Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 293 Life and death are determined by fate.

Su Fan sat up with a "huh". He had just had a dream, dreaming that he had returned to his previous life.

Just when he ran home excitedly, he found that he couldn't find home anywhere.

Su Fan was as anxious as if he wanted to see his parents and children right away. He went crazy in the neighborhood he was familiar with, looking around for the residential building where he lived.

I don’t know why, but I can’t find it no matter how hard I look.

Su Fan got excited and suddenly woke up, only to realize that it was a dream.

He wiped his face with his hands and sighed.

Several people in the cabin were gathering together to chat. They all turned their heads to glance at him and stopped paying attention to him.

This super spaceship has been sailing for more than a month. Several people in the team have been in the same room for so long, and they have become very familiar with each other.

Several monks from the groups next door often come over. Over the past month, the entire group has often gathered together to discuss scriptures and Taoism.

There are also two people in the team who are smooth in dealing with things. They even often go to other cabins to communicate and have a good time on the airship.

Su Fan is the only one who is different. He hardly communicates with the people in the group and rarely leaves the cabin.

In fact, everyone has greeted him a few times, but it can be seen that he is always lukewarm, so no one pays attention to him anymore.

Su Fan didn't care at all about everyone's alienation from him. During the whole month of the journey, he didn't talk to anyone in the group.

Team leader Li Zhen occasionally chatted with him, but that was all.

Zhou Qi, the only female cultivator in the group, has long been involved with the people in the group, and has become the object of everyone's love and care every day.

Su Fan did this because he knew very well that not many of the first batch of foundation-building monks recruited to the battlefield would survive in the end.

Being too familiar with each other now is a waste of feelings.

If you go to the battlefield and watch familiar people fall one by one, who can bear it?

If you want to survive, you must have no bonds.

"You're awake, you must have had a nightmare just now..."

At this time, Li Zhen came over and sat down next to him.

Su Fan nodded and said calmly: "Well... I woke up from a fright..."

Li Zhen is a good person, but everyone in the group is very repulsive to Su Fan. He is the only one who will chat with him whenever he has nothing to do.

Despite this, Su Fan ignored him every time.

"I just made inquiries and will be at the front line soon..."

After Li Zhen finished speaking, he left. Su Fan took a deep breath and wondered if he was about to go to the battlefield.

"Look outside quickly..."

At this time, a monk by the porthole pointed outside the cabin and shouted loudly.

After hearing this, the monks in the cabin all came to the edge of the porthole.

"Where did so many flying boats come from..."

"There are so many that I can't even count them..."

"The monks from the eastern part of the Central Plains should all have been recruited..."

After the others left the porthole, Su Fan came over and looked outside through the window.

I saw a dense number of super spaceships in the sky, almost covering the sky and the sun, and I couldn't see the edge at a glance.

In the evening, the flying boat began to slowly descend.


With a dull loud noise, the cabin shook violently, and the spaceship finally landed on the ground.

Su Fan followed the flow of people and got off the super spaceship. The temporary airport outside was filled with super spaceships, and huge spaceships were taking off and landing one after another.

The airport was filled with dense crowds of people, with shouts and curses coming and going, making it extremely noisy.

The endless mountains in the distance are the Luoxing Mountains, the main battlefield this time.

It took Su Fan a long time to squeeze out of the airport with the team, and then transferred to a small spaceship.

Countless small flying boats were like a huge swarm, roaring and flying into the vast mountains.

A few hours later, Su Fan and others finally arrived at the front line.

The sight in front of them surprised everyone. There was a huge city wall under construction in the mountains in front of them.

The city wall is hundreds of feet high, with no end in sight on both sides. Every once in a while, a giant pillar stands soaring into the sky.

Countless small airships leaped over the city wall, lying on the edge of the airship deck and looking down.

On a city wall dozens of feet wide, puppets several feet tall were being intensively constructed under the control of monks.

The inside and outside of the city wall are covered with thick wooden frames, and hundreds of thousands of monks are standing densely on them. They are carving dharma patterns on the city wall. Compared with the huge city wall, they are like dense ants on the mountain.

Next, there are identical city walls every dozens of miles, all of which are under intense construction.

Su Fan couldn't help but secretly sigh, only in the world of cultivation can he see breathtaking and magnificent scenes.

After flying over more than a dozen huge city walls, Su Fan and others' flying boat landed on a mountain peak. An entire layer of the peak of the mountain was cut off, forming a flat stone platform hundreds of feet in diameter.

Hundreds of thousands of surrounding peaks have been flattened, with countless small airships parked on them, and there are dozens of combat airships cruising around in the sky.

At this time, in the western sky, the setting sun slowly fell, turning a large circle of clouds around into burning clouds.

Su Fan followed the flow of people out of the flying boat. He walked to the edge of the stone platform and looked at the blood-like glow in the distance.

He knew that that should be the forefront of the battlefield.

After a while, captain Xue Hongchou called everyone together and introduced the situation on the battlefield ahead.

He took out a formation plate, and after activating it, a light curtain several meters in size rose in front of everyone, showing a map on it.

Xue Hongchou glanced at everyone, and then pointed to a place on the map.

