Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 361 Is it too late to go back now?

The three demon boats have been traveling for a day, and the battle demon boats of human monks have begun to appear in the sky, cruising around.

During the rest of the journey, Su Fan could clearly feel the atmosphere of the battlefield, and there was a tense and depressing atmosphere everywhere.

At this moment, the sky is dark and dark clouds are overhead.

From time to time ferocious silver-white electric snakes flashed across the sky, and the rumbling thunder was deafening, echoing throughout the entire world.

Su Fan lay on the edge of the deck and looked down. The giant trees in the tropical rainforest on the ground had almost been cut down, and there were layers of defense lines established by human monks everywhere.

There are not only battle demon boats cruising in the sky, but also floating bases suspended more than a thousand meters in the air.

The magic boat landed at an airport, and Su Fan got off the magic boat with the flow of people.

They came to a teleportation formation, and a dazzling light flashed. Su Fan opened his eyes again and found that he was already on a floating base.

Everyone followed the three leading senior brothers to the outside of a palace-shaped building. Several Jindan monks who had been waiting here handed over to them one after another.

Su Fan followed them into the palace, came to a spacious hall, and sat down cross-legged.

At this time, a huge light curtain rose on the wall at the end of the hall, and a map appeared on it, with more than a dozen red dots circled on it.

A skinny old man walked under the light curtain and pointed at the dozens of circled red dots.

"Three senior brothers, after nearly a month of reconnaissance, these places are the insect king's lair near the Chishui Lake war zone. Each place is guarded by elite insect guards."

After listening to the old man's introduction, Zhou Hanshan suddenly frowned.

"Senior Brother Guanghao, you are too general. Let me give you some practical information..."

Senior Brother Guanghao chuckled, turned his head and stretched out his hand, and the picture on the light screen suddenly changed.

"This is the nest of the red-bellied spider in the northwest of Chishui Lake. After repeated deliberation, we finally set the first target here."

Su Fan, who was sitting on the periphery, was stunned when he heard this.

These guys were so courageous that they actually wanted to sneak into the Zerg nest behind enemy lines alone to kill the Zerg King.

No, if you follow these psychopaths, you will have to get yourself involved sooner or later.

Qiu Diaoquan stood up from the ground and said loudly: "That's it. You two have no objections..."

Xu Miaolan and Zhou Hanshan both nodded after hearing this.

"Then it's settled, we'll set out early tomorrow morning, targeting the Insect King's lair of the red-bellied poisonous spider..."

After listening to Qiu Diaoquan's words, the people below all responded loudly.

Su Fan covered his face, I wonder if I can't go.

But no one considered his feelings at all, and until the crowd dispersed, Su Fan still sat there without moving.

After a while, he got up from the ground.

At this time, the only monk he knew in the team walked over from the side.

He walked to Su Fan, took out an earring and handed it to Su Fan.

"Take this and wear it in your ear tomorrow..."

Su Fan took the earring and immediately understood the purpose of the earring. Its function should be similar to the headset in his previous life.

"Junior Brother Su Fan, the cave is over there, rest as soon as possible..."

Su Fan nodded, turned around and left.

The other party looked at him and felt a little compassion.

"When you get there tomorrow, just follow me..."

Su Fan stopped, turned around and cupped his hands at the other party.

"Senior brother, thank you..."

"My name is Zhang Junpu, from Chunjun Demon Sect..."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. Su Fan couldn't help but smile bitterly. There's no point in following you.

Su Fan walked out of the palace, found a deserted cave, and sat down cross-legged.

He originally thought that when he came to the plane battlefield, he would be facing dense insects and slashing at them. In such a place, it was actually not difficult to catch fish.

Who would have thought that he was actually plotted and assigned to a team composed of psychopaths.

Just now, there were more than a dozen red dots circled on the light screen. Could it be that they wanted to destroy all these insect kings?

This day is simply unbearable.

But he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, Su Fan was awakened by the vibration of the communication array.

Su Fan got up from the ground, wiped his face with his hands, sighed and walked out of the cave.

When he came to the hall, he found that almost all the people had arrived.

With a wave of Qiu Diequan's hand, all the monks filed out of the hall and came to the airport outside.

Su Fan looked up and saw dark clouds, the sky was pitch black, and no stars or moon could be seen.

The air was very dull, and suddenly a strong wind howled, and the clouds became thicker and thicker. Although it was close to dawn, it was so dark that there was no light at all.

Su Fan followed the others onto the miniature magic boat. When he saw everyone around him putting on the earrings, he followed suit.

At this time, Zhang Junpu came over and patted his shoulder.

