Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 375 What a great place!

Su Fan left the Dharma Hall and came to his new cave accompanied by Qiu Zhi.

The cave chosen by Qiu Daoquan for him was not far from the "Moyun Peak", and it took about an hour to control the magic weapon.

He knew Su Fan well, and deliberately chose a relatively remote place with few people within a radius of dozens of miles.

Although the location was remote, the spiritual energy around the cave was very abundant.

Anyway, Su Fan was very satisfied with his new cave.

Qiu Zhi sent Su Fan outside the cave and left. Su Fan watched the other's back leave, then turned around and looked at the scenery around the cave.

The first thing that came into view was a valley, with dense bamboo forests occupying the entire mountain.

The lush mist rose, like a layer of emerald green gauze covering the entire mountain, rendering an extraordinary scene of immortals.

In front of the valley is a spacious flat hill, lying quietly between the peaks shrouded in clouds and mist, with dense grass and trees scattered far and near.

Not far away is a bottomless cliff. The stream originates from the mountain spring in the valley, gathers the trickles in the mountains, flows down the valley to form a waterfall, and hits a pool under the cliff, making a clear sound.

"What a great place..."

Su Fan walked towards the misty valley, took out the formation jade talisman from the ring, opened the formation and walked into the cave.

The valley covers an area of ​​about 100 acres and is an irregular narrow shape.

Here the stream gurgles, wild flowers bloom everywhere, the grass is lush, various trees are intertwined, and the vines that stretch from the sky to the ground are staggered.

The valley is obviously specially taken care of by someone. A cobblestone path winds its way to the deepest part of the valley.

Accompanied by the sound of insects chirping one after another, walking through the faint mist, it seems to be in another world.

Su Fan followed the gravel path to the deepest part of the valley. Through the gaps in the shade of the trees, he could see a small courtyard under the towering cliff in the distance.

There was also a two-acre spiritual field next to it, but it was abandoned for a long time and no one had taken care of it.

The cliff behind the courtyard was about fifty or sixty feet high, and there was a spiritual pond gurgling below.

Su Fan walked to the edge of the pond and saw a large piece of jade-like green water slowly rotating. The water was warm and transparent, the grass on the bank was moist as if dyed by dew, and there was a thin mist above the pool.

He nodded with satisfaction. This should be a branch of the spiritual vein. The concentration of spiritual energy is indeed extraordinary.

Su Fan came to the front of the courtyard and was stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw that the clear stones under the eaves of the gate were dripped with water holes by rain. The stone beasts guarding the gate were also eroded by the wind and mottled. The moss on the eaves of the door tiles completely turned the black tiles into green, revealing a sense of ancient vicissitudes.

This is the gate of the Chunjun Demon Sect. How could such a situation happen?

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. This small courtyard should have been moved from the secular world intact. Maybe the original owner of the cave was to commemorate his relatives in the secular world.

Su Fan pushed open the gate and walked in.

This small courtyard is no different from the courtyards in the secular world. There are three main rooms opposite and several side rooms on both sides.

There are six side rooms on both sides. The left side looks like a room for younger generations or servants, and the right side is a utility room, kitchen, toilet and other functional rooms.

Su Fan walked around inside. Although several rooms are fully equipped, they are purely for display. No one has moved the things in the house for a long time.

The main room is covered with blue bricks, and there is a brand new eight-immortal table, as well as a matching coffee table and long table, all with a wood fragrance.

The bedroom on the left is also paved with brand new blue bricks, with a bunk bed, wardrobe, hangers, and a set of tables, chairs and bookshelves.

The furnishings in the study on the right looked very simple, with only a table, a burner of incense, a painting, a cushion, a zither and a bookshelf.

All the furnishings here are no different from those in the secular world.

Su Fan couldn't help but sigh inwardly, this guy is really down-to-earth.

But after a careful look, he found that it was not the case at all.

No matter what, Su Fan can be regarded as a master of instrument making, and at least he has good eyesight.

Although the furnishings in the three main rooms look like those in the secular world, the materials of all the furniture are made of extremely precious red willow spiritual wood and are carefully crafted.

Red willow spiritual wood is not cheap. Even a small piece can be refined into a top-quality wood spiritual instrument in the hands of a master of instrument making.

The incense burner on the table in the study is not simple at first glance. Even the incense ash inside is made of fine ambergris from the sea clan.

Although he is not good at music, the ancient zither on the zither table does not look like an ordinary product.

The bookshelf is even more amazing. It is made of red mulberry wood, and the books on the shelf are all ancient books and volumes that have been passed down for a long time.

According to Qiu Zhi, the original owner of this cave was an elite disciple in the sect, who later died in the plane battlefield.

It seems that this senior brother was not a simple figure in the sect before.

If Qiu Daoquan had not come forward to arrange for Su Fan, he would definitely not have been able to get this cave by himself.

Su Fan is quite satisfied with this cave. The three main rooms do not need to be moved at all, but the side rooms can be transformed.

The three functional rooms on the right are all connected and transformed into a modern kitchen. The three rooms on the right are used as a talisman making room, a tool making room and a utility room.