"We will enter the front line tomorrow. Several Yuanying sects in the Falling Star Mountains have all fallen. The foreign evil demons of Daluotian have opened a space channel here. Now countless foreign evil demons are spreading around here, and are trying to open more space channels..."

Xue Hongchou drew a circle on the map with his hand, and then looked at everyone.

"Now the major immortal sects in the Central Plains have established three lines of defense on the periphery of this area, trying to delay the attack of the foreign evil demons of Daluotian before the supporting cultivators from all over the country arrive, and buy time for the general mobilization in the rear."

At this point, he took a deep breath.

"My fellow Taoists, the Central Plains cultivation world is in danger. If we cannot stop the attack of Daluotian and let the foreign evil demons open a gap, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Now more than a dozen super immortal sects in the Central Plains have begun a general mobilization. The cultivators from the major sects in the West Wilderness, East China Sea, South Barbarians and North Frontier are already on the way to support. We must not let Daluotian open a gap in any case."

After listening to Xue Hongchou's introduction to the battlefield situation, Su Fan couldn't help but sigh.

He guessed right, they were really cannon fodder.

In the current situation, in order to buy time, the major immortal sects in the Central Plains can only keep filling the pit with cultivators from all over the place.

This is also a helpless move. Once the foreign evil demons in Daluotian open a gap, the elite areas of the Central Plains cultivation world will be reduced to ruins.

Now not only him, but also the other cultivators in the team have a bad look on their faces.

Everyone knows very well that they will face an extremely tragic situation next.

At this time, Su Fan felt someone looking at him.

Without guessing, he knew it was the female cultivator Zhou Qi. He pretended to be unaware and had no intention of paying attention to her.

Anyway, he would not help anyone even if all the team members died on the battlefield.

Life and death are determined by fate.

Every time Daluotian invaded the world of cultivation, it opened the space channel from the Western Wilderness.

No one expected that this time the foreign evil demons of Daluotian would choose the Central Plains as the battlefield, which also caught the major immortal sects in the Central Plains off guard.

"We have entered the war zone. All participating cultivators should take the overall situation as the most important. If any fellow Taoist wants to escape from the battlefield in the chaos, I advise you not to have this idea."

At this point, Xue Hongchou pointed to the top of his head.

"Now, there are so many Yuanying monsters staring at us above our heads..."

After hearing his words, everyone looked up at the sky.

"Okay, everyone go back and have a good rest. We will enter the front line at noon tomorrow..."

Su Fan also raised his head and looked at the gray sky.

At this time, if you want to escape from the battlefield, you definitely don't have to think about it. You can only go to the battlefield and fight to the death.

At this time, Li Zhen came over and distributed a jade slip to everyone.

Su Fan took the jade slip and put it on his forehead. It recorded the information of various foreign evil demons in Daluotian.

He shook his head and put the jade slip away.

He had seen this thing before. The demon cultivators of various sects in the Western Wilderness often fight in large and small secret realms all year round.

Even many demon disciples often go deep into the 100,000-mile Demon Abyss Trial to fight with the demon beasts and foreign evil demons inside, and they already know all these.

Looking at these cultivators around him, Su Fan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

These cultivators from all over the Central Plains were not mentally prepared at all.

Many people didn't even know what the foreign evil demons looked like before they came here, and they were thrown onto the battlefield.

There shouldn't be many people left in his team.

"Su Fan..."

Su Fan was just about to find a place to rest when he heard someone calling him.

He turned his head and looked at Zhou Qi behind him calmly. The girl's face was pale and her eyes were full of despair.

"You knew it a long time ago, right..."

Although the other party's questioning tone made him unhappy, Su Fan did not deny it this time, but nodded.

"Then why didn't you tell us..."

Su Fan smiled and said, "Even if I told you, can it change anything..."

"Then...then we..."

Zhou Qi wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything after talking for a long time.

Su Fan looked at her expressionlessly for a while, then turned and left.

In their group, or even the entire team, someone will definitely die because of this woman, but it will never be him.

In the early morning, the sky broke.

The morning sun rose from the east, revealing thousands of feet of rosy clouds, illuminating the vast mountains.

Su Fan and others boarded the small flying boat one after another. With the shouts of the Jindan cultivator leading the team, the flying boat slowly flew into the sky.

Looking at the densely packed small flying boats around, whistling towards the battlefield.

Su Fan, who was originally a little nervous, calmed down and even had a sense of heroism.

Damn, in the West Wilderness, facing the pursuit of thousands of Zhou family cultivators, he was not afraid.

It's not that he hasn't killed foreign evil demons before, and he has killed more than one or two.

At this time, there is nothing to be afraid of, just do it.

The small flying boat sailed for several hours, and near noon, Su Fan and others arrived outside the defense line set up by the Immortal Sect.

In the distance, huge light shields were seen, scattered among the surrounding mountains, covering the peaks one by one.

The Zhongyuan Xianzong spent countless resources to set up a large defense array on the front line as a barrier to defend against the attacks of foreign evil demons.

Countless monks were busy on the defense line, and light shields would rise from time to time in the distance, constantly strengthening the thickness of the defense line.