"Have you ever been to a plane battlefield before?"

I've been here before, but I didn't seek death like you did.

Seeing Su Fan shaking his head, Zhang Junpu chuckled.

"It's okay, just come here a few more times and it will be fine. Remember to follow me later..."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Junpu..."

Looking at the other party's back, Su Fan shook his head.

No matter what, this person is still good. Even if it were him, he would definitely not be like this.

At this time, a voice came from Su Fan's ear.

"Everyone, hold your breath and keep silent..."

Su Fan immediately used the Nine Nether Stealth Technique, and the aura on his body disappeared instantly.

At the same time, the three magic boats also emitted a faint light and disappeared into the air in an instant.


This is an invisible magic boat. The disciples of the Super Demon Sect are really rich.

The magic boat hidden in the air silently passed through the human defense line and entered the rear of the Zerg.

The further it flew, the more flying Zergs there were in the air.

The flying Zergs in groups, black and overwhelming, almost covered the sky.

Suddenly, a piercing whistle appeared on the left side of the magic boat.

Su Fan turned his head and saw a huge transparent wing, almost brushing against the magic boat, and a four-winged Zerg several feet long whizzed past.

His face turned pale, just a little bit away.

This flying Zerg was like the dragonfly in his previous life, with a pair of huge compound eyes, a hideous mouthparts, and thorns all over its body.

This is the "Iron-toothed Dragonfly". Its flying speed is average, but its population is huge, and it is also the main force of the Zerg's air force.

Then, huge "Iron-toothed Dragonflies" flew over densely.

Su Fan didn't breathe a sigh of relief until he passed through this group of Zerg. His back was soaked with cold sweat.

It was too exciting.

If I go back now, is it too late?


Suddenly, a dazzling lightning fell from the sky, instantly illuminating the dark sky like daylight.

Then, the originally dark sky suddenly began to rain heavily, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the wind was howling, and the whole world seemed to be turbulent.

"It's broken..."

Su Fan's heart was lifted again. In such a rainstorm, the invisible magic boat could easily be discovered.

But when he saw the people next to him, he didn't show a trace of panic.

The bean-sized raindrops hit the aura shield, but there was no sound. Even through the rainstorm, there was no trace of the flight path.

The invisible magic boat flew silently and quickly in the rainstorm. Because of the heavy rain for several days, Su Fan could not tell how many days it had flown.

"Everyone pay attention, we have entered the insect nest airspace..."

Su Fan, who was sleeping, was awakened by a voice in his ear. He couldn't help but shudder, and his mood became nervous again.

After a while, the voice in his ear sounded again.

"It's about to enter the insect nest..."

Su Fan only felt that the magic boat accelerated instantly. Fortunately, Su Fan reached out and grabbed the guardrail next to him, otherwise he would have to fall up.

His eyes flashed with lightning, and he looked up and looked forward. Through the storm, he saw a shadowy figure in the distance, as if a tall mountain was standing.

After a while, the magic boat rushed into a passage several feet high, but there was no intention of slowing down at all, and it was still rushing at full speed.


Finally, the insect king in the depths of the insect nest sensed the existence of the magic boat and made a piercing hissing sound.

Su Fan's eyes went dark, and he felt as if his brain was hit hard. He quickly concentrated his soul and resisted the invasion of the sound waves.

At this time, countless spiders came out from various holes and began to gather in this passage from all directions like crazy.

"Junior Sister Miaolan, Junior Brother Hanshan, how about I take the lead this time..."

"No problem, we will help you lead the main force of the spider group, and then join you..."

"Hmph... I'll give you a face this time, don't let us down..."

Qiu Daoquan laughed and said, "Thank you, you two, just wait and see..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two magic boats next to him instantly appeared from the air, and the spider group that had just come out of the hole was attracted by the two magic boats.

The magic boat where Su Fan was successfully avoided the siege of the spider group and rushed to the deepest part of the insect nest with a roar.

Because there were too many spiders in the passage, almost blocking the entire passage, but the magic boat did not slow down at all, rushing through the passage, and countless spiders were smashed to pieces.


The magic boat finally rushed out of the passage, and the view in front of it suddenly became clear.

In front of it was an extremely huge cave, several miles in radius, with countless huge and ferocious giant spiders gathering around a spherical insect nest.


A piercing hissing sounded, and countless huge giant spiders rushed over with a roar.

"We're here, everyone follow me to kill the insect king..."

After hearing Qiu Daoquan's words, the disciples in the magic boat responded loudly, and jumped out of the magic boat excitedly.

Su Fan also jumped out, and saw countless huge giant spiders in front of him.

