Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 262 Let everything go with fate

At this time, the dark blue light shield that enveloped Haoyuan Immortal City, like a sky curtain, had been completely destroyed.

This meant that as long as they left Haoyuan Immortal City, they could escape the pursuit of these foreign evil demons.

The cultivators in the city had been extremely pessimistic and desperate, but now they saw a glimmer of hope for survival.

This also stimulated their strong instinct for survival. Everyone's eyes turned red and they began to rush out of the city frantically.

The cultivators with higher cultivation were fine, as they had several methods to use.

Some people activated the relocation talisman, some performed the escape technique, and some relied on their unique secret techniques to successfully escape from Haoyuan Immortal City.

But most of the low-level Qi training cultivators were miserable. They were chased and killed by countless evil demons, especially near the city gate, which was full of broken corpses of cultivators.

Many people drove magic weapons to try to rush out of Haoyuan Immortal City, but the flying evil demons that had been soaring in the air began to whistle down one after another.

Countless monks died under the claws of the flying evil demons. Some were even more miserable. They were torn into two pieces by two evil demons in the air, and pieces of scarlet blood rain were sprinkled.

"Boom... Boom..."

At this time, the several-foot-tall thorny demon nearby was waving its huge forelimbs covered with bone spurs, venting its violent emotions crazily.

The buildings around him were destroyed into pieces of ruins by it like paper.

Many monks hiding inside were also buried in the ruins. The few who escaped by chance did not escape the attack of the thorny demon and were torn into pieces by it.

Su Fan glanced at the little female cultivator squatting there and shivering, and then walked out of the house with a hard heart.

He came to the yard, looked at the crazy thorny demon in the distance again, thought about it and went back to the house, and picked up the little female cultivator.

Su Fan came to the yard, with a flash of blood on his body, and disappeared instantly.

Because he brought a burden with him, Su Fan performed blood escape twice in succession before escaping from Haoyuan Immortal City.

Su Fan found a deserted place outside the city and threw the little female cultivator on the ground.

Although he didn't care about the lives of the cultivators in the city.

But Su Fan couldn't just abandon the little female cultivator beside him.

But that was all.

People always have to learn to grow up. I hope that after experiencing such a disaster, the little female cultivator can grow up positively.

"Life and death are determined by fate. If you want to survive, it depends on your luck next..."

After Su Fan finished speaking, he took out the "Qingmu Yufeng Shuttle" from the ring, then drove the magic weapon away and disappeared in an instant.

"Ah... wait for me, don't leave me..."

The little female cultivator cried and chased after him, but she tripped and fell to the ground after running a few steps.

She lay on the ground, wiped her tears, and looked blankly at the direction where Su Fan left, staring blankly for a long time.

After a long while, a trace of determination appeared in the eyes of the young female cultivator.

She took out a boat-shaped magic weapon and threw it into the air. The boat grew in the wind and turned into a nearly ten-foot-long flying boat.

The young female cultivator turned around and looked at the direction of the mountain gate in the distance. The huge peak behind her had disappeared.

That was where she had lived since she was a child, but now the sect was gone.

Thinking of the bits and pieces of the past, the young female cultivator's heart seemed to be torn apart, and she couldn't help but burst into tears.

She wiped her eyes, took a deep breath, and then jumped onto the flying boat, just about to drive the magic weapon away.

At this time, the communication talisman on her waist vibrated.

The young female cultivator picked it up and looked at it, and she was immediately excited.


Because he was concerned about Li Miaoxue's safety, Su Fan did not leave immediately, but found a safe place to land on the ground.

He took off the communication jade talisman from his waist and sent her a message.

"Where are you..."

"Su Fan, I'm with my master. He's seriously injured. Many people in my family died. I can't contact many brothers in the sect. Woo woo..."

After listening to Li Miaoxue's crying, Su Fan was also quite surprised. He didn't expect her master to survive.

"You're fine, then I'm relieved. Where are you going next..."

"Su Fan, Haoyuan Sect is destroyed. Master and two uncles are looking for surviving disciples in the sect, and then they are going to take us to the central part."

She was very depressed, and there was a trace of sadness in her words.

