Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 156 Southwest by Southwest

Senior Brother Huang took out several palm-sized tortoise shells, bit his middle finger and dripped blood onto the tortoise shells.

Then he surrounded the human-shaped shadow and began to dance, chanting strange spells in his mouth.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became eerie and terrifying, and gusts of sinister wind swirled in the valley, blowing debris on the ground into scattering directions.


The middle-aged monk shouted, and then threw a few tortoise shells at his feet.

At this time, his face was as pale as paper, and his body was shaking. He Bin quickly walked up and held the other person's arm.

The middle-aged monk let out a long breath, looked down at the tortoise shells at his feet, and then whispered into He Bin's ear.


After hearing what the middle-aged monk said, He Bin quickly bowed his hands to him.

"Senior Brother Huang, thank you very much for your hard work. I will thank you deeply when you return to the mountain gate..."

After he finished speaking, he waved to Xiao Ji in the distance and waited for him to come to his side.

He Bin whispered: "Xiao Ji, the murderer is in the south-southwest direction. Look at the map..."

The young man quickly took out a jade slip and placed it on his forehead.

After a while, he put down the jade slip.

"According to our agreement, the southwest is the area that Senior Brother Dong and Zhou Cheng are respectively responsible for. If the murderer escapes in that direction and wants to avoid the pursuit of the two families, he can only enter the Yinfeng Canyon, which is where he can go. A place to hide."

After hearing Xiao Ji's words, He Bin was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"What a coincidence, Zhou Cheng is also there..."

After he finished speaking, he thought for a moment, then looked at Xiao Ji with a smile and moved his lips slightly.

He Bin did not speak, but used sound transmission technology. Only Xiao Ji could hear what he said.

"Xiao Ji, you will create an opportunity later and deliberately release the news in front of that person, saying that several of our people were killed by a bastard from the lower sect, and the murderer fled to the Dark Wind Canyon."

Xiao Ji was stunned for a moment when he heard the message.

But after listening to He Bin's voice transmission, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"I'll do it right away..."


He Bin stopped Xiao Ji who was about to leave and continued to send messages to him.

"Ask the person you place next to Zhou Cheng to report their location at any time..."

Xiao Ji nodded quickly, then turned and left.

Looking at Xiao Ji's back, He Bin smiled coldly.

The He family and the Zhou family are feuding families. The grudge between the two families has been passed down for several generations, and they almost never interact with each other until death.

Although the two families seem to be in peace with each other, as long as they seize the opportunity, they will spare no effort to kill the other's family.

He Bin's idea was very simple. The murderer could kill seven disciples of the sect one after another. His strength must not be simple.

And judging from this guy's fighting style, he must be an old bastard who is good at sneak attacks.

He Bin deliberately released the news in front of the person Zhou Cheng placed beside him, asking Zhou Cheng to hunt down the disciple of the lower sect.

If Zhou Cheng could kill the other party, he would be indirectly avenging himself.

If that disciple of the lower sect is really a ruthless person, he can at least consume Zhou Cheng's strength.

Of course, if there was a chance, he wouldn't mind hiding next to him and giving Zhou Cheng a hard time.

In a few days, it will be a decisive battle between several companies in the Shadow Wind Canyon.

Anyway, no matter who we lose to, we cannot lose to the Zhou family.

For some reason, He Bin always felt that the boy from Xia Zong was not that simple.

Although the disciples of the lower sect are not very strong, one or two ruthless people will appear every few years.

Maybe this kid can actually give him a surprise.

After leaving the valley, Su Fan ran deep into the Dark Mountains, but he would encounter disciples of the Shang Sect from time to time.

And they are all in groups, and occasionally you can see a bunch of fireworks rising in the sky asking for help.

Su Fan knew in his heart that these disciples from the Nine Nether Demon Palace had begun to concentrate their efforts to carry out the final sweep against the disciples of the Lower Sect hidden in the Dark Mountains.

I don’t know how many of the thousands of trial disciples will survive until the end.

The deeper into the mountain, the more disciples of the Shangzong were searching everywhere, which also made Su Fan feel the crisis.

At night, Su Fan finally found a safe place and settled down temporarily.

He thought hard, thinking about the next countermeasures.

It was too late to turn back now, and he didn't dare to gamble on whether there were pursuers behind him.

Su Fan took out the jade slip given to him by his master and placed it on his forehead.

After a while, he put down the jade slip.

The only option now is to find a way to escape into the Dark Wind Canyon.

Yinfeng Canyon is only a few dozen miles away from here. There are many strange rocks there, ravines coexist, and the terrain is very complex.

The total length of the canyon is nearly a hundred miles, the widest point is more than ten miles, and the narrowest point is only a few hundred meters.

There are towering cliffs on both sides. The entire canyon seems to have been carved out by miraculous craftsmanship, like a fault zone that has been torn open.

Moreover, the canyon is full of caves and sinkholes. Many natural caves are filled with caves, which are very suitable as hiding places.

Of course, the Dark Wind Canyon is also very dangerous. The canyon is filled with all kinds of dangerous monsters and demons. If you want to cross the entire canyon, you have to face all kinds of unknown dangers.

Despite this, Su Fan could not care so much.

Now the place is full of disciples from the Nine Nether Demon Palace, who are frantically hunting down the remaining disciples of the lower sect.

This group of people has no moral integrity and releases fireworks for help at any time. Once they are surrounded by this group of people, even Su Fan will be powerless to save the situation.

Thinking of this, Su Fan made up his mind.

Let's set off now and try to enter Yinfeng Gorge before dawn tomorrow morning.

Su Fan simply packed up and carefully walked south in the thin fog under the cover of the dark night.

He summoned several evil ghosts to be in charge of the surrounding realm.

He also asked Sister Zhen to cover the ghost body with "Hidden Soul Veil" and float in front to explore the way.

Fortunately, at night, the disciples of Jiuyou Demon Palace who were chasing the remaining disciples of the lower sect basically stopped searching and returned to their respective camps to rest.

This also gave Su Fan an opportunity. When the sky was dawning, he was already close to the edge of Yinfeng Gorge.

Su Fan secretly rejoiced that if he had not acted decisively, how could he have crossed dozens of miles in the mountains so easily after dawn.

At this time, Sister Zhen, who was exploring the way ahead, suddenly sent back a thought.

Someone is lying in ambush at the edge of Yinfeng Gorge.

Su Fan frowned, he was a little confused, could these people be coming for him?

He shook his head, it shouldn't be!

It was almost dawn, if he chose to retreat, it would obviously be unrealistic.

Yinfeng Gorge was right in front of him, where he was, less than ten miles away from the gorge ahead.

Su Fan had no choice.

Even if there was an ambush ahead, he could rush into Yinfeng Gorge at the fastest speed.

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