A tandoor is built in the yard, and an open-air restaurant is built. The side of the spiritual pond is transformed into an open-air teahouse and barbecue grill, as well as sauna and bathing facilities.

The area of ​​the spiritual field outside is obviously too small.

Su Fan summoned two bronze-armored zombies, and also took out the puppet and asked them to clear up wasteland in the valley, trying to create a spiritual field of more than ten acres, where vegetables, soybeans and other crops could be planted.

One day I will go to the Zongwu Hall to issue a mission to get some secular fruit trees and plant them throughout the valley.

Su Fan worked hard for several days before he finally finished relocating the valley. After the transformation, it looked just like the valley cave he had in Yinluo Sect.

Making this place look like it did back then is a way of remembering the past.

Whenever it was late at night, Su Fan would miss his relatives and friends in Xuanluo Realm, especially the little girl Nannan, and he would almost go crazy thinking about it.

He wandered to Kunxu Tian alone, without even saying goodbye before leaving, which made him always worried.

He hated the Thousand Illusion Demon Lord of Beiyou Divine Sect even more, and vowed to find justice sooner or later and kill that guy with his own hands.

Su Fan has this incredible bug in the game panel. For him, breaking through to the Nascent Soul Realm in the future is not a big deal.

For the next half month, Su Fan hardly left home, staying in the cave every day and living his own small life.

It wasn't until the day he was on duty that he left the cave and drove the magic weapon to the Hidden Dharma Hall at Moyun Peak.

Su Fan walked into the Tibetan Dharma Hall, handed over to a Jindan elder on duty, and then came to his own monastery.

As soon as he sat on the futon in the monastery, he saw a pretty little girl walking in.

"Disciple Chu Han, meet the real person..."

This girl is only fifteen or sixteen years old, but her cultivation is already in the late stage of Qi training, and her talent is pretty good at first glance.

She was dressed in a black robe, which made her complexion extraordinarily white. She had a graceful figure, a pair of beautiful eyes like autumn pupils, and seemed to be able to speak, and her brows were full of concern.

"What's the matter..."

After listening to Su Fan's words, the little girl quickly bowed respectfully.

"Disciple is here to pay homage. If you have anything to do with me, just ask..."

Su Fan smiled and said: "Everything in the Zangfa Hall remains as usual. I have nothing to do here. You can go and do your work..."

"Disciple resigns..."

After looking at the little girl's back, Su Fan shook his head.

The disciples who can serve in the Zangfa Hall should all be members of the family within the sect. It is best not to have contact with them if possible, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Su Fan came to the Tibetan Dharma Hall to take care of his old age. If nothing happened in the future, he would rather stay here until his death.

He took out a small red clay stove and a set of tea sets, brewed a pot of spiritual tea for himself, then poured himself a cup and took a comfortable sip.

Chu Han walked out of Su Fan's monastery and came to the hall on the first floor of the Zangfa Hall.

Several female disciples on duty behind the counter in the hall saw her coming back and swarmed over her.

"Chu Han, have you met the new real person..."

"I heard that this real person is quite young. Is he handsome?"

"Finally, a young real person has arrived, so you don't have to look at those old men every day..."

Several little sisters were chattering in her ears, and Chu Han rolled his eyes.

"Won't you go and see for yourselves..."

A girl next to her nodded and said like an idiot: "Then I'll go see the real person later and see what he looks like, hehe..."

Chu Han slapped her forehead, she no longer knew what to say.

"I just saw him, he's not handsome at all..."

After hearing this, several girls were all a little disappointed.

These little girls are all children of the family, with superior qualifications and backgrounds, and they usually have no pressure, so in addition to practicing every day, they also talk about all kinds of gossip when they get together.

In fact, I just feel full after eating, and I don’t know what to do with my time.

"I heard that he was just recruited into the sect and was directly promoted to an inner disciple. Has this real person made any great achievements..."

After hearing what a girl said, Chu Han shook his head.

In fact, she looked down on Su Fan. A monk in the early stages of the Golden Core who was in his prime should not go to the plane battlefield to make contributions at this time.

But this real man actually came to the Tibetan Dharma Hall. At first glance, he seemed to be a person who didn't know how to make progress.

"This real person does not go to the plane battlefield, but comes to our Tibetan Dharma Hall to hang out. He should not be promoted to the inner sect based on meritorious service..."

After listening to this, several little girls came to their senses.

Isn't it? The Tibetan Dharma Hall is a place where those golden elixir masters who are approaching their end of life can take care of themselves.

This Jindan master stayed in the Tibetan Dharma Hall at a young age. He was either afraid of death, unwilling to make progress, or had low combat effectiveness.

How could such a Jindan master achieve any great achievements?

"Then how did he get promoted to the inner sect just after joining the sect..."

A girl next to her opened her eyes and clapped her hands fiercely.

"I know, this real person may be the living flesh and blood of a certain demon king in the sect who lives outside..."

Her sudden idea immediately attracted the interest of several girls.

"Hanhan, you didn't ask his last name..."

"Yes, maybe it's the blood of your ancestor..."

"Haha... I can't say for sure..."

"If he is the descendant of any demon lord, that would be great, haha..."