Su Fan didn't know how to comfort her. For a disciple of the immortal sect like Li Miaoxue, this experience was definitely unforgettable.

"You can reunite with the people of the master, then I'm relieved..."

"Su Fan, you come too, go to the central part with us. Master used to be a disciple of the 'Taixu Immortal Sect', and he wants to lead us there."

Su Fan smiled bitterly, but forget it.

He had heard of the Taixu Immortal Sect, which was a super sect in the Central Plains.

As a person born in the Demon Sect and an evil cultivator, he would definitely be exposed there.

"Forget it, I'm going to find that sword cultivator senior..."

"Oh... then... will you come to Taixu Xianzong to see me in the future?"

Li Miaoxue was obviously a little disappointed, and there was a strong reluctance in her words.

"Yes, after I build my foundation and become a real sword cultivator, I will go to Taixu Xianzong to see you when I have the opportunity to go to the central part..."

Su Fan knew in his heart that the two of them would never see each other again in the future.

But he didn't want to make Li Miaoxue sad, so he could only say such words, at least to give her a thought.

"Then it's a deal, you must come to see me..."

The two chatted for a while, and Su Fan put away the jade talisman, and then took a deep breath.

To be honest, he also felt a little disappointed.

He shook his head quickly, and waved away his thoughts.

Don't force it, just let it go.

In the past two years in Haoyuan Immortal City, Su Fan owed Li Miaoxue a big favor, so he could only wait until they met again in the future.

Thinking of this, he took out the flying magic weapon "Qingmu Yufeng Shuttle" from the ring and threw it gently into the air.

The magic weapon, which was originally about one foot long, instantly turned into a shuttle-shaped flying boat with a size of nearly ten feet and pointed at both ends, quietly floating in the air.

He jumped up and boarded the "Qingmu Yufeng Shuttle", then activated the magic weapon and whistled away instantly.

Su Fan sat cross-legged on it, enjoying the feeling of this magic weapon soaring in the air at high speed, and his mood was extremely comfortable.

This is a flying magic weapon. Compared with his original Yinfeng Boat, it not only has a nearly 50% increase in speed, but also consumes less spiritual stones.

Put a medium-grade spiritual stone in the slot of the magic weapon, and it can fly a long distance.

Not only that, the "Qingmu Yufeng Shuttle" can also form a wind shield, which can not only block the oncoming whistling wind for him, but also has a hint of wind artistic conception, greatly avoiding the resistance from the wind.

It is really a good and exquisite flying magic weapon.

Su Fan took out a jade slip from the ring and placed it on his forehead.

After a while, he put down the jade slip and couldn't help sighing.

This jade slip is the most complete map of the Central Plains, which he got from Li Miaoxue. He easily found his location on the map.

It takes at least several months to fly to the nearest fairy city from here.

That woman is too cruel. In order to prevent him from meeting her two precious apprentices, she actually threw him in this place where rabbits don't shit.

This is an old and desolate area with the thinnest spiritual veins in the Central Plains, and it is very far away from the prosperous central region.

Only the mountain range occupied by the Haoyuan Sect is a second-level spiritual vein, but it has been completely destroyed now.

Perhaps for many years to come, this area may not even see a Jindan cultivator.

Su Fan closed his eyes, sat cross-legged on the "Qingmu Yufeng Shuttle", and kept thinking about his future direction.

I can't stay in the Central Plains anymore. According to the way the Luotian Sect is making trouble, it will take more than ten years without peace.

There are not many spiritual veins in the northern border, and the southern barbarians are too far away. The East China Sea is a good place.

Although every few decades, the East China Sea will encounter a tide of beasts from the sea clan.

Then it's over if I don't go to the sea.

I stay on land, and no matter how powerful the sea clan is, they can't climb up.

So it was decided to rush to the nearest fairy city as soon as possible, and then take the long-distance transmission formation to the East China Sea.

He took out the jade slip and put it on his forehead, and searched on the map.

Su Fan studied for a while and finally decided on his next stop, which was "Qingyang Fairy City".

This book has been on the shelves for two months. Lao Bu did not expect that all the big guys would be so awesome. The average subscription of this book has exceeded 540. Here, Lao Bu would like to thank all the book friends for their support and encouragement. Thank you all.

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