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Chapter 863: Thunder of 0

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After Sunderland led thousands of wind elementals to join the battle, the difficulty of conquering the Molten Core quickly dropped from the nightmare level at the beginning to the novice level.


Sharlayan ignored Exotus's brainstorm, bypassing him and extinguishing the last fire rune.

With a wave of shaking, the domain covering the Molten Core was almost shattered, leaving only the last wedge of Ragnaros' clone.

The strength of Ragnaros clone dropped again, leaving only about 30% of the main body.

Before, he was able to hold the Sulfras Warhammer and fought back and forth with Sunderland, who had not yet returned to his peak strength. After the last flame rune was extinguished, Ragnaros obviously felt powerless.

Although Sunderland's strength has not recovered, his vision and experience are still there.

He saw the momentary sluggishness of Ragnaros' avatar, and the Windchaser seized this fleeting opportunity, using the super mobility of the wind element to go around in a circle in mid-air, and the The kinetic energy of the accelerated impact is converted into attack power.



The heavy slash of the Sword of Thunder was blocked by Ragnaros with difficulty, and the war hammer of Sufras, which is also an artifact, can withstand the physical impact caused by Sunderland's thrust.

But the avatar of the Fire Demon King, whose strength had dropped significantly, couldn't stop the violent thunder that invaded his body due to the clash of weapons, and managed to force Sunderland back with his remaining power, but he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

The place where the two fought happened to be on the square where the coalition forces had dealt with the three flame lords before, and it was a little far away from the manager's hall where Sarlayan and the others were now.

From Sharlayan's position, the only sound could be heard in the distance was the clanging of metal and iron, and the rumble of weapons falling on the surrounding rock walls.

In battles at the demigod level, neither Sharlayan nor Stellagosa can intervene for the time being.

In the case of adequate preparation, Sarayan believes that Sunderland can achieve the final victory.

Iron Queen Moira was not as calm as he was.

As a party enslaved by the fire element, seeing that the uprising is about to come to an end, Moira is a little worried about gains and losses in the end.

She repeatedly asked Sharlayan if Sunderland could really defeat Ragnaros.

The Molten Core strategy was coming to an end, and Sharlayan was busy tapping the battle-damaged personnel and spoils, so Stellagosa could only let Stellagosa accompany and comfort the restless Moira temporarily.

The battle in the distance continued, and Thunder's roar gradually overwhelmed the roar of the Fire Demon King.

After several considerations, Exotus finally made a decision before the battle ended.

"I... agree to your invitation."

Exotus's face was mixed with anxiety and relief: "I am willing to change the faction to serve the Windchaser, but... I know my fighting ability well, and I hope that from now on I will never meet the need like today again. I personally participated in the fighting situation."

Sharlayan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "I can't make a guarantee on behalf of Sunderland, but as an elemental creature, you should have heard of the wiseness of the prince of the wind element, at least he will not be as chaotic as the tyrant Ragnaros." Come."

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, Exotus, who made a big mistake, has no place to stay in the Fire Elemental Realm, and even if he escapes by chance, he will face cruel punishment from the furious Ragnaros.

Exotus made no secret of his reluctance to die, he didn't want to die yet.

Running around with the windchaser whose future is uncertain is better than returning to the land of flames to face the inevitable end. No matter how bad it is, you can live for a while longer, and maybe you can find a turning point to change the status quo.

If Sunderland can finally take away the throne of the king of wind elements from Alakir, as the first dragon hero who followed Sunderland to make a fortune again, Exotus will definitely reap rich rewards after all the dust settles reward.

Now that he had made up his mind, Exotus quickly entered the state, and based on his knowledge of the Molten Core, he made a suggestion to the coalition forces that were cleaning up the mess.

"treasure house?"

Sare'an looked at Exotus in surprise: "A place like Molten Core can still build a treasure house?"

Exotus spread his hands with a smile: "Otherwise? Where do you think the Warhammer of Savras in the hands of the Fire Demon King came from?"

Sulfuras Warhammer, the full name is Sufras Hand of Ragnaros the Balrog.

According to the barrage, this warhammer and the wind sword are both artifact-quality weapons, but their reputation is not as loud as the wind sword.

In addition to these two most eye-catching artifacts, Exotus, as the manager of Molten Core, has collected many precious collections from all over Azeroth over the years, most of which are epic-quality equipment.

There are a total of three forces participating in the Molten Core strategy, among which the wind element was only added in the final decisive stage.

Considering the greatest feat of the Wind Chasers fighting the Fire Demon King, the spoils allocated to them will not be less than the other two parties.

According to Exetus, the treasure house of the Molten Core is just under the lava vortex where Ragnaros's avatar is on standby every day, and Ragnaros himself guards it.

Epic equipment is no longer attractive to Sharlayan himself, but as a lord with real power, he must test for his followers and friends who are loyal to him.

"Everyone, get ready."

Ralas, who observed the battlefield from the familiar's perspective, suddenly opened his left eye.

"The battle is about to be decided."

Ragnaros and Sunderland's will to fight is very firm, and this fight is destined to end endlessly, and only one person can stand to the end on the field.

These two had fought against each other many times during the battles between the Sky Wall and the Firelands, and they were inseparable each time.

At its peak, Sunderland was not weaker than Ragnaros.

Maybe his absolute destructive power is not as good, but with the advantage of super high mobility, the Fire Demon King has nothing to do with the Windchaser.

After many years, the two old opponents collided again. Without any atmosphere and temptation, the two of them were full of killer moves as soon as they started.

Ragnaros, who has only 30% of his own strength, feels more and more powerless as he fights, but Sunderland becomes more and more courageous with the continuous support of Thunder Sword.

At the end of the fight, Laras could no longer grasp the trajectory of Sunderland's activities, and could only see countless afterimages recklessly criss-crossing the battlefield.

There were more and more wounds on Ragnaros' body, and the essence of the fire element in the split body continued to flow away, which further aggravated the battle situation.

When Laras, who was monitoring the battlefield, issued a reminder, Ragnaros, who could not be replenished with his own strength, was already at the end of his strength.

Sunderland, who had always relied on speed for guerrilla warfare, saw an opportunity to win.

He stopped his high-speed maneuver and temporarily hovered above Ragnaros.

Taking advantage of the weakening Balrog's failure to react in time, Sunderland swung the thunder sword at him for the final time after a short charge.

"Ragnaros! Take my trick! Thousand Thunders!"

With the weakening of Molten Core's domain effect limit, Sunderland can freely use the power of the wind element without opening the domain.

The entire square was completely enveloped by the blazing light of thunder, and the eyes of Laras's familiar were all white, and only the sound of continuous explosions could be heard.

By the time the thunder light dissipated, Ragnaros' body was already shattered, the core was directly exposed, and was easily pierced by Sunderland's sword.


Before the clone dissipated, Ragnaros still refused to admit defeat.

"Sunderland, I didn't expect that group of mortals to release you, and even invited Neptulon to cooperate with you in acting."

"This game is my move, but don't think that you really beat me."

"Let's see you in the elemental world, Sunderland. I hope you can still be as lively as you are today."

Watching Ragnaros clone dissipate into pure fire element with a strange smile, Sunderland stood there speechless for a long time.

"Hmph! Do you think I don't know what you're planning?"

Sunderland clenched the Thunder Sword in his hand: "As you wish, one day, I will come to a real conclusion with you as the King of Wind Elements!"

After Ragnaros' clone was defeated and died the passage between the Molten Core and the Land of Fire was completely cut off.

The coalition soldiers approaching Sunderland clearly felt that the temperature in the cave had dropped, and it continued to drop.

The nearby lava river has lost its activity and can no longer flow, and it has gradually condensed into a solid state.


Moira took a deep breath, stopped holding back her excitement, turned around and shouted excitedly to the ecstatic Black Iron dwarves: "People of the Black Iron Kingdom! We are finally freed from the enslavement of the fire element !"

"From now on, we don't need to bow our knees to anyone! The glory belongs to the Black Iron Kingdom!"


Long live the king! Long live the Queen! "

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