Live Streaming! This Parrot is so Beautiful

Chapter 472 Do You Know Your Sin?

Ouyang Qin'er, something happened!

The call was from Cheng Rong.

Although in the villa, many instruments and equipment are not in place.

But at least the monitoring device is still there.

According to what she said, as soon as Ouyang Qiner walked out of the villa, she was taken away by several men in black.

And throughout the process, she didn't resist at all.

"This idiot!

Lu Yuan couldn't help but curse.

She is still very strong.

As long as she resists, the people of Ouyang's family will definitely not take her away easily.

At that time, if Lu Yuan passes by, you can still rescue her.

"Where did they go?"

Lu Yuan asked in a cold tone.

"I left the tracking device on purpose, and they headed for the suburbs."

"Send me the location!"

"Lu Yuan, do you want us to go with you?"

Lu Yuan sneered.

"You still pay attention to your own safety!

"Beware it's a trick!

Although this remark made Cheng Yan a little shocked, she also had to admit that Lu Yuan was strong.

The next moment, Lu Yuan flew out.

His speed is exceptionally fast.

Just over ten minutes later, he saw the business Mercedes Benz.

But his heart sank.

The speed of this car is not fast, even a little slow.

"It seems that they are waiting for themselves!

Lu Yuan understood, this is asking you to enter the urn.

Of course he wasn't stupid enough to take the initiative to deliver it.

He landed slowly and looked around.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

In the distance, there is a rooster walking slowly.

His expression became weird.

Immediately, a faint aura drifted out from his body.

The rooster raised his head and ran over with a cry.

"Little darling, let's give the Ouyang family a big gift together!

As soon as the words fell, the rooster had already approached.

With a bang, the cock turned into the appearance of Ouyang's brother Xiong Er.

And then, Lu Yuan became a big bear.

"Haha, brother chicken, let's go!

The two hurried towards the suburbs.

on the Benz.

"Why didn't the parrot come.

"We have trackers in our cars! 99

"Could it be that we are going too fast?"

A middle-aged man couldn't help but say.

"Hmph, that parrot is very cunning."

"But Qin'er is in our hands, so I'm not afraid that he won't come."

"When I go back, let the ancestors clean him up.""

As soon as I heard the words "Old Ancestor", the car suddenly fell silent.

That is a strong man far beyond the limits of human beings.

After driving for another twenty minutes, they came to the front of a mountain village.

This mountain village is very simple, and the whole village has more than 20 households.

It's the same old thatched cottage.

Mercedes-Benz cars are incompatible with this mountain village.

After the car stopped, several children gathered around.

It was the first time they saw a car, and they were naturally quite excited.

Around the car, chattering started.

"Go away!"

After the middle-aged man got out of the car, he roared at the children.

A few children ran away in fright.

A few timid wows began to cry.

"Nonsense, the ancestors have explained that you can't hurt the villagers here!

An old man frowned.

"Hey, Uncle Six, I just scare them.

"Otherwise, they will come to see what we do, won't we be bored?

"Okay, hurry up and take Qin'er to the ancestor's place, don't delay the business.

The old man frowned.

In a tile-roofed house, a middle-aged man sat on a heated kang.

He sat cross-legged, eyes closed, like a sculpture.

"Old man, look at how strange this person is.""

"I see them coming to the village, and they are not at ease."

"Why don't we call the police?"

An old lady was in the side room, and through the window, she could just see the strange gesture of the middle-aged man.

He said in a low voice to the old man beside him.

The old man tapped his cigarette bag.

"What do you know, woman? I've taken all my money. If I call the police, won't we be implicated?"

"Besides, he didn't do anything harmful to the village."

"We're a place where birds don't poop, and we'll be gone in a few days.

He is the old village head of the village, so his residence is also the best.

At this moment, a group of people suddenly walked in from the door.

"Oh, this girl is so handsome!"

The old lady suddenly exclaimed.

The old village chief looked up and was a little surprised.

He had never seen such a girl in his life.

Really like a fairy.

at the same time.

Ouyang Qin'er was also looking at the private house.

0.....for flowers·

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at the window of the main room.

Through the window, I could vaguely see the middle-aged man.

"What a powerful breath!

In her heart, she was extremely shocked.

The martial arts of the Ouyang family have been passed down for a long time.

They practiced a very strange mental method.

As long as you practice this method, you can judge each other's strength through breath.

Ouyang Qin'er understood, this is the ancestor of Houshan.

Every Ouyang family who entered the back mountain must be called the ancestor.

This has nothing to do with age.

"Qin'er pays respects to the ancestors!"

As soon as she walked in the door, Ouyang Qin'er knelt down respectfully.

The rules of the Ouyang family are very strict, and this kind of rules is deeply ingrained in the hearts of every Ouyang family.

So Ouyang Qin'er is almost instinctive.


"Are you guilty?"

The middle-aged man slowly opened his eyes and said lightly.

Ouyang Qin'er trembled.

"I am guilty.

"Go back first, and when you return to the clan, you will naturally be punished. 35


"Huh? What else?"

"I want to intercede for him, and I am willing to use my life to beg the family to let him go!"

Hearing this, several people in the back sneered.

The ancestor also laughed dumbly.

"Do you really think you can enter the back mountain?

"The Ouyang family has never lacked talent.

"Come on, tie him up to me!


The two middle-aged men stepped forward, held Ouyang Qiner down, and tied them with ropes.

Her face continued to struggle, and in the end she just sighed.

dong dong!

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside.

Brother Ouyang came in from outside.

In the family, these two brothers are nothing more than juniors.

Now in Shencheng, they have to rely on them to prepare supplies and inquire about news.

Therefore, they are qualified to come here.

"Meet the ancestors, see the elders!

As soon as the two entered, they saluted respectfully.

"Stop talking nonsense, let you prepare the food, is it ready?"

An old man frowned and asked.

"It's ready, the food is still hot!"

Xiong laughed and ran over and opened the suitcase in his hand.

Immediately, a tantalizing scent came out.

"Huh? What delicious food, bring it here!

The eyes of the people in front of them suddenly lit up.

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