Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 130 Are they as cruel as me?

The next day at noon, the senior sister slowly opened her eyes.


Just about to sit up,.

I am a foundation-building cultivator, but I was harmed by this bastard.

This bastard.

The more the senior sister thought about it, the angrier she became. She took up her robe and put it on, and stood up with a grin.

The senior sister wanted to go to the pond to wash.

This bastard really abuses people.

I didn't expect this guy to be able to discharge electricity. She was so tired last night.

The senior sister hurried out of the hut and saw Su Fan standing in front of a cauldron, using his spiritual power to drive the spiritual fire and roasting the huge cauldron.


When did this bastard learn to refine weapons? Looking at his skilled techniques, he really has the style of a refiner.

Su Fan turned his head and laughed, "Senior, get up..."

The senior sister rolled her eyes at him, and now she knew to call herself senior.

This guy made her call him dad all night, and she didn't feel anything at the time, but now she hates him so much that her teeth itch when she thinks about it.


Senior sister snorted, ignored Su Fan, and turned to walk towards the pool.

Su Fan smiled slyly.

Perhaps because of the change in senior sister's status, and because she annoyed him last night, Su Fan used all his skills.

The thought of him pressing the foundation-building senior under him made Su Fan feel a strong desire to conquer.

No more.

Seeing that senior sister got up, Su Fan quickly melted the refining materials in the cauldron and went to the kitchen to make lunch for senior sister.

Senior sister was exhausted last night, he had to replenish her.

A dish of "drunken shrimp" made with fresh river shrimp, which is senior sister's favorite, strengthens the glands, nourishes the essence and replenishes the deficiency.

A dish of "mutton and radish soup" made with the outer loin of brown-shelled argali, which is very nutritious and is a good product for nourishing the body.

A dish of soft-shelled turtle caught from the lake, made into a pot of "stewed soft-shelled turtle with yam and longan", with tender and non-greasy meat, rich nutrition, and sweet soup, which has the effects of nourishing yin, cooling blood, clearing heat, dispersing knots, and nourishing the kidney.

A dish of loach trapped in the muddy ground by the lake, made into a pot of "braised loach with sauce" with a delicious taste, which has the effects of nourishing the middle and replenishing qi, clearing urine, detoxifying and astringing hemorrhoids, nourishing the kidney and producing essence.

A dish of chicken, duck, cuttlefish, goose, pork belly, pork ribs, and more than a dozen medicinal materials, made into a "Ten-fold tonic soup".

The staple food is "red date lotus seed porridge" made from lotus seeds, red dates and glutinous rice, which nourishes the spleen and stomach, improves essence and qi, strengthens intelligence, sharpens the eyes and ears, and strengthens the spleen and stomach.

Don't drink the wine, give the senior sister a pot of "milk tea" made with spiritual tea, spiritual milk and spiritual honey.

Su Fan brought four dishes and a soup to the floor table by the pond, which was full and looked quite appetizing.

When the senior sister saw that the table was full of her favorite dishes, her saliva almost flowed out.

But she didn't want Su Fan to see it, so she turned her head and pretended not to care.

Su Fan smiled. This woman, even if she had built a foundation, sometimes acted like a child.

He served a bowl of "red dates and lotus seeds porridge" to the senior sister and placed it in front of her.

"Senior sister, drink some porridge first to warm your stomach..."

The senior sister rolled her eyes at him and ignored him deliberately.

Su Fan brought the milk tea to the senior sister and looked at her with a smile.

The senior sister finally couldn't stand the test of the food, so she took the bowl and drank it.

The taste was soft and sweet, soft and delicious.

Although this guy was a bastard, his cooking was getting better and better.

The senior sister was also hungry, and she ate voraciously. After eating for a long time, she patted her stomach.

"I'm full..."

She wanted to stand up, but she felt sore all over.

The senior sister looked at Su Fan who was eating beside her, and she was so angry that she punched him hard.


Su Fan didn't dodge, and let the senior sister hit him, but she was so shocked that she kept rubbing her wrist.

This guy's whole body was like a big piece of iron, and it was like hitting a steel plate when he hit it with his hand.

The senior sister was so angry that she wanted to hit him again, but she was afraid of the pain of her fist, so she raised her foot and kicked Su Fan hard.

Su Fan still didn't dodge, thinking that he would let the senior sister beat him up, as long as she calmed down.

What he did last night was indeed a bit too much.

Later, the senior sister kept kicking, and Su Fan grabbed her ankle.

The senior sister was embarrassed and blushed, stretched out her hand to pinch Su Fan's arm, and twisted it hard.

What a pervert, just know how to grab her feet and play with them.


Su Fan screamed when his senior sister twisted him, and rubbed the place where he had just been twisted with his hands.

"Senior sister, you are too cruel..."

"I'll strangle you, you bastard..."

Su Fan sat over and leaned against his senior sister.

"Hehe...last night..."

Senior sister's face turned red, and she pushed Su Fan hard with her hands.

"Get out of here, stay away from me..."

Su Fan let his senior sister push him, but he didn't move, just stayed there.

The two stayed by the pond for an afternoon, doing nothing, just sitting against each other.

"In a few months, you will have to go to the sect trial, right?"

After listening to his senior sister's words, Su Fan nodded.


Senior sister turned her head to look at Su Fan, and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have fought for that trial spot for you..."

Su Fan was stunned for a moment and said, "What's wrong..."

"I heard that this time, more than a dozen disciples from the lower sect will enter the 100,000-mile Demon Abyss trial together with the disciples from the upper sect..."

Su Fan smiled and said: "So what, Master said that I should go to the sect to learn more."

The senior sister sat up straight and pushed Su Fan hard.

"Then how can it be the same? Do you know how cruel the disciples of Shangzong are?"

Su Fan was amused by her, and he looked at his senior sister in a disgraceful manner.

"Are they still as cruel as me..."

The senior sister's face turned red when Su Fan said it, and she gave him a hard squeeze.

"Let me tell you something serious. I know your strength well and you can't suffer any loss. I'm afraid that you will offend the people on the Shangzong side and end up like your master."

Su Fan looked at his senior sister with a smile and stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms.

"Your husband is very powerful. If anyone dares to offend me, his whole family will die..."

The senior sister rolled her eyes and punched him hard in anger.

"I heard from my uncle that the disciples of Shangzong can only survive 40% of each trial. I'm afraid when the time comes..."

Su Fan became impatient and spanked the senior sister on the butt.

"You're not afraid of anything, not even mountains of swords or seas of fire..."

Thanks to Zixian Scholar, Drink Coke and Beat Jess, Yu Yong 19, and Book Friends 20201007094103607 for their monthly votes. Thank you to several big guys for their encouragement and support. Thank you to SK0716, Book Friends 20191004111155328, Liang Liyu, Qing Ning 2012, I am your sister, Bits and pieces of the world, book friends 20210506010723373, the world we live in is all false, END clockwise, rule 05, Lao Bu is deeply grateful for the recommendation votes from everyone, thank you all for your love and support.

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