Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 901: Daelin's Compromise

In Azeroth, spellcasters are very precious strategic resources in any country, and tidesages are no exception.

The entire tidesage organization has as many as tens of thousands of people, but most of them are civil servants like file administrators, and there are also a considerable number of apprentices.

Apprentice tidesages also have the ability to pilot a single ship, but if they want to lead a fleet, they must be done by a senior full-time tidesage.

There are only more than 300 full-time tidesages in Kul Tiras. During peacetime, most of these tidesages have received big orders and travel around with large merchant fleets.

Excluding the more than 80 people brought by Lord Stormsong, there are only about 20 full-time tidesages in Kul Tiras all over Kul Tiras.

In order to deal with possible emergencies, these left-behind personnel could not be easily used, and Lord Stormsong summoned all the mobile forces in a face-saving manner.

Even with the high-speed fleet assisted by the tide sages, with the wind direction and strength of the current season, it is estimated that it will take more than 20 days to cross the endless sea, which is already the fastest speed.

It took one day to prepare before departure from Quel'Thalas, and another three days to sail to Kul Tiras. The time left for Sharlayan and others was only about 25 days, and the jam was very tight.

Dai Lin also knew the priorities, although he really hoped that his daughter could stay at home and rest for a day, but right now is not the time for children to be in love with each other.

The fleet arrived at noon that day, and before it got dark, Sarlayan and the others were escorted by Dai Lin and Catherine to the military port wharf to board the ship.

In this expedition to Kalimdor, Lord Stormsong, the leader of the tidesages, will personally accompany Kul Tiras.

When the group arrived at the pier, 86 tidesages had already arrived at the port and were ready to go.

When Sharlayan was busy planning and distributing these tidesages equally to each battleship, Daelin was holding Jaina's hand on the pier and earnestly exhorting something.

Judging from Jaina's dumbfounding expression, this stupid dad should have made another speechless statement.

Queen Catherine, who was following beside her, interrupted Dai Lin's thoughts with a black face, and forcibly dragged him back a few steps.

Lord Stormsong was also a little dumbfounded: "Daelin, I'm following you, don't worry."

Still unwilling, Dai Lin glared at Sarlayan, who was busy, and said, "Ajax, I'll trouble you, don't let that brat mess with my daughter."

"Yes~" Lord Stormsong said with a wry smile, "But if your daughter takes the initiative..."

Dai Lin: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Catherine's forehead burst out with veins: "Nothing is impossible! Shut up! Isn't it embarrassing enough?"

"You are the king of Kul Tiras! A lot of people are watching!"

After an ironic farewell, Jaina finally got rid of her father's entanglement and boarded Sharlayan's flagship with Lord Stormsong.

After receiving Sharlayan's approval, Donali Huguang, the leader of the dragon army, ordered loudly: "Everyone obeys the order! Pull out the anchor! Raise the sails and set sail!"

As the light and nimble high-speed battleship turned its rudder and left the dock, the tidesages scattered on the various ships also took action.

Lord Stormsong stood tall at the bow of the ship with arms outstretched, and a dozen tidesages fanned out behind him.

"Pray to the Sea God!"

The speed of the warship that has just started should not be fast, and it will gradually speed up as the wind pushes it.

With the help of the tide sages manipulating the small-scale ocean currents, the originally slow-speeding fleet suddenly realized stepless speed change, reaching the highest theoretical speed of these warships in just a few seconds.

Theory is just theory. There are too many uncertain factors that interfere with the speed in the actual sailing environment. It stands to reason that it is impossible to reach the theoretical speed under normal sailing conditions.

The power of the tide sage is so magical that he forced this fleet to reach the theoretical limit speed.

Dai Lin and Catherine stood on the pier and looked into the distance, until the fleet quickly disappeared at the far end of the sea level, the two sighed in unison and looked away.

The husband and wife looked at each other, and Catherine shook her head with a wry smile: "Girls don't want to stay."

Dai Lin also rubbed his brows helplessly: "There is no way, since Jaina is determined not to inherit the throne, we can only put our hope on Tandre."

Looking at the turbulent blue sea, Dai Lin's face suddenly became ferocious.

