Episode 48. Death (3)

Chapter 48. Death(3)

I pressed my swollen eyes and checked the clock hanging on the wall in amazement. These days, it was common to fall asleep in the study while going through this and that document.

That doesn’t mean I’m on an incredibly important mission. It is just checking various military and material information including troops and goods.

What I checked as soon as I arrived was the data of the existing territory. I looked for days and nights, but didn’t find anything helpful.

“Hmm. Still, the castle has been built strong, and building repairs and extensions are coming to an end. If so, food….”

I wonder if I really need to do this. Yes.

Because monsters like Orcs and Goblins require high intelligence. They’d better use their abilities.

There is also a limit to the part that is left to the villagers. First of all, aren’t we in the position of being the aggressor? In fact, it wouldn’t be strange if they betrayed them.

Above all, my personality is such that I have to check these things myself before I can lose my temper. In a way, it was also an obsession.

Kung. Thud. Thump!

I hear the sound of walking in the hallway. As the heavy weight touched my skin, I neatly covered the document I was reading.


A large orc. She smirks and raises the corners of her mouth as she wears her armor. He would probably smile at me, but it was a reservation.


“Uh. I’m here?”

As if an orc was arguing, he reported something. A shrieking cry causes waves in the air. Unlike the courageous appearance he had maintained until now, he was quite spleen today.

“Bu-hik?! Buhihi!!”

I nodded slowly. On the one hand, my heart thumps. I can’t help but admit it

The time has finally come. The only problem is that it came much sooner than I expected.

“Yes. You said you came close?”

The orc nodded calmly at my question. I got up and grabbed my clothes.

“Okay. Get ready.”

The huge green forearm rises with all its might. The orc’s right hand blade is fixed to the tip of the eyebrow. Judging from the fact that the backs of his hands and palms are not visible, it is assumed that he practiced quite a bit.


The orc quickly finished the salute and turned around with a whimper. He looked at the orc who left the office and took a deep breath.

As I step out into the hallway, I see a goblin in the middle of cleaning. I asked while gently stroking her round green hair.

“Do you remember what I said?”

After confirming the nodding of his head, I moved toward the front door. Just before pulling the doorknob, I turn my head and see a mirror hanging on the wall.

“It has changed a lot.”

Due to the appearance correction skill, my face has undergone significant changes. Okay. Admit it.

“You look good.”

Because it was changing as if electronic devices were being updated. I don’t know if I can call this my face.

Before I could finish my brief appreciation, I heard the sound of monsters murmuring across the wall. I can’t make you wait too long

I opened the door and came out. Then, their shouts were heard in an instant.

“Kik-look. Kiek!!!”

“Boo. Buchik. Buhihihi!!!”

Monster soldiers waiting as if they were ready. My own army.

“The others?”


According to my order, all civilians were evacuated inside the house. That should be enough. For me, this was the best.

Using the villagers, they gave the soldiers enough armor and weapons. To be honest, the prospects are low. But I had to do this to make it less uncomfortable.

“Is everyone ready?!”

Monsters screaming loudly at my question. Deafness level.

“Then let’s go.”


A green giant with a bigger and stronger body than an orc. It is estimated to be at least 3m in length, but it is judged to be more than that. The existence of a monster that is even called a muscle pig.

Auger rod.

Great muscle. Although he has a small amount of hair, he is practically bald.

Compared to the short lower body, the upper body is massive and massive. It had a fairly large face, but the size of its nose was especially brutal.

Is being tyrannical and stupid a downside? I say it again just in case.

Even if it looks like this, it is a ‘female’.

As [System: Commander, You can command low level monsters. ]

The level of difficulty is high, but it is difficult to meet. Are you lucky? Due to the influence of my pheromones, I was able to easily recruit them.


With the help of Augusto, I climbed onto her hard Pacific shoulders. I could barely hear her crying as I sat down on one shoulder.


“Yes. Thank you. It’s better than I thought.”

As I headed toward the gate, I waved my hand. The signal to open that huge door. The goblins who understood my meaning let out a grotesque cry.

“Kik-look. Kiek!!”

“Keee!! Chilling!!!!”

The gates of the castle begin to open with a creaking noise. I blinked slowly and looked at the scene.

