Chapter 643: Ingenious method!

Suddenly, Hanzhe thought of a way to get the best of both worlds. According to his current situation, saving time is as important as being able to go out safely. Since I don’t know how big the pool of water above my head is, I don’t even know how big it is. It’s a hole to be dug out, and I don’t know which direction to go and how far to go.

So after a bit of thinking, I finally decided to go out from the entrance I came in at the time, just to combine it with another method.

So Hanzhe said to the friends in the live broadcast room: “Dear brothers, don’t worry, I have already thought of a way to go out. I think this method should have a relatively high success rate.”

After hearing what Hanzhe said, the water friends in the live broadcast room were also very happy, and they sent out these bulletins to inquire about Hanzhe’s plan.

“Purple Loli and blue fat times gave the anchor 570 fish balls-anchor! What is your plan? Are you sure? You must pay attention to safety! Don’t behave! Now you are very close to success! Don’t let us down!”

“I want to eat a big cake and sleep and give the anchor 709 fish balls—Brother Han! Tell us about your plan! Don’t sell it! We now want to know if you can leave this safely and unharmed. Spiritual place!”

“A group of egrets on the blue sky gave the anchor 69 shark fins-Brother Han! As long as you can get out safely, it is better than anything! Really! It’s okay! We will always support you! Protect yourself! Pay attention to safety, we only have this. Requested!”

“The room manager Yang Wudi gave the anchor 8 rockets-Lao Han! Now that you are sure, let go and do it! We will always support you! Stand behind you and always support you! Don’t worry! Lao Han! Come on, you can do it!”

Hanzhe saw the barrage of encouragement sent by his friends, and was very moved, so Hanzhe spoke to the friends in the live broadcast room and said, “Brothers! Thank you for your encouragement! I am here. Just tell everyone about my plan!”

Having said that, Hanzhe paused for a while, seeming to be sorting out his own language, and then Hanzhe said: “My dear brothers, my plan is like this. I dug a hole in one of the walls, and then I dug the soil mountain. When the water pool above the soil mountain began to pour down, I hid in the hole just dug. In this way, I You won’t be washed behind the tunnel by the water above!”

After talking about the cold rut, he took out the Lorraine city shovel from his backpack, and after simply checking his surroundings with a flashlight, after cold rut confirmed that there were no poisonous snakes and poisonous insects nearby, he put it down. The flashlight, then took Zhan Lujian and Lorraine City Shovel, came to a wall of the tunnel, ready to start construction.

The water friends in the live broadcast room saw Hanzhe first inserted the Zhan Lu sword between the stone bricks on the tunnel wall, and began to cut forcefully.

The whole tunnel and the live broadcast instantly sounded sour. After all, the sound of Zhan Lujian and the stone bricks on the wall was still very torturing.

Taking into account the feelings of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Hanzhe turned off the sound in the live broadcast room, and at the same time typed a line in the live broadcast system with his mind to tell the water friends in the live broadcast room that he wanted to take care of everyone’s feelings. , The sound in the live broadcast room has been turned off.

Therefore, the water friends in the whole live broadcast room can only watch the cold rut in the tunnel continuously cutting the stone bricks on the tunnel wall with the Zhan Lu sword.

As time passed by, the cold rut also removed piece after piece of stone brick from the wall of the tunnel.

After removing the stone bricks and seeing the situation on the other side of the wall, he was also relieved.

Behind the stone bricks, what Hanzhe saw was soil with a texture that was not too hard. The existence of this situation undoubtedly relieved a lot of pressure on Hanzhe’s subsequent work.

With the energetic cold rut, quickly using the Zhan Lu sword and Lorraine city shovel, he began to dig on the wall where the stone bricks had been removed by himself.

After a while, Hanzhe opened a space 20 centimeters deep on this wall, just enough for him to stand in. Of course, Hanzhe also controlled the height of the hole so that the hole could not be It is not close to the ground of the tunnel, but is about 30 centimeters higher than the ground. In this way, even if the entire tunnel is submerged by water, there will be a certain amount of time to prepare.

After digging the hole on one side of the wall, the rut came to the small dirt mountain that completely blocked the tunnel.

After a simple inspection of this small earthy mountain, Hanzhe took out the Lorraine City shovel and began to make a hole under the small earthy mountain.

Because the Lorraine shovel is cylindrical, it doesn’t take too much effort to dig a lot of small holes in this earthy mountain. The reason for this is to reduce the strength of this earthy mountain. When the time comes, the water above will be easier to wash away the dirt mountain.

But at this time, the water friends in the live broadcast room were all nervous, and saw them madly sending out barrage, reminding Hanzhe to pay attention to safety.

“The business girl donated 698 fish balls to the anchor-anchor! Be careful! Now this earth mountain may collapse in an instant at any time! By then, you really won’t have time to run!”

“Seven-point efforts and three-point days to give the anchor 388 fish balls—you upstairs underestimated our brother Han! Since he dared to do this, he must be sure! You didn’t see him in this earthy mountain. When digging a hole below, do you carefully calculate the distance and depth?”

“The enemy has 30 seconds to arrive on the battlefield and give the anchor 679 fish balls-yes! I think the reason the anchor did this is to reduce the strength of this earthy mountain! At that time, after the water above it washed down, this The earthen mountain will collapse quickly, so that it will not continue to pile up, otherwise it will block the entrance again!”

“The room manager Yang Wudi gave the anchor 6 rockets-Lao Han! Well done! Brothers, next, when we witness the miracle, we touch the Jinmen Gate Master Lao Han, and we will be able to safely get out of this tunnel! ”

But at this time, I didn’t watch the barrage in the live broadcast room, because his “pretreatment” of the soil mountain was almost done, and everything is ready now, except for the final opening of the entrance. NS!

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