Living in the world of cultivation

Chapter 124 This will scare people to death

Zhuang Rui held the chopsticks, not knowing how to start, and could only look at Su Fan eagerly.

Su Fan smiled, picked up a few slices of meat with chopsticks, put them on the iron net of the clay oven, and then kept turning them over.

The meat was almost roasted, Su Fan picked up a piece of meat and put it on the plate in front of Zhuang Rui.

"Brother, this is the meat of the Iron Skin Barbarian Bull, you try it..."

Su Fan said, and then picked up another piece of meat for himself, dipped it in the dry powder dipping sauce, and then put it into his mouth and ate it.

Oh my god...

The tenderloin of the Iron Skin Barbarian Bull is fresh and tender, and it is simply a delicacy with barbecue dry sauce.

In the previous life, Korean barbecue was generally marinated with onions, garlic, green onions, ginger, chili and other seasonings.

But Su Fan likes to use the original tenderloin slices, especially the tenderloin fillet, and roast it directly on the clay oven.

Zhuang Rui also understood it, and followed Su Fan's example, picked up the meat slices, dipped them in the dry sauce, and then put them into his mouth and ate them.

After chewing a few times, his eyes widened. He had never eaten this kind of barbecue before. It was so damn delicious.

The two of them didn't care about talking at all. They kept stuffing meat slices into their mouths and ate happily.

Zhuang Rui was already full after eating more than a dozen slices of meat.

But Su Fan had just started. These dozens of kilograms of meat were just enough for him to eat.

Zhuang Rui picked up the wine glass and toasted Su Fan.

"Junior brother, thank you for your hospitality today. This glass is for you..."

Su Fan and Zhuang Rui clinked their glasses and drank it all.

"How did you read the jade slip?"

"I have been studying it for the past few months. The study of making instruments is profound and I only understand a little bit."

After listening to Su Fan's words, Zhuang Rui tested him and found that this junior brother had a good understanding and a unique understanding of the study of making instruments.

"It seems that Junior Brother has not wasted these few months, and has learned very well..."

Su Fan waved his hand and said with a smile: "I just know a little bit..."

"During this period, you can go to the shops in Cangjiu City first, or walk around the Treasure Hall more, and buy the better utensils and tripods you see. The best utensils and tripods are often hard to come by, so you have to buy them when you see them."

After listening to his senior brother's words, Su Fan also thought it made sense, and planned to go to Cangjiu City tomorrow.

The two drank until the evening, chatting very speculatively and drinking heartily.

When Zhuang Rui left, he was already a little shaky, but his mood was very sour.

After seeing his senior brother off, Su Fan returned to the pond and sat there alone to drink.

He has not been idle at all in the past few months. Every day he either practices or studies the study of making utensils. The string in his heart is too tight.

It has been a long time since I drank so happily.

In the past, he could drink more heartily only with his senior sister. When he drank with others, he just joined in the fun.

Today he wanted to relax.

Be lazy and get drunk.

Su Fan poured one cup after another into his mouth, and soon he was drunk.

Lying on the stone slab beside the pond, he talked nonsense to himself.

At this time, he felt someone standing next to him.

Su Fan was startled, and most of the alcohol had dissipated. He sat up from the ground with a "whoosh".

He saw that his senior sister was standing next to the thatched cottage, looking at him expressionlessly.

Su Fan quickly got up and said with a smile: "Senior sister, can you say hello? This will scare people to death."


The senior sister snorted coldly, walked over with a proud face, and ignored Su Fan, taking off her shoes and sitting by the pond as usual.

Su Fan chuckled and said, "Sister, have you eaten?"

"It's this hour, where can I eat?"

Sister replied coldly, Su Fan quickly agreed, and then went to cook like a dog.

Looking at Su Fan's back, Sister smiled.

In the past few months, she has been wandering around Su Fan's cave many times, but she has never come in.

I don't know what happened today, but she walked in for some reason.

Don't look at Sister's cold appearance, in fact, she is very nervous, and the sweat on her back has soaked her robe.

Su Fan was busy, and made several small dishes for Sister, all of which she usually likes to eat.

He placed several dishes on the table, and then poured a glass of spirit wine for Sister.

"Sister, you eat first, all you like to eat..."

Sister ignored him, eating by herself, she looked up and glanced at Su Fan.

When she found that this guy was looking at her with a smile, her face immediately turned red, and her whole body was burning hot.

"What are you going to do? I warn you, don't have any bad ideas..."

Su Fan waved his hand quickly and said, "I didn't, I just saw that you were eating so deliciously and I was happy..."

Senior sister rolled her eyes at him, and her clear eyes suddenly became full of charm.

Between the smoke and the waves, her charm was moving.

Su Fan was immediately impressed.

Today, Senior Sister did not put on makeup, but she looked more beautiful.

Although the loose robe covered her figure, her figure was beautiful and graceful, showing a kind of floating beauty with flying sleeves.

Su Fan swallowed his saliva, a little distracted, and his mind was full of the beautiful scenes of that night.

The two were silent, and no one spoke.

But the atmosphere was very ambiguous, and there was a smell of adultery around.

Su Fan chuckled and picked up the wine glass.

"Senior sister, I'll toast you a glass..."

Senior sister ignored him and ate by herself. She didn't dare to speak now because she was very nervous.

Although she usually behaves like a big sister, in this regard, she is just a child.

At least compared to Su Fan, it was like a big bad wolf meeting a little white rabbit.

Su Fan shamelessly came over, sat next to the senior sister, picked up her chopsticks and picked out her favorite dishes, and put them in the senior sister's bowl.

"Eat more, I haven't seen you for such a long time, my senior sister has lost weight..."

When the senior sister saw Su Fan sitting close to her, her body became stiff.


Su Fan chuckled and reached out to hold the senior sister's feet. A soft and smooth feeling came from his palms.

"Let me massage your senior sister's feet. It's quite hard for you to run around every day..."

Senior sister has never seen such a shameless person, her face was as red as something, and her body was as hot as a ball of fire.

She wanted to push Su Fan's hand away, but Su Fan was not strong enough, so his foot was still held by him.

Su Fan pinched his senior sister's weak, boneless feet and looked at her with a smile.

"Senior sister, I've missed you since I haven't been here for so long..."

Encountering such a shameless big bad wolf, the senior sister was like a pink and tender little white rabbit, completely losing her previous majesty and boldness.

Su Fan squeezed it, but his hands were not honest.

The senior sister struggled in vain, but her bright eyes gradually became blurred, like silk and mist, and her charming eyes were like water.

Finally slowly close your eyes.

Night had already fallen, and the moon and stars were sparse above our heads.

A bright moon hung high in the night sky, and its radiance seemed to cover the entire earth with a bright gauze.

Beside the pool, it was another night of absurdity.

The newly posted chapter was reviewed, but Lao Bu didn't know it yet. He found out later and quickly posted it again before it was approved. Thank you to Book Friends 20171119152036999 and Wealthy Youquan for their monthly votes. Thank you for your encouragement and support. Thank you to Zhan Yi, Bits and Pieces of Tianya, Book Friends 20191004111155328, Desert Qin Master 1, Book Friends 20191213125637393, and Xianyuqiu. Fanshen, yangkai7510, END Clockwise, Wu Kexian, the world we live in is all false. Lao Bu is deeply grateful to all the big guys for their recommendation votes. Thank you all for your love and support.

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