night.

Su Fan sighed, don't believe it if you don't believe it.

In fact, even he himself didn't believe it, but he knew that his intuition would not lie to him, and it was quite contradictory anyway.

But if he really got it right, it would be really exciting.

What surprised him was that Senior Sister Suyun, who usually found fault with him, did not mock him.

After such an episode, the team moved on.

Fortunately, what Su Fan was worried about did not happen, and the team successfully arrived at the cave in the valley before dawn.

He also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of his worries.

It doesn't matter that he was laughed at a few times by everyone, as long as nothing happened, it would be best. Now it seems that he is worrying too much.

Su Fan looked at the huge cave in front of him. The entrance was more than ten feet high, and the inside was pitch black and seemed very deep.

"Leave a few ghost slaves to guard outside the cave, call the rest back, and let them go deep into the cave for reconnaissance..."

After listening to Senior Brother Daoling's words, the ghost cultivators in the team quickly recalled the ghost slaves scattered around and asked them to go deep into the cave.

After a while, the ghost slave who went deep into the cave sent back the message that everything in the cave was normal.

"Everyone remove the invisibility charm and follow me into the cave..."

As soon as Senior Brother Dao Ling finished speaking, figures suddenly appeared from the air, and then followed him into the cave.

Su Fan was still walking at the back of the team. As soon as he entered the cave, he felt a cold, whooshing wind blowing against his face.

It was pitch dark inside the cave, but to the Jindan monks, it was no different from the outside.

This is a natural cave with jagged rocks and strange stalactites piled up naturally. The passages in the cave are also winding and have many forks.

Suddenly, Su Fan turned around and stared outside the cave.

"Senior Brother Daoling, a large number of 'hyena-toothed beasts' rushed in from outside the valley and have blocked the entrance of the cave..."

A ghost monk received the warning from the ghost slave and shouted loudly.

Senior Brother Daoling's expression changed immediately, and he asked loudly: "What, you said that the wild beast blocked the cave..."

At this time, there was a sound behind them, and several contract beasts who were on guard outside also rushed into the cave. Among them, a palm-sized bird landed on its master's shoulder.

The demon monk quickly took out a pill and fed it to the bird, and then began to communicate with his contracted beast.

"Senior Brother Daoling, the 'Wind Wing Beast' on the top of the mountain has also flown down..."

Everyone fell silent after hearing what the demon monk said.

Even the most unsighted person could guess that they might have been discovered by the wild beast a long time ago.

In order to prevent them from escaping, these wild beasts have not launched an attack.

It wasn't until they entered the cave that wild beasts roared out from all directions, blocking them in the cave.

Su Fan couldn't help but sigh, but he didn't expect that he guessed it right.

This is really the end.

It seems that these stupid and crude wild beasts are not stupid at all. They are still very smart. They actually picked up the art of war later than them.

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