It was early in the morning, and there were no disciples coming to the Zangfa Hall. A few little girls were idle and got together to arrange Su Fan.

These girls have rich imaginations, just like the Jinjiang master in Su Fan's previous life.

In a short while, they came up with a dramatic ancient storyline, as bloody as it could be.

I don't know whether others believe it or not, but they believe it anyway.

Although the girls spoke in low voices, Su Fan heard every word they said.

Su Fan was a little amused, but he didn't care much. He couldn't argue with the girls.

The bizarre life story they made up for him was actually pretty good.

Su Fan was eager to spread it, preferably throughout the Chunjun Demon Sect. Once this rumor spread, as long as the person involved didn't come out to clarify, people would often mistake it for the truth.

And it would become more and more outrageous, and even several versions could be spread in the end for people to talk about.

Now in the Chunjun Demon Sect, only Qiu Daoquan and his friends know about his background.

Maybe Qiu Daoquan had specifically told him that anyway, no one in the sect knew about his situation, and no one even knew that Su Fan had jumped from Beiyou Divine Sect to Chunjun Demon Sect.

The cultivators in Kunxutian still thought that Su Fan, who killed the Super Insect King alone, was a disciple of Beiyou Divine Sect.

Apart from Qiu Daoquan and others, the only ones who knew about this were the several demon lords who took turns to manage the sect.

They would not spread it around, after all, it was not a glorious thing to poach disciples from other sects.

Moreover, the once-a-century time and space arena in Kunxutian was about to begin, and they wanted Su Fan to become a surprise weapon for Chunjun Demon Sect.

Su Fan drank another cup of spiritual tea and then stood up from the ground.

He came to the seventh floor of the Dharma Storage Hall, where only Chunjun Demon Sect Jindan disciples could come in. The densely packed bookshelves were filled with various techniques and spells, as well as the cultivation experiences of cultivators.

Su Fan rubbed his hands, then walked to the bookshelf at the edge, picked up an ancient book and started reading.

In the following days, Su Fan's life was as peaceful as water.

Except for being the duty elder in the Tibetan Dharma Hall for a few days every month, he stayed in the cave to practice hard, and no one disturbed him at all.

Su Fan was very satisfied with his current life.

Su Fan lived his own little life leisurely every day, not to mention how comfortable it was.

He had lived two lives, and he had dreamed of such a life, sleeping until he woke up naturally every day, lying flat for a lifetime without worrying about food and drink.

Every day, Su Fan practiced his skills in the morning and evening, practiced magic and supernatural powers during the day, honed his sword skills and boxing skills, and drew talismans and made tools in his spare time.

In addition to these, he would think about what to eat every day, or spend an afternoon by the pond.

Only when he was on duty would he go to the Tibetan Dharma Hall.

And there he would not leave the house, and every day he would taste the spiritual tea in the Jingshe happily, holding an ancient book and reading it with relish.

Anyway, he was the duty elder of the Tibetan Dharma Hall, and he could use the convenience of work to browse various books at will.

After all, it is the super demon sect of Kunxutian. The various skills, spells and magical powers collected in the sect's Dharma Hall are numerous and varied.

There are also various cultivation experiences left by countless predecessors, which also benefited Su Fan a lot.

In addition, countless books on cultivation skills such as making talismans and tools have opened his eyes. Not only did he increase his knowledge, but he also gained a lot of inspiration.

The Qi training disciples on duty in the Dharma Hall were quite interested in Su Fan at the beginning, but as time went by, they gradually lost interest.

Moreover, Su Fan is very low-key on weekdays. Even on duty in the Dharma Hall, he is like a dragon that can only be seen from the tail.

Anyway, he will not leave the house if he can.

Even the Qi training disciples on duty in the Dharma Hall find it difficult to see him, let alone others.

Although the disciples on duty in the Dharma Hall lost interest in him, the stories made up by the little girls slowly spread throughout the Demon Cloud Peak.

Nowadays, even the Qi training disciples in the sect look down on Su Fan.

Although they are very respectful to him, they look down on this incompetent Jindan Zhenren from the bottom of their hearts.

There are few disciples in the Super Demon Sect who are not ambitious. Even the outer disciples with a bleak future have been fighting on the front line of the plane battlefield all year round, not to mention the inner disciples and elite disciples.

Su Fan, who is not competitive, is definitely an alternative in the Chunjun Demon Sect.

People like Su Fan are often mistaken for low combat effectiveness or lack of ambition in the sect.

In the eyes of others, the reason why he did not go to the plane battlefield to make achievements is definitely because he was afraid of death.

And the fact that Su Fan was promoted to the inner sect after joining the sect was also mistakenly believed to be obtained through some improper means.

Therefore, many people in the sect believed the story made up by the little girls in the Tibetan Dharma Hall.

Although Su Fan could clearly feel the contempt and disdain of the people around him, he did not care about these misunderstandings at all.

In Su Fan's eyes, false reputation may not be as valuable as a few spirit stones.

He lived a comfortable life every day and never communicated with others.

Not long after, Su Fan disappeared in the vast sea of ​​people and gradually became an insignificant and transparent person in the Chunjun Demon Sect.

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