In each large array, there stood a demon-suppressing monument more than ten feet high, constantly flashing dazzling spiritual light.

There were also countless combat flying boats in the sky that almost covered the sky, constantly patrolling back and forth in the surrounding airspace.

At this moment, Su Fan was shocked.

The Zhongyuan Xianzong was too rich, how many defense arrays had been set up.

This was just one of the defense lines, and there were two more defense lines ahead, resisting the crazy attacks of countless foreign evil demons.

In fact, these three defense lines were just temporary defense lines hastily arranged by the Zhongyuan Xianzong.

The dozen huge walls that are being built in the rear are the main defense line against the attack of Daluotian in the future.

The reason why the first batch of recruits are all cultivators with foundation building and above is because on this temporary defense line, Qi training cultivators are useless and would die if they come.

The task of Su Fan and others is to use their flesh and blood to buy time for the dozen defense lines under construction.

The Zhongyuan Xianzong is willing to sacrifice as many people as possible for the completion of the dozen defense lines.

Because the cultivators of the Xianzong left bloody marks on the demon-suppressing monument, Su Fan and others can freely travel through the large formations on several defense lines.

Countless small flying boats passed through the defense formations and continued to roar westward.

In the evening, at the end of the distant horizon, half a red sun was slowly sinking.

The entire horizon was dyed red, and the clouds were also stained by the sunset glow, showing a dazzling blood color.

Su Fan and his companions finally arrived behind the first line of defense by flying boats, and landed in the temporary airport.

This is already the forefront of the battlefield. Standing in the airport, one can already vaguely hear the roars and colorful spiritual lights in the distance.

As soon as Su Fan and his companions walked out of the cabin, flying boats rose from the ground, turned around and roared eastward.

"Follow closely, let's go..."

With Xue Hongchou's shout, all the members of the team took out their flying magic tools and flew to the first line of defense in front.

Countless cultivators densely filled the entire sky, and the light of spiritual energy crossed the dim sky and rushed into the spiritual energy shields in the distance.

As soon as Su Fan and his companions entered the defense line, several foundation-building cultivators came up and led them to a valley.

The valley was not big, only about a hundred acres in size, and the steep mountain walls on both sides were covered with newly excavated caves.

Su Fan walked into the miniature cave assigned to him, which was three meters long and two meters wide. The walls of the cave were bumpy, but the ground was clean.


Just as he was about to sit cross-legged, he heard a loud noise that shook the cave, and dust and stone chips immediately filled the cave.

Su Fan waved his hand to clear the dust in front of him and hurried out of the cave.

"Everyone follow me immediately..."

A Jindan realm cultivator flew in from outside the valley, shouting constantly.

Several teams that had just arrived at the front line in the valley were shouted out of the cave by him, and under the leadership of their respective captains, they followed the Jindan cultivator out of the valley.

After passing through several defensive formations in succession, when they rushed out of the last spiritual shield, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

I saw countless ferocious foreign evil demons swarming in from a mountain pass. A large number of immortal sect monks controlled magic weapons and relied on the terrain to desperately attack those evil demons.

These foreign evil demons were mostly low-level evil demons such as knife demons, force demons and tentacle demons, and their strength was equivalent to that of late-stage Qi training monks.

Therefore, under the magic weapons of many foundation-building monks, they were harvested in large numbers, and the corpses of evil demons filled the mountain pass in a short time.

However, the number of evil demons was too large. After killing one batch, another batch rushed in, and they could not be killed at all.


At this time, a ferocious evil demon several feet tall roared into the valley and pounced on it.

The dozen human monks in front were instantly swept away by it with a palm, and fell heavily on the nearby mountain wall, and they were covered in blood. It was obvious that they could not survive.

Two Jindan monks quickly took action to stop this big demon, and the two sides fought suddenly, and the fight was indisputable.

Although the big demon was entangled by the two Jindan cultivators, the defense line at the mountain pass was also torn open, and countless fearless foreign evil demons rushed into the mountain pass.

"Go over, quickly block the hole..."

The Jindan cultivator who led the team shouted and threw out a talisman, which instantly turned into a series of thunders and roared down. Dozens of evil demons were immediately smashed to pieces by the violent thunder.

"Nine Heavens Thunder Immortal Talisman..."

Su Fan recognized this third-level talisman at a glance. The power was so strong that it was unreasonable. It swept away all the foreign evil demons in a radius of more than ten feet.

Most of the hundreds of cultivators from several teams who came to reinforce were facing such a cruel scene for the first time and were completely stunned.

Although the alien demons that rushed into the mountain pass were blocked by the third-level immortal talisman of the Golden Pill monk, none of the monks around Su Fan rushed forward to block the attack.

At this time, of course Su Fan would not be in the limelight.

In such a blink of an eye, a demon several feet tall suddenly rushed into the mountain pass and opened its ferocious mouth.

"not good……"

Su Fan's body flashed with blood, and he disappeared from the place.


A wave of air visible to the naked eye swept over in an instant, and dozens of unsuspecting Foundation Establishment monks were instantly blown apart from flesh and blood by this violent sound wave.

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