Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 890: The real Azshara?

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The general explanation of Yin Nasi and Julian ended here. The two described their experiences in the past few years in as short a language as possible, and gave their suggestions after long-term discussions.

After Yin Nasi finished speaking, the meeting hall of the Lord's Mansion, which was enveloped by the sound-proof barrier, fell into a long silence.

It has to be said that Yin Nasi's proposal is very bold, completely different from the current mainstream view of Azshara among the people of Azeroth.

Sharlayan frowned and considered for a while before raising a question on this matter.

"Mother, you just said... Azeroth's mainstream view of Azshara was guided by the night elves?"

"That's right."

Yin Nasi shrugged and explained: "You are all young, even the oldest Onyxia was still a baby dragon baby who was just born in the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago. "

"During the heyday of the Night Empire, I hid my identity and lived in Zin-Aisalie for a long time, witnessing the class conflict between the Highborne and the Night Elf civilians."

"Let me put it this way." Yin Nasi couldn't see the slightest joking meaning on her face, and said in a dignified tone: "The fuse of the War of the Ancients actually originated from the conflict between two different classes in the Night Empire."

"Under Azshara's rule, the overall national strength of the Night Empire reached its peak. It's no joke to say that in the known world at that time, there was nothing worthy of Azshara's exploration in Azeroth."

"Then here comes the problem."

In order to test her son's overall view, Yin Nasi asked Salayan to think differently.

"Sharlayan, you should have also learned from some people, if you stand in Azshara's position, how to alleviate the internal conflicts that are about to be detonated in the simplest and most rude way?"

Sarlayan's expression moved slightly: "...causing more attention-worthy external conflicts?"


Yin Nasi said solemnly: "As the Queen of Destiny generally recognized by the entire night elf group, do you really think that Azshara would not know the possible harm to the country caused by the class conflict between the high elves and commoners?"

"Hmm..." Sharlayan lowered his head and pondered for a moment: "Mother, do you mean that Azshara intentionally caused the external conflict of the Burning Legion? To divert the internal conflict caused by the two opposing classes?"

Yin Nasi shook her head: "That's not the case. When Azshara first used the power of the Well of Eternity to explore the starry sky, she just wanted the people to divert their excess energy from fighting among themselves to the vast universe."

"It was just a coincidence that she found the Burning Legion, and Azshara didn't know the true face of the Burning Legion at all. Sargeras, who was disguised as a bronze titan, described a bright future to her."

"He gave a false promise of a smooth transition from home planet civilization to interstellar civilization on Azeroth."


Yin Nasi's astonishing words silenced Salayan again.

Due to the long-term influence of the common sense that the barrage broadens the horizon, Salayan can still keep up with the rhythm of Inas, but the others are at a loss, even the most knowledgeable Stella Gosa is half-knowledgeable.

Sharlayan, who seemed to be frowning and thinking, was actually communicating intensively with the barrage.

[Yin Nasi said so... Logically, there seems to be no problem. 】

[Sargeras is really good at disguising. The three consuls of the Argus civilization were also deceived by the false promises he threw out. Only the prophet Velen noticed something was wrong, and Kil'jaeden and Archimonde were both deceived by Sargeras. He was blinded by the rosy future he described. 】

[In terms of results, the Burning Legion acquired the Eredars with advanced technology and magic civilization, which raised the Burning Legion's ability to cross the star sea to a new stage. 】

[But... Judging from the future we have learned, the Eredars were undoubtedly fooled by Sargeras until they were sealed together by the Titans of the Pantheon, and Sargeras did not fulfill his promise to the Eredars. 】

Known as the fraudster, Kil'jaeden's strategic ability is no worse than Azshara's. Even he was deceived by the future described by Sargeras. It may be difficult for Azshara, who is obsessed with the authorities, to see Sargeras' true face.

"But that doesn't explain why Azshara chose to trust the Burning Legion until the end,

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He watched helplessly as his people were massacred by demons. "

Yin Nasi nodded and explained: "This is indeed Azshara's fault, or...she miscalculated the development of the situation, and finally got out of it by accident."

Although Sharlayan hadn't personally experienced the War of the Ancients, he could relatively completely restore the beginning, end and process of that war through the barrage notifications and the many documents left by the Nightborne, High Elves, and Night Elves.

