Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 834: in the name of the father

From the time he could remember, Gu Yiner realized that he was different from the people around him.

Judging by human standards, orcs are undoubtedly ugly ghosts with green faces and fangs.

Gu Yiner, who was accustomed to human aesthetics since he was a child, was very inferior to his appearance. It was not until he grew up a little and saw the "criminals" imprisoned in the asylum that he knew for the first time that he came from a race called orcs. .

An alien invasion race that has committed a heinous crime against Azeroth.

These understandings further aggravated Gu Yin'er's inferiority complex.

If it weren't for Taresa's never-discriminatory, consistent care and education, Goyal would probably have gradually embarked on the path of no return that Blackmoore planned for him because of the dark emotions that spread in his heart.

With the growth of age and the enlightenment of Taresa, Guyin, who was given the name Thrall by Blackmore, began to think about the meaning of his own existence, the origin of his biological parents, and whether he could see them one day.

While the heart is full of expectations, Gu Yiner occasionally feels uneasy.

He worries that his parents are also part of the invasion of Azeroth.

The truth revealed by Sharlayan unreservedly dispelled Guyin's doubts and anxiety.

"The Frostwolf clan that has never participated in a war of aggression..."

Guyin'er stared blankly at the battle ax in his hand.

The Wolf Soul Battleaxe was Durotan's usual weapon when he fought in the Shadowlands, accompanying him in Maldraxxus for many years.

Holding the handle of the ax with both hands, Guyin had an indescribably wonderful feeling, as if this weapon was tailor-made for him.

Coincidentally, Guyin'er's figure is very similar to that of his father Durotan. Except for the difference in skin color, age and temperament, the two people's appearances are at least 70% similar.

Of course, this is based on Sharlayan's aesthetic standards, and perhaps different conclusions will be drawn in the eyes of orcs.

Today's Gu Yiner is still very immature. Considering his age, the message activation standard set by Durotan is very low. It only needs to inject a small amount of any kind of energy into the wolf soul battle axe, and the axe holder can hear the words left by Durotan .

Under Sharlayan's guidance