I saw a cultivator from the Cun Chunjun Demon Sect slap the stone coffin on his waist, and zombies several feet tall instantly appeared in front of him, blocking everyone.

Su Fan's eyes narrowed, and he found that there were hundreds of zombies, all of which were refined by various demons.


As the disciple of the zombie sect shook the bell in his hand, the corpses of the demons roared one after another, and then rushed towards the giant spider opposite.


Suddenly, a dull loud noise came from the side, followed by countless demonic smoke, which quickly turned into a hideous ghost shadow more than ten feet high.


This is the ghost king.

The ghost shadow of this ghost king is almost real. It rides a black warhorse with bone spurs all over its body and wields a black sword in its hand.


With the ghost king's roar, countless ghost generals on war horses suddenly appeared beside him, and behind him were endless ghost soldiers.

At this moment, the cave was filled with ghost energy, the temperature dropped sharply, and there was a dark black fog.

Countless ghost shadows surged in the black fog, and the desolate war song echoed in the insect nest, as if telling the eternal resentment.

The ghost king pointed the long knife in his hand forward, urging the war horse to roar towards the insect nest. Countless ghost generals and ghost soldiers followed its steps and rushed into the spider group fearlessly.

Su Fan was shocked in his heart. The ghost king was too awesome.

Sister Zhen, Yaksha, you have to work hard.

Next, all the demon cultivators around Su Fan joined the battle, frantically killing the dense giant spiders in front of them.

Qiu Daoquan, who had not taken action, suddenly raised his hands, and a thick magic smoke suddenly spread from him, wrapping his figure in the dark magic smoke.

"Ka... Ka..."

A sharp sound came, and a demon driver more than ten feet long walked out of the dark demon smoke.

This demon driver was covered with bone spurs and bone armor. In his left hand, he held a bone shield several feet high, and in his right hand, he held a huge bone hammer.

"Demon Dao, demonized body..."

Su Fan recognized the secret technique performed by Qiu Daoquan at a glance, because he also fused the blood essence of the demon clan.

It's just that Qiu Daoquan's fused demon clan blood seems to be more advanced. He has mixed weapons, so the level must be not low, and his strength looks extremely strong.


Qiu Daoquan, who was demonized, roared to the sky.

He jumped forward fiercely, and the huge demon driver instantly soared into the air, leaping more than a hundred meters.


Qiu Daoquan's huge demon driver, after being demonized, fell into the dense group of spiders and trampled several giant spiders into meat paste.

He swung his bone shield fiercely, sweeping away dozens of giant trees in front of him, and then swung the bone hammer in his hand, smashing the giant spider in front of him into pieces.

With just these two moves, a large open space of dozens of feet in front of Qiu Daoquan had been cleared, leaving giant spiders with broken limbs all over the ground.

At this time, Su Fan couldn't just stand by and watch.

Although Zhang Junpu was not far away from him, Su Fan did not move closer to him, but hid behind the crowd.

He controlled an excellent magic weapon "Nine Yin Soul Cone" to fly up and down in the spider group. At the same time, he secretly used "Invisible Breaking Needle" to grab heads everywhere.

Su Fan always managed to get ahead of others inadvertently, and when the giant spider was dying, he used "Invisible Breaking Needle" to complete a fatal blow.

Because the battlefield was too chaotic, and "Invisible Breaking Needle" was silent, his behavior of grabbing heads did not attract the attention of others.

With the demonized Qiu Daoquan charging wildly in front, the other demon cultivators quickly cleared the spider swarm in front of them and came to the vicinity of the insect nest.

Su Fan couldn't help but sigh, this is the demon cultivator with extremely strong combat power.

More than 30 people actually fought against the spider swarm and killed to the vicinity of the insect nest, and he knew in his heart that these people had not even used their trump cards yet.

Although the insect nest was close at hand, the endless spider swarm had surrounded them, and some even larger giant spiders also emerged from the insect nest.

Su Fan knew in his heart that the most dangerous battle had just begun.

At this time, Qiu Daoquan's voice came to Su Fan's ears again.

"You two, I have killed to the vicinity of the insect nest. How are you? You won't be trapped by the spider swarm..."

"You wish, I'm here..."

"Bullshit, I'm here too..."

As soon as the two finished speaking, they saw two miniature demon boats rushing out from different holes.

Dozens of demon cultivators on the demon boat rushed out one after another, frantically joining them, leaving countless giant spider fragments wherever they passed.

Suddenly, several giant spiders more than ten feet tall emerged from the insect nest, hissing and rushing towards them.

"Everyone be careful, take the detoxification pill immediately, this is a red-bellied poisonous spider..."

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