Yin Nasi simply pointed out a key point, and Salayan quickly combined the context and understood the meaning of her words by analogy.

After empathizing and sorting out Azshara's thoughts at that time, Sharlayan finally figured out some details hidden behind the War of the Ancients.

In order to alleviate the increasingly fierce internal conflicts, Azshara hopes to divert the excess energy of the well-fed night elves with big news from the outside.

For example, leave the parent star and explore a wider world outside the planet in the boundless sea of ​​stars.

Sitting on the Well of Eternity, Azshara is confident that he can develop suitable exploration tools.

But before that, she intends to find evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life, so as to mobilize the enthusiasm of the public.

At that time, Sargeras had already wiped out the Titans of the Pantheon with a sneak attack, and learned about Azeroth, the planet that bred the strongest star soul, from Aman'Thul.

In order to corrupt the star soul of Azeroth and draw this immature titan into his camp, Sargeras is searching for clues everywhere in the universe.

The signal that Azshara released to the starry sky happened to be received by Sargeras. It was really sleepy and someone sent a pillow.

Taking advantage of the routine of fooling the Eredars, Sargeras threw a lot of empty promises to Azshara who claimed to be the Queen of the Night.

His ultimate goal is to let Azshara use the power of the Well of Eternity to summon himself to Azeroth, and rely on the active invitation of Azeroth natives to bypass the star barrier set by the Titans.

To be recognized by both the Highborne and the Night Elves, and given the title of Light of Light by countless people, Azshara is obviously not a fool.

At first she was indeed mesmerized by the rosy future painted by Sargeras disguised as a bronze titan, but as the vanguard of the Burning Legion descended on Azeroth with the first soldiers, Azshara immediately realized that something was wrong.

According to Sargeras himself, he is a member of the Pantheon, the bravest warrior among the Titans.

Azeroth was originally the place where the Titans swooped in, and there are a large number of relics left by the Titans on the planet.

As the Queen of the Night who controls most of Kalimdor, Azshara has also unearthed many Titan ruins as a matter of course, and she has some understanding of Titans, a race called gods by mortals.

Although the Titans have different manifestations of power, they are essentially life on the side of order.

However, the soldiers of the Burning Legion use the power of chaos that is completely opposite to order—fel energy.

From then on, Azshara kept an eye on her and began to doubt Sargeras' true identity.

The first "angels" to descend on Azeroth were led by a high-ranking demon known as Haka the Dog.

From Azshara's point of view, Haka's strength is just that, and her advisor Xavius ​​is about the same, so it is not a threat.

Although they still don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of the Burning Legion, Azshara believes that this is also an opportunity to use the external conflicts caused by the Burning Legion to divert the internal conflicts between the two classes that are still fighting wildly.

However, just like Yin Nasi said, the overconfident Azshara played off.

Azshara finally realized the seriousness of the problem when the polluter Archimonde, who was similar in strength to her, came.

However, at this time, she can't bear to look back. Archimonde, as a subordinate of Sargeras, has such a strong strength, let alone Sargeras himself. That fallen titan is definitely not something that Azshara can defeat .

Under the frenzied acceleration of the highborne such as the double-faced Xavius, Azshara has been unable to control the completely derailed train of the Dark Night Empire, and can only watch it rush towards the end of destruction.

Xavius ​​and Malfurion had a deep and unresolved hatred.

To interfere with Malfurion

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Chapter 890 The real Azshara? Read for free: https://,!

『』, update the latest chapter as soon as possible! He once captured Drew Yin's most important lover, Tyrande Whisperwind, and sent her to the Eternal Palace to be handed over to Ai Sarah handles it herself.

However, unexpectedly, Azshara did not kill Tyrande, but tried to take her as her maid, and after being rejected, she was rescued by Yin Lidan Stormrage who broke into the palace.

Following the in-depth analysis of the ideas given by his mother, Sharlayan came to a conclusion that is diametrically opposed to the current mainstream view of Azeroth.

Even the well-informed barrage has different opinions, and there is no unified opinion on whether to believe this speculation.

Rubbing his temples with a headache, Sharlayan's expression was a little cloudy.

"Mother, are you sure Azshara is trustworthy?"

"If we trust the wrong people, it's no joke. Azeroth could fall into the hands of the Old Gods because of this fatal mistake."

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