Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 337: Digging a hole and burying oneself

Su Fan hid in a corner of the cave, and demons kept walking back and forth around him.

It wasn't until midnight that the evil spirits in the cave dispersed, leaving only some evil spirits guarding around the altar.

But even the evil spirits who were left to guard him were not very vigilant, and they all sat there and fell asleep.

After all, this is the core area of ​​Daluotian, and there is a protective barrier set up outside the altar, so even they cannot enter the altar.

Su Fan released the demonized body, took out the magic sword from the ring, and then carefully walked to the edge of the altar with the big sword.

He took a deep breath and walked towards the altar with his magic sword.

Su Fan easily passed through the invisible barrier outside the altar and came to the inside of the altar.

After passing through that barrier, Su Fan was greeted by an extremely rich spiritual energy that had condensed into a mist, just like the sauna in his previous life.

Su Fan had no time to enjoy the nourishment of this spiritual energy. He began to look at the structure of the altar.

The structures of the Daluotian altars are actually similar. They are not as elaborate and complicated as the human magic circle, but are extremely simple and rough.

Basically, all kinds of demon bones are placed, and then the demon blood is used as a medium, and they are covered with dense and strange runes.

Su Fan didn't know anything about battle tactics, let alone the structure of the Da Luotian Altar, but based on his experience, the huge demon skeleton placed in the middle of the altar should be the formation center of the altar.

He carefully came to the middle of the altar and looked up at the demon skeleton that was more than ten feet high.

Even though he had lost all his flesh and blood, leaving only a withered skeleton, Su Fan still felt an unprecedented sense of oppression, which made him unable to breathe.

I just don’t know if destroying this altar will affect the operation of the Daluotian plane channel.

Su Fan knew in his heart that in order to maintain the far-reaching passages of more than a dozen seats, Da Luotian might have as many such altars as there were under the mountain.

Even if this huge demon altar is destroyed, it will only affect the operation of the plane passage at most, and it will not cause much damage at all.

Su Fan turned his head and looked at the huge exit of the cave in the distance.

The passage connecting the two caves is not only more than ten feet high, but this straight passage has almost no turning places, which is especially suitable for using the blood escape magical power.

If done well, you should be able to evacuate in time.

Su Fan gritted his teeth. Since he had caught up, he had to give it a try.

He took out a few "Destroying Thunder Pills" from the ring and threw them at the tall demon skeleton in the middle of the altar.

Almost at the same time, Su Fan's body was filled with blood and he disappeared instantly.

In the blink of an eye, his figure had arrived at the altar of another cave.

He waved his hand fiercely and threw a few more "Destroying Thunder Pills" at the demon skeleton in the middle, and then the figure disappeared again.

Su Fan appeared again. He had reached the entrance above the cave, and he dived in.


As soon as his body entered the hole, he heard an earth-shattering noise.

In the enclosed mountain, such a powerful explosion generated a shock wave instantly, just like a huge wave that shook the mountains and the sea.

The huge caves were collapsed by the explosion, and everything on the altar was destroyed and turned into powder in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the smaller altar in the cave next to it also had a huge explosion.

The rich spiritual energy absorbed from the ground also acted like a catalyst and greatly intensified the effect of the explosion, blowing the two huge altars apart.

What is even more frightening is that the rich spiritual energy that was forcibly absorbed from the source of the underground spiritual veins was also triggered by this violent explosion, causing a strong spiritual energy riot.

The entire mountain shook violently, and the huge mountain sank hundreds of feet due to the subsidence.

A spiritual energy riot occurred at the source of underground spiritual energy. Countless rich spiritual energy surged out from the ground, rushing out from the source of spiritual energy.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Su Fan only wanted to blow up this altar.

He never thought that a few "Destroying Thunder Pills" would have such disastrous consequences.

Investigating the reason, in fact, this was all a big help from the evil spirits of Daluotian.

In order to maintain the far-reaching rotation of the plane passage, Daluotian's demons used destructive force to withdraw several first-order spiritual veins, which had already caused structural damage to the source of the underground spiritual veins.

It is just relying on the huge suction power of countless evil altars to forcibly maintain the distant rotation of the underground spiritual veins.

Once there is a problem with any altar, it will inevitably have such disastrous consequences.