"If Drake was still around..."

Mentioning the eldest son who unfortunately died in battle, Catherine's expression also became a little dark.

"The past is in the past. The dead cannot come back. We must leave the past behind and look to the future."

Dai Lin's expression was still uncertain: "It's true to say so, but we must avenge Drake's revenge."

Catherine patted Daelin's rough hand and asked, "Are you still struggling with the matter that Sharlayan mentioned earlier?"


Daelin said with deep eyes: "If it wasn't Sharlayan who brought up this matter, I would definitely suspect that he secretly communicated with the orcs."

Paper can't contain fire, and instead of waiting until Daelin personally investigates it and then explodes, Sharlayan is more willing to take the initiative to spread the matter to avoid rifts between the two parties.

Because the eldest son Drake died at the hands of the orcs' red dragon knights, Daelin had vowed to make the orcs pay the blood price.

Daelin once left a famous saying that only dead orcs are good orcs.

Salayan specifically mentioned the matter of Guyin'er and the Frostwolf clan to Daelin, and told him all about his plans for Guyin'er, the Frostwolf clan, and even the entire new tribe.

As the helm who bears the fate of a country, Dai Lin is by no means a pure reckless man.

In the beginning he had indeed been at odds with the orcs, and had firmly opposed the scheme of manipulating the new Horde, thinking that sooner or later the beasts would break the covenant.

But Sharlayan's words moved him.

Instead of letting the orcs who have been appeased from the blood of the demon die worthless, it is better to let them be cannon fodder in the face of the Burning Legion invasion in the future, which can greatly reduce the power of Azeroth, including Kul Tiras. The war losses of the Sri Lankan countries.

Daelin did hate orcs, but before this personal hatred, he was a king first and he had to think about the people under his rule.

The changes at the Portal of Darkness became more and more obvious. Ronin, who was about to take over the chairmanship of the Kirin Tor, went to Fort Watch in the Land of the Damned not long ago.

According to close calculations by Ronin and the mages accompanying him, within two years at the latest, the Burning Legion will make a major move, and the Dark Portal is likely to open again.

At that time, the whole of Azeroth will be involved in the flames of war, and Kul Tiras will not be immune to it.

On the other hand, Sharlayan also told Daelin about the Scourge's movements in detail.

In the past few years, Daelin has been leading the army to fight in Northrend, and he has some understanding of the Scourge.

The psychic of the Scourge can quickly transform the enemy soldiers who died on the battlefield into undead creatures, forcibly pull them up to join their own side, and point their weapons at the comrades who fought side by side before.

If the Scourge is allowed to snowball through battle after battle, sooner or later they will become a serious threat to all living people on Azeroth.

Not long ago, Sharlayan received information from Kel'Thuzad.

After experiencing the defeat in the battle of Azronelub, Ner'zhul, who had been a little swollen, finally recognized the reality.

Northrend's territory division has basically been stabilized, and under the continuous surveillance of the high-alert high elves, it is difficult for him to make a living in Northrend.

That being the case, Ner'zhul shifted his target at the suggestion of Kel'Thuzad, and sent a large number of psychics across the sea to the Eastern Kingdom, lurking in various human kingdoms, and secretly developing the sect of eternal life (the sect of curse).

What? Why not send someone to infiltrate Quel'Thalas?

Long-lived high elves do not have a strong desire for so-called eternal'zhul's rhetoric has no market in Quel'Thalas.

There are various signs that Azeroth is about to enter a precarious era again, but if there is a wrong step, under the threat of powerful foreign enemies, even as strong as Kul Tiras, the country may be ruined quickly.

Although Daelin was emotionally unable to turn the corner, his rationality as a king agreed with Sharlayan's plan to train orcs as "cannon fodder".


Looking up at the gradually darkening sky, Daelin sighed and said, "Those ferocious beasts are not trustworthy under any circumstances. I'm worried that Sharlayan will accidentally play off."

Catherine said with a smile: "Sharlayan's planning ability and overall control are much better than yours. Trust him, at least he has never missed a shot so far, hasn't he?"

Dai Lin couldn't help but grunt coldly, turned his head and walked towards the palace.

"Hmph! I hope so."

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