Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 233 Let’s do this

If Su Fan can get a new identity in the Central Plains, it is still very necessary for him.

After all, Su Fan is a demon cultivator from the Western Wilds, and it is not wrong to say that he is an evil cultivator.

According to Jiang Rou, in fact, independent cultivators are not willing to register with the immortal sect, but if they do not have an identity jade card, they cannot enter the market and the immortal city, nor can they take the bone boat and the teleportation array.

This identity jade card can be used to query all kinds of information about independent cultivators at any time in any area of ​​the Central Plains.

It is similar to the identity card in the previous life, and it can also be connected to the entire network. Anyway, it is quite awesome.

So Su Fan agreed to the deal without thinking about it.

Nowadays, evil cults are rampant, and all mortal countries in the Central Plains have established the Anti-Evil Department.

Although it is affiliated with the royal families of various countries on the surface, the actual controllers of this power are the immortal sects in various places.

In addition to the royal spies of the Great Yue Dynasty, Jiang Rou also secretly recruited a few independent cultivators.

Her method is very simple, which is to recruit Su Fan to become the hidden line of the Anti-Evil Department.

"You are a casual cultivator from the East China Sea. If you recruit normally, it would be very troublesome to verify your identity. It just so happens that one of my secret agents died, and I have been chasing evil cultivators outside, and I haven't had time to report it."

Su Fan understood Jiang Rou's meaning. It was nothing more than a substitution, but he still had concerns.

"But what if someone recognizes you one day..."

Jiang Rou smiled and said, "Our secret agents are all recruited in secret and only have a single line of contact with me. As for the sect, no one usually comes to check the recruited casual cultivators."

Although Jiang Rou didn't say it clearly, Su Fan also knew that casual cultivators were consumables, and no one cared about their life or death.

Su Fan thought about it and nodded, "Then let's do it..."

Jiang Rou saw that Su Fan agreed, and took out an identity jade card and handed it to Su Fan.

"Take this first. I'll help you re-register when we get to the capital of the Great Viet Dynasty. With your identity jade card, you can avoid a lot of trouble when you go to the East China Sea."

In this way, Su Fan became a secret agent of the Great Viet Dynasty's Evil Prohibition Department, responsible for secretly investigating the traces of the cult.

Su Fan was quite satisfied with this kind of work. He had free time to work and didn't have to punch in every day.

The most important thing was that with this new identity, he could save a lot of trouble.

Not only that, Jiang Rou also gave him a detailed introduction to the situation in the Central Plains and gave him a map of the Central Plains.

After Su Fan and Jiang Rou separated, he returned to the inn alone.

He sat cross-legged on the bed, took out a jade slip from the storage bag, and placed it on his forehead.

After a while, he put down the jade slip and couldn't help sighing.

This woman was too cruel. She actually sent him to the northeast of the Central Plains, hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Western Wilderness and the Southern Barbarians.

If you want to go to these two regions, you have to cross the entire Central Plains.

Although the world of cultivation in the Central Plains is very developed, and every large immortal city has a teleportation array, it takes several days for cultivators to recover each time they take a teleportation array.

If one teleports from city to city, it will take several years to reach the destination.

And Su Fan is now located near the northern border area, which is the place with the thinnest spiritual energy in the Central Plains.

The Great Yue Dynasty and several nearby mortal kingdoms only have one Xuanzhen Sect, which has an initial spiritual vein, and the sect ancestor is just a foundation-building cultivator.

Not only is the spiritual energy thin, but the cultivation resources are also pitifully few, not as good as Yongzhou in the Western Wilderness.

There is no immortal city near the mountain gate of the Xuanzhen Sect, only a relatively large market.

Fortunately, there are bone boats that regularly go to the south, but the entire journey requires several stops, and it takes more than a year to reach the nearest immortal city with a teleportation array.

After reading the map, Su Fan felt sick.

He sighed, no matter what, he should get an identity first.

Jiang Rou and Su Fan agreed to meet in Kyoto of the Great Yue Dynasty in a month.

Changchuan Prefecture City is not far from Kyoto. It only takes ten days to ride a horse, so he simply bought a horse in the prefecture and walked leisurely to Kyoto.

In the morning, the autumn weather was clear and refreshing, and Su Fan rode into Anping County on horseback.

The roads in the city were paved with bluestone slabs. Merchants on both sides of the street shouted for business and solicited business. The whole atmosphere was antique and fragrant. Su Fan seemed to have entered a TV series in his previous life.

Su Fan found an inn to settle down, and then wandered around the city.

He asked for a private room in the largest restaurant in the city and ordered a large table of signature dishes to eat.

Since leaving Changchuan Prefecture City, Su Fan has been traveling all the way, enjoying himself.

Anyway, he has tasted all the famous flavors along the way.

Suddenly, Su Fan sniffed and a smile appeared on his face.

I didn't expect that in such a small place, there are actually evil cultivators who worship the devil and practice. They are probably similar to those in Changchuan Prefecture City, all mortals who have been taught by the evil cult.

Beating children on a rainy day is a waste of time.

Since I have joined the Evil Suppression Division, I will give Jiang Rou another credit.

Su Fan continued to eat and drink in the private room without making a sound, and he didn't leave the restaurant until he finished a table of delicious food.

He wandered around the city, performing the "scent-smelling technique" to find the traces of the evil cultivators.

After walking only a few streets, Su Fan was relieved of his target. He stood in front of a yard and took a look, then left slowly.

Su Fan returned to the inn and took out a message paper talisman.

"Are you there..."

After a while, the message paper talisman warmed up slightly, and Jiang Rou replied.

"What's the matter? I'm busy here..."

Su Fan frowned and said, "Then you go and get busy, it's all right..."

"What's the matter, tell me..."

Su Fan curled his lips and said, "I found a den of evil cultivators. If you're busy, forget it..."

Jiang Rou's nose was almost crooked when she heard this. Why is this man like this?

"Where did you find the evil cultivators..."

"I'm in Anping County. If you don't have time to come, I'll kill them..."

Jiang Rou got anxious when she heard this and said quickly, "Stay there and don't move. I'll be there at night..."

Su Fan sneered and cut off the letter paper talisman.

The next day, Su Fan found another evil cultivator's base in a small town.

Jiang Rou had just left Anping County, and he turned back from a long distance.

In the next few days, as Su Fan found one evil cultivator's base after another, Jiang Rou was also tossed around by him.

Now Jiang Rou didn't go anywhere, so she just followed Su Fan.

In a few days, she had successively wiped out several strongholds of evil cultivators and gained a lot of good deeds for the sect.

Su Fan did not expect that the evil cults had spread to such an extent in the Central Plains.

Although the Xianzong had already responded, it was unable to curb the development of the evil cults.

This was still the old and poor area of ​​the Central Plains. If it was the prosperous areas with rich spiritual veins, it would definitely be more corrupt.

There was no way. The rampant spread of the evil cult caught the Xianzong off guard and lacked the means to deal with the evil cultivators in a short period of time.

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