Liver Progress from One Breath Decision

Chapter 147 Soul Eater, Kui Niu's Life!

【Start liver progress from Yiqijue】 【】

"Thunderbolt has a side that represents the new life of all things, and can activate my potential!" Thinking of this, Zhong Chao was no longer afraid, and even felt that it would be okay to be choked a few times. Unfortunately, such a thing did not happen. After all, the soul in Kui Niu Xue Yin was a remnant soul, or it was deliberately handled by the pharmacist to minimize the ferocity and danger of the remnant soul. Making six bull calls and attracting a flash of lightning is already the limit of what it can do. When these things didn't kill Zhong Chao, it wilted. The swarming sun's fire quickly made Kui Niu's remnant soul unable to maintain its bull shape. Seeing that it was about to be refined into a ball of light, Zhong Chao was anxious. "Wait, don't die first, and then call me a few times!" In order to keep Kui Niu's remnant soul alive longer, Zhong Chao even turned the Sword of Sunshine, changed the formation, and sent its remnant soul into the gossip The location of the raw gate in the furnace. This approach is effective. It is located in the gate of life. In its illusory form, it issued three more bull calls, attracting a thunder. So far, a total of nine bulls' calls sounded in Zhong Chao's sea of ​​consciousness. The final Thunder also made Zhong Chao's injury more serious, but the power of Thunder was brewing in the body, which also made Zhong Chao's genes more active. At the same time, in order to prevent accidents and the calcination of the fire of the sun, Zhong Chao still drank three bottles of the jade liquid to pay off. This is to prolong the smelting time as much as possible and activate more talents. The medicinal pill that healed the body was also thrown into the abdomen by Zhong Chao. After feeling the body, Zhong Chao found that the wounds of his soul and body were recovering, and the blood of Kui Niu was also locked by the Bagua furnace that evolved from the body, and it was steadily refining. Kui Niu's soul is even worse, it has been refined into a light group by the gossip furnace. At this point, Zhong Chao understood that he had successfully melted blood this time. But also because of this, he also complained: "I can suppress the fifth-order Warcraft blood so easily, has my strength increased so much?" "...It should be the reason for the gossip furnace that evolved from the sword in the furnace. This gossip furnace It's an array method, which has a very strong suppressing and melting effect on the soul and body. Unless there is a bUG-level existence like the Great Sage, it will definitely be smelted to death... Even the Great Sage is only after the lid is opened. There is a chance to escape and ascend to heaven." "And, after all, the blood of warcraft is not the soul of warcraft, it is rootless water, it is still incomplete and weakened. Normally, the blood of fifth-order warcraft can exert the power of fourth-order soul is not bad. It's gone." "My divine soul became tough and strong when it was pulling the fire of the sun... Such a divine soul, combined with the divine soul gossip furnace formed by the fire of the sun, suppressing the fourth-order divine soul is not difficult." Thinking about the reason why he suppressed the fifth-order blood lead, Zhong Chao looked at the Kui Niu soul that was smelted into a ball of light. After thinking for a while, Zhong Chao gritted his teeth, revealing a scarlet ghost face on his face, and then the ghost face opened his teeth and swallowed the soul alive. "Om!" With the entrance of the soul, in an instant, a majestic and messy stream of memories poured into Zhong Chao's mind. Washed by the memory flow, Zhong Chao felt that he had become a bull with Kui blood. In that memory, Zhong Chao found that he was born on an island. At birth, he had the talent to walk on water and breathe underwater, and he could jump into the sea to catch fish. There are abundant seafood around the island, so that you can eat enough and grow up quickly. As he eats, sleeps, and grows older, his heart is gradually filled with the power of thunder, and stimulated by the power of thunder and lightning, his body grows larger, and he has a great power. "I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods" The powerful self competes with the creatures on the island and in the water for territory. Initially, he will be injured, but each time he is injured, his skin will be tougher, until one day, His body became bigger, his skin was tougher, and he also awakened the sound of thunder. With all kinds of talents, he is unmatched, and he has become the overlord of the island. He can also swim and eat freely in the sea. It was a happy life. Unfortunately, there are no cows on the island. "Can't mate?" "Why can't, the cow is so beautiful." "Just can't like it, people can't, let alone." "I like it... I don't want it,

I'm hungry, it's time to eat. "After that, the flowers on the island bloomed thirty-six times, and thanked them thirty-six times. On this day, a thick dark cloud came from a distance. It is like the end of the sky. The storm is coming. It is a terrifying storm. The storms are continuous, the waves can be as high as 100 meters, and the thunder is falling like rain. The storm was directly destroyed, and I was caught in the storm. But when I fell into the undulating sea, I was not only not afraid, but extremely excited. With the connection of blood, I chased the storm, drove, and kept howling in the storm. neighing. "Moo! Moo! Moo! "In the joyful shouting, at the end, a thunderbolt fell on him. Being struck by the thunder and lightning, he fainted, and was swept up by the storm and flowed toward the surrounding waters. I don't know how long it took, the storm stopped. , I also woke up again. Later, I found that not only was I not injured by the thunder, but I broke through something. With the help of my voice, I could call for the wind, rain and thunder to gather above my head. The perception in the blood, let me know, I have awakened my talent - calling for wind and rain! I can drive wind, rain and thunder and lightning, which makes me even more excited. The range of activities has gradually reached a hundred miles, and I like storms and keep chasing storms. Flowers blossom and fade for another twenty-four years... ...Without the island, I don't know how many years. During these years, there have been no major storms, but small storms have continued, and the contact with the storm has increased, and the thunder power in my heart has gradually become stronger. One day, the power of my heart suddenly became stronger. Soaring." Pumbaa! "The power of the heart has brought about an increase in the overall appearance of the body. Now, the range of his call for wind and rain is wider, and the sound of the cow's cry is louder. At the highest point, he can make a sound for eighty miles. When he screams, everything will be silent. The food that I like, I will still wait for myself to enjoy it. I like this kind of prestige and domineering, so after my heart is strengthened, I often roar around the territory, swearing my territory. On the third day, my own The cry attracted a flying little man. "Can this little man eat, um, why am I shaking all over? ...Mr. Count! ""This little man rode on my back and wanted me to be a mount. I was angry, Kui Niu will never be a slave, I kept howling, I activated the wind and rain, evoked the power of thunder to kill him, and dived into the bottom of the sea... Human, Mr. Ji, I am not Kui Niu, I am Zhong Chao, I have swallowed Kui Niu's soul! "Lei Ting choked for three minutes, the villain became impatient, waved his hand, I..." Dead!

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