Several first-order spiritual veins underground in the "Jade Qing Sect" are all related to each other. If the source of one of the spiritual veins is confused, a chain reaction will inevitably occur.

The huge system established by Da Luotian in order to maintain the plane passage suddenly became chaotic.

The huge altars built in the nearby mountains stopped one after another, which also directly affected the operation of several surface passages.

Because it lost the support of the rich spiritual energy, the seat passage began to slowly dim.

These dozen surface passages established by Daluotian transmit evil spirits and various materials from Daluotian to Xuanluo Realm day and night.

Just when Su Fan blew up the altar, all the demons that were being transported in the Daluotian plane channel suffered a disaster.

The most feared thing about the entire process of space transmission is instability. Once the space is chaotic, the tyrannical power of space will tear all objects in the transmission channel into pieces.

Not to mention the low-level evil demons, even the foreign demons could not escape the destruction of the space force and were instantly annihilated.

Su Fan never dreamed that the destruction he casually performed would indirectly kill several foreign demons from Daluotian.

In addition, there were hundreds of demons, tens of thousands of high-level elite demons, and countless low-level demons, all of which were killed by Su Fan.

Originally, relying on several first-level spiritual veins under the ground of "Yuqing Sect", the more than ten plane channels built by Daluotian could last at least for more than ten years.

After Su Fan's mixing, whether the plane channel can be maintained is unknown.

Moreover, the Daluotian plane channel stopped operating, which directly affected the battlefields on the front line.

The countless foreign demons that were originally overwhelming were attacking frantically without fear of death.

This offensive has lasted for more than ten days. Many places of the first line of defense of the human race have been broken through by foreign demons, and the battlefield situation is extremely unfavorable to the human race.

Even the Yuanying Zhenjun and the foreign demon were angry. In the past, both sides would hold back, after all, once the cultivators of their realm took action, it would shake the world.

But this time, both sides had no scruples, and the sky on the front line seemed to be torn apart by them.

The powerful spells and magical powers collided with each other, shaking the earth and mountains, and also affected the low-level cultivators and demons fighting each other on the ground.

Even if these great cultivators just made a move casually, a large area of ​​the ground would die.

Because Daluotian had invested almost all of its strength, the human cultivators were gradually exhausted and were considering giving up the first line of defense.

Just when the battle situation was extremely unfavorable to the human race, Daluotian actually stopped the attack, and all the foreign demons withdrew from the battlefield.

This also made all the human beings on the battlefield look confused.

Especially the cultivators on the first line of defense, they all felt a sense of surviving a disaster.

Because once the human race gave up the first line of defense, those who held on to the first line of defense would be reduced to one in a hundred.

On the human side, only the many Yuanying Zhenjun in the sky knew the truth about Daluotian's retreat.

With their strong consciousness, they could certainly feel the violent spiritual riot in the distance.

Moreover, the dazzling light blue light of the dozen or so pillars built by Daluotian gradually dimmed.

It is clear that there must be a big mess in Daluotian.

Of course, Su Fan knew nothing about everything that happened outside at this time.

With the collapse of the mountain, Su Fan was buried in the mountain, and as the mountain sank, he was buried deep underground.

If it weren't for good luck, the huge rock on his head would have been stuck, and he would have been smashed into a meat pie.

Su Fan felt so depressed.

This thing was too shameful. He actually dug a hole to bury himself.

At this time, he was curled up in a small space, with a huge rock on his head and scattered rubble piled up on all sides around him.

Miraculously, Su Fan was not hurt at all.

He sighed. He was buried so deep. If he wanted to dig a passage and climb out of the mountain, it would take a long time.

No choice, just dig.

In fact, digging a hole is not a big deal for Su Fan.

With his strong body, he can dig a hole faster than a pangolin.

Su Fan took out the magic sword from the ring, and vacated several hundred square rings to store the gravel produced by the excavation, and then began to dig hard.

Just after digging a few times, the jade talisman on his waist vibrated.

Su Fan picked it up and found that it was a message from Elder Wei Feng. He thought about it and then picked up the jade talisman.

"Su Fan, the spiritual riot that happened in the "Yuqing Sect" just now, was it you who caused it..."

Damn, who else but me could it be.

Su Fan pretended to be dying and replied weakly.

"It's... it's me. I just... just destroyed the underground spiritual vein of the 'Yuqing Sect'..."

"How are you now..."

At this time, the person who sent the message from the jade talisman has been replaced by Master Ye Hua. It is estimated that the masters of the Huoyun Dao Palace are all around Wei Feng.

What else can I do? I'll dig a hole and bury myself.

"I... I'm fine. I couldn't escape during the explosion. I was... seriously injured and buried in the mountains..."

After a long while, the jade talisman sent a message back.

"Su Fan, you should heal your wounds as soon as possible and wait patiently. If the plane channel of Daluotian is affected, they will soon evacuate Xuanluo Realm."


I knew you would say that.

I have paid so much for Xuanluo Realm, so you should give me some compensation.

"Forget it... forget it. I... I should not be able to survive. You... you don't care about me..."

After Su Fan finished speaking, he cut off the jade talisman and put it into the ring.

He didn't have time to waste with these old guys, so he had to dig a passage and escape as soon as possible.

For the next ten days, Su Fan transformed into a pangolin and dug a passage out of the mountain day and night.

Because he was afraid of being discovered by the evil spirits, he didn't dare to dig upwards, so he could only dig horizontally to leave the collapsed mountain as soon as possible.

It would be best if he could dig through other caves, so that he could escape from the underground.

Su Fan not only relied on his strong physical strength and the magic sword to dig desperately, but sometimes he also controlled the top-grade flying sword to cut the boulders in the mountain, digging holes and practicing martial arts at the same time.

Later, he simply took out the puppet and controlled the puppet to help him dig a passage, and he followed behind to collect the excavated debris with the ring.

Even so, staying in the closed underground to dig a passage every day is also a very boring thing.

But Su Fan had no choice. He dug a hole and buried himself, and he had to go out with tears.

"Bang... Bang..."

The tall puppet puppet was waving the sword tirelessly, just like cutting tofu, frantically cutting a huge rock in front of it.

The puppet puppet is really powerful, but it consumes some spirit stones. If you want to make this cargo run, you must have a high-grade spirit stone.

Like the puppet puppet at full power now, it has to consume a high-grade spirit stone every hour.

Even though Su Fan was wealthy, his heart was bleeding as he watched the high-quality spirit stones being consumed.

It was such a waste.

It had only been a few days, and he had already spent so many high-quality spirit stones.

And he had spent so many spirit stones on such a boring thing as digging a hole underground.

What was even more infuriating was that he had dug a hole and buried himself.

It was not worth spending the spirit stones.

Su Fan sighed, and with a wave of his hand, he collected the gravel residue dug out by the puppet into his ring.


A piece of gravel in the pile of residue just now seemed to have abundant spiritual energy.

Su Fan poured out the pile of residue again, squatted on the ground and dug for a while, and finally found the gravel.

This gravel was as big as a washbasin. Although the surface was uneven, the spiritual energy that permeated it made Su Fan very excited.

This was the original spirit stone ore.

Could it be that I had dug up a spirit stone vein underground?

Su Fan suppressed his excitement and controlled the puppet to continue digging. He was relieved as pieces of spiritual stone ore were dug out.

This is a success...

He didn't expect that he would bury himself in a spiritual stone vein.

Su Fan suddenly became energetic, his eyes were red, and he controlled the puppet to dig forward like crazy.

Really, digging a hole to escape and digging a spiritual stone vein are completely different.

Originally, digging a hole to escape day after day was boring.

But now his mentality has completely changed. Now Su Fan is extremely excited like a chicken blood. He didn't sleep at all in the next few days.

At this time, he really couldn't sleep.

Seeing that pieces of spiritual stone ore were collected into his ring, his excitement can be imagined.

And the location where he is now is near the source of the first-level spiritual vein under the "Yuqing Sect". Any piece of spiritual stone ore dug out is at least a medium-grade spiritual stone.

Moreover, each piece of raw ore is quite large, the smallest is as big as a wash basin, and the larger ones are even several meters long.

Now Su Fan is not digging in one direction, he is like a diligent groundhog, controlling the puppet to dig out almost everything around.

This is all money.

Originally, Su Fan's idea was to escape from the underground as soon as possible, but now even if he can escape, he will not leave.

He has already dug up the spiritual stone vein, so why should he escape.

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