Liver Progress from One Breath Decision

Chapter 143 The blood leads to the hand!

【Start liver progress from Yiqijue】 【】

Before coming in, Zhong Chao thought about many things, such as accusations, salary suspension, or warnings. He even thought that he had had a conflict with Yingchao, the sword of Dielang, and that this person belonged to the Canghaijian faction, and Mr. Ji would suppress him because of this. But he only did not think that he would be praised. After taking a look at Mr. Ji's expression, and finding that he was really complimenting, not sneering around, Zhong Chao was sure that he was indeed a swordsman. Rejoice in kindness and hatred, that is, repaying kindness with kindness, and taking revenge for revenge, simply and neatly, not afraid of wolves before and tigers later, this is also what swordsmen love. And what Zhong Chao just did was in line with the principle of pleasure and revenge, and because of this, he was appreciated by Mr. Ji. After confirming this, Zhong Chao did not lie about his responsibilities according to his original thoughts, but said coldly: "Your Excellency is too good, although I am weak, I will not be bullied. No matter who it is, If you want to get cheap on me, you have to be prepared to break two teeth." "Hehe, little guy, keep this spirit..." After he finished speaking, he paused before continuing: "In advance The January assessment is indeed not good for you, and the reason for this is mine. As compensation, you can make a request to me." Hearing this, Zhong Chao's eyes immediately lit up, whether Mr. Ji is a master or surpasses the museum owner Yuan Ming 's super expert. This can be seen from the attitude of the giants of Jujiang City towards the two. Although the owner of the museum, Yuan Ming, has laid a foundation, the foundation is only at the junction of the inner and outer cities. At the same time, although there are children of wealthy families in the King Kong Wu Museum, there are no real children of wealthy families. On the other hand, Mr. Ji is different. He controls Ming Cejun and rejects the unspoken rules of the wealthy in the city, allowing Ming Cejun to run according to his own wishes. Being able to convince the nobles in Jujiang City and make them bow their heads, from this point, it can be proved that he is stronger than the main hall, and much stronger. And such a strong man, if he leaks some good things at will, can benefit Zhong Chao endlessly. "Xie Junzhu, I want a blood lead, preferably from the Thunder type." There was no politeness. After understanding Mr. Ji's nature, Zhong Chao knew that the politeness would not make the person in front of him happy. Even, because of disgust, he would agree with Zhong Chao's polite words and cancel the benefits given, and Zhong Chao would cry to death. As for the blood lead, it is Zhong Chao who wants to strengthen his own strength and ensure that he will win the game three days later. "Xueyin..." After feeling Zhong Chao's breath, Mr. Ji nodded: "Qi and blood have changed but the blood hasn't melted yet, you really need some bloody references, how many levels, three or four." He He didn't say second-order at all. If Zhong Chao wanted second-order, he would give it, but after that, he would never pay attention to Zhong Chao again. Swordsmen, especially the top swordsmen, are arrogant and will not communicate too much with the 'weak'. This weakness not only refers to strength, but also to heart. 'If he dares to ask for a fourth-order blood lead, he can take care of him... The dark fog covers the sun, the evil is crowded, and the world is not far away. Such arrogant seedlings are considered a part of human beings. If you can help, please help . ' Mr. Ji is powerful and knowledgeable, but even he, exhausting his imagination, can at most put the level of Zhong Chao's blood fusion on the fourth level. Therefore, Zhong Chao's next words made him stunned. "Fourth-order high-level is also fine, but if there is a fifth-order beginner, it is best." "Fifth-order? Are you going to sell what I gave you?" "No, I will integrate myself." "Now?" "Now "..." After getting a definite answer, Mr. Ji was silent for a long time before his voice rang again: "As a warrior, you have already fused blood, and you should understand the difficulty of the remnant soul of the beast. Fifth-order The blood of demon beast is still the most powerful thunder type. If you are not careful, you will die, the kind that no one can save. Now, I will give you a chance to go back, you can choose again." The swordsman pays attention to Forge ahead without regrets, but Zhong Chao's shock to Mr. Ji was so great that he was willing to give Zhong Chao a chance. To this, Zhong Chao's answer was: "No, it's the fifth-order elementary level. If the military master doesn't believe it, you can watch it when I merge." "..." After a while of silence, Mr. Ji shook his head and said, "No need,

In Jujiang City, no one dares to lie to me, not even your master, let alone you who need to be sheltered by him... Tomorrow, the blood you want will be sent to the King Kong Wuguan. "" Xie Junzhu! After bowing, Zhong Chao left. Looking at the figure he left, Mr. Ji's mood was not calm for a long time. "The second exchange of blood and fusion of fifth-order blood leads, if he really succeeds, Jujiang City will It's getting lively... Unfortunately, he is a martial arts practitioner, not a swordsman. "... Inside the house, Zhong Chao and Mr. Ji chatted for a long time. Outside, there was a commotion among the children of the noble family. In the early days, those people were shocked by Zhong Chao's great strength. Some flags even gave up challenging Zhong Chao because of this. "Hey, I know it's not that simple, how can one who can win the position of a hundred households be useless. ""Should have taken refuge in the past earlier. "How can he be so strong. "Shocked, puzzled, fearful, these are the initial thoughts of the wealthy children. However, soon, someone discovered Zhong Chao's 'weakness'. "Don't be too frustrated, everyone, I admit that Zhong Chao's spirit is indeed powerful... No With such a powerful soul, it is impossible for him to reach 2,500 meters on the road to Jianchi, but after all, he did not exchange blood four times, so he could not show the true meaning of martial arts. This remark made many general flags react and regained their confidence. "Yes, without the coercion of the true meaning of martial arts, the soul can only attack from the eyes, as long as we cover or close our eyes, his The biggest killer move is useless. "Why do you need to cover your eyes, servants are servants, they are not stable at all, they hurriedly reveal something, I wish everyone in the world would know, but everyone knows that this is the most stupid behavior. "Hahaha, Brother Lin is right, that idiot is giving us a chance. ""What's the meaning? "What else could it be, a soul-soothing thing that resists the attack of the soul. Don't tell me, your house doesn't even have such a thing. "Of course there is... something that shakes the soul, yes, with this thing, his soul attack will be useless... At least, he can't see us down at a glance. "Without the greatest advantage, just relying on martial arts, what can he do to fight us. "Excited, ecstatic, and the willows are dark and flowers are bright again. This is the feeling of the children of the wealthy who are preparing. However, there are also people who are worried: "But does the military lord agree to us using such props in the game? "It's okay, we can mobilize the family to persuade. "That is, accessories and weapons are also a part of strength, why can't they be used. "...Everyone, no matter who gets the position of the Hundred Households, it's all rotten in the pot, and we have to work together. "Don't worry, we will..." "Don't say it, there are traitors here, let's go to other places to discuss." "…

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