Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 161 I can’t stay here anymore

Su Fan had just slapped Zhou Cheng's demon exorcist with his palm when he noticed the change in him.

"not good……"

It seems that Zhou Cheng has also inherited the magical power of the "Black Bone Horned Demon", which is obviously a madness.

According to the ancient books, whether it is a monster, monster, or demon, its strength will be doubled after becoming mad.

But after going crazy, they will become very weak.

Su Fan stopped fighting with the opponent and started teleporting constantly, trying not to get entangled with the crazy Zhou Cheng.

But he thought simply. After turning mad, Zhou Cheng was much faster than before.

When Su Fan wasn't paying attention, his waist was scratched by the opponent's claws. Fortunately, he was able to dodge quickly, otherwise he would have to be cut off at the waist.

There was no other way, so Su Fan began to consume blood frequently to increase the teleportation distance.

While avoiding Zhou Cheng's crazy attack, he stuffed the "Blood Transforming Pill" into his mouth to replenish the lost energy and blood.

Even so, it cannot keep up with the loss of Qi and blood.

Su Fan's face became paler and paler, but he could only persevere.

Finally, after Zhou Cheng became mad, his movement speed began to slow down.

Su Fan also breathed a sigh of relief. If he continued like this, his energy and blood would be exhausted.

No longer losing energy and blood, Su Fan also relaxed.

On the other hand, Zhou Cheng's condition became worse and worse.

Not only did the movement become slower and slower, the demon exorcist also began to slowly shrink, even smaller than when he was just transformed.

Su Fan knew that the opportunity to fight back had arrived.

He began to continue to entangle with the opponent, and continued to use "gravel power" to attack fiercely. Zhou Cheng's demon exorcist was also beaten with scars.

Just when Su Fan felt that he was about to win, Zhou Cheng suddenly opened his mouth and roared sadly.


Su Fan felt his eyes go dark, his head buzzed, and he became dizzy.

Snap! !

The magic earring hanging on his chest to protect the soul suddenly shattered.

Su Fan instantly regained his clarity from the state of trance.

He never dreamed that Zhou Cheng would inherit the two magical powers of the "Black Bone Horned Demon".

In just a moment, Zhou Cheng had already rushed forward and grabbed him with his sharp claws.

At this moment, it was too late for Su Fan to activate the "Thunder Ghost Step" again.

He knew in his heart that even if Zhou Cheng was in a weak state, he could still move much faster than him.

To retreat at this time is to court death.

Thinking of this, Su Fan moved forward instead of retreating.


He sided to avoid Zhou Cheng's sharp claw attack, and immediately hugged the opponent's alienated right arm with both hands.

Taking advantage of the situation, he raised his legs and locked Zhou Cheng's neck.

This is a move of "Xingyi Quan" imitating Mo Jiao's method of trapping an enemy. It is a bit like the leg twisting technique "Triangle Lock with Legs" in the previous life.

His legs locked Zhou Cheng's neck tightly, and his hands controlled his arms.

"Gravel strength..."

The Tao seed in Su Fan's body exploded with a bang, and countless hot anodes wrapped around his freed arm.

He continued to use his "gravel power" and slapped Zhou Cheng on the head one after another.

Zhou Cheng's neck was locked tightly by Su Fan, his alienated arms were also controlled, and his head was continuously attacked.


He roared, violently lifted Su Fan's body up, and slammed him to the ground.

Then he lifted up and smashed Su Fan to the ground again.


Su Fan was knocked dizzy and his body was hit a few times before he was so shocked that he vomited blood.

But he gritted his teeth and still used his "gravel power" to continuously hit Zhou Cheng's head.

He didn't know how many times he was slapped, let alone how much blood he vomited. Until Zhou Cheng fell to the ground, Su Fan continued to slap him on the head.

It wasn't until he couldn't shoot anymore that Su Fan let go of his legs, then lay on his back on the ground, breathing heavily.

It was finally over. If the other party slapped him a few more times, his life would be at stake.

After a while, Su Fan sat up from the ground.

He glanced at Zhou Cheng next to him and found that the other person's head had been smashed by him, and the ground was covered with blood and brains.

Su Fan raised his hand and looked at it, almost vomiting in disgust.

Can't stay here any longer.


Thinking of this, Su Fan endured the severe pain in his body, quickly collected the soul and destroyed the corpse, and then cleaned up the battlefield.

Before leaving, he also destroyed the scene.

After doing all this, Su Fan checked it several times and found no flaws, and then left in the Yinfeng Boat.

At this time, a dozen disciples of the Nine Nether Demon Palace were hiding in a dense forest.

"Senior Brother Wu, Zhou...Senior Brother Zhou Cheng, he..."

Hearing the shouts from his fellow disciples, Senior Brother Wu immediately became angry and walked out of his hiding place.

"Who shouted, what are you shouting about..."

A black-robed monk ran to him with a formation disk in his hand.

"Senior Brother Wu, the aura of Senior Brother Zhou Cheng has disappeared..."


Senior Brother Wu immediately became anxious after hearing this, and snatched the array plate from the opponent's hand.

There was a "buzzing" sound in his head, and he was stunned at that moment.

"Is the array disk broken? How could Senior Brother Zhou..."

The disciple looked sad and said weakly: "It's not broken. I checked it several times..."

Senior Brother Wu took a deep breath, and then began to greet the disciples hiding nearby.

"Come out, come out quickly..."

A dozen disciples of the Nine Nether Demon Palace came out from their hiding places after hearing his call.

"Follow me..."

A disciple of the upper sect beside him hurriedly asked: "Brother Wu, should we leave a few people behind? What if Brother Zhou blames us..."

Brother Wu was so angry that he almost swore.

Blame it, we don't even know whether Brother Zhou Cheng is dead or alive.

"Brothers, Brother Zhou's aura has disappeared..."

After hearing what Brother Wu said, everyone around him took a deep breath.

When they heard the news, their first feeling was disbelief.

Brother Zhou Cheng is not only gifted, but also unfathomable in strength. He is considered a leader among the inner disciples of the sect.

All of them together may not be able to keep Brother Zhou Cheng.

But after looking at the array plate, everyone was silent.

"Okay, let's go to Yinfeng Gorge now to find Brother Zhou Cheng..."

After saying this, Brother Wu waved his hand and took a dozen disciples of the upper sect to fly to Yinfeng Gorge with magic tools.

When they arrived at the entrance of Yinfeng Gorge, they saw the place where Su Fan and Zhou Cheng fought.

Just now, everyone still had a glimmer of hope, but now they all felt as if the sky had fallen.

Among the younger generation of the Zhou family, the most talented child died in the Demon Abyss Trial. The blow to the Zhou family can be imagined.

How will they bear the wrath of the Zhou family when they return to the sect.

Senior Brother Wu sighed heavily, then turned around and looked at the dozen people around him.

"Junior Brother Han, gather everyone here..."

A young black-robed monk listened, nodded heavily, and then took out a short tube.

He raised the short tube and pulled it hard.


A ray of light instantly shot up into the sky, then exploded in the air, blooming with dazzling and gorgeous fireworks.

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