Today, for some reason, the sky seems higher. The glare of the sunlight disturbed her vision, causing her to slightly frown.

In general, the method of ‘jonber’ inside the castle was advantageous. However, he didn’t want to defeat the imperial army enough to use such a method.

Above all, it’s a castle wall built, but it’s a waste if it collapses. I don’t want to harm civilians.

And the presence of customers who come here.

“I know who it is.”

From what I heard from the goblins I spyed on, it was not a large force.

To put it simply.

There is only a warrior party.

The moment the Gearco door opens. I stretched out my finger.

“All forward.”

The ogre rod carrying me moves forward. All kinds of monsters following us as if escorting us.

[System: Lead the demon army to occupy the empire.]

Please stop. I know enough.

A little far from where I am. A group of presumed human women begin to appear.

Maybe I was looking forward to meeting them. No. In fact, he may have wished he hadn’t come here.

I couldn’t help but let out a sigh at the window that opened at that moment.

[System: Defeat The Hero Party.]

“Why are you acting like this to me?”

I can’t even laugh out loud. Is it all if you save your life? Okay. Thanks to you, I also got revenge. But this is too much

When I look at the status window, a woman standing at the front of the crowd comes into view. She looks all too familiar.

Black short hair. A warrior’s armor. A holy sword at the waist.

“… Yoo In Na.”

It’s really an all-female party. Even at a party like that, there is usually a Cheongil store.

Behind her, there were also familiar faces. I never thought the most famous women in the empire would come to such a periphery.

Elina, an elf woman, a brunette wizard, and Jane.

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

No. For a moment. Why did he come all the way here

They open their mouths, but honestly, I can’t hear them very well. Unfortunately, negotiations were impossible at this time.

[System: Kill the hero.]

It would have been great if it wasn’t for that phrase. The urge to kill made my stomach churn.

My head is dizzy. The feeling that the blood in the whole body is cold. The feeling of not being me. Maybe at some point I wasn’t myself.

For a moment, my mind went hazy. The light smell of blood is fishy. You must never put up with this blurred consciousness.

Will I kill them?

Make sure to read from noble mtl dot com

No. Don’t want to kill

This is not what I wanted.

I wonder if I shouldn’t have taken revenge from the beginning.

Huh. No way.

I wonder if the things I’ve been doing up until now were really my will.

But what does that matter? That the way you go has changed that it’s already too late

Your lips moved against your will. I just want to pass this moment quickly.

“… Good.”

Monsters run after giving the command.

Jane’s giant scythe spins and cuts the heads of the goblins. They easily stand up to my monsters.

Is it because the armor was effective? The monsters held up better than I thought. Of course, I don’t think it will last long.

“Bu-hik. Buhihihi!!!”

The orc’s huge club was swung at the hero. I almost screamed without realizing it, but Yoo In-na easily avoided the attack.

“Baby, calm down!!!”

“Brother, wake up!!”


I hear them calling me. It was as if a tickling arrow had been fired into my stagnant consciousness like a swamp.

Yes. In practical terms, they are much stronger.

More than monsters equipped with armor and weapons. Because they were heroes who had already fought and won numerous battles.

It was only for a moment that I was buried in emotions that I could not understand myself.

Rather than their lives. My dying soldiers were far more important. Normal people will ask if I’m crazy, but what if I’m real?

A warrior. Emperor. Saintess. Elf. Wizard.

I must kill them.

As he stroked his strong green neck, he took a comfortable posture as if he had noticed his intentions. I came down easily from Augusto Lord’s shoulder.

I am an incubus.

The one who carries on the demon’s will.

“I will once again bring holy darkness to this land.”

Damn it. Damn.

Black wings extending from the back. This time it wasn’t as painful as before.

“Kieek? Keee!!”

“Bu-hik. Buhihihi!!!”

Black powder came out every time it flapped its wings. The more he did, the more the demons cheered.

If intense effects and sound effects are pouring in, it must be this moment.

They face the battle with a shocked expression.

You can feel the little horns when you play with your hair. It was hard and rigid.

Only six people.

The weakest of the Four Heavenly Kings. Incubus,

I swung my tentacles at the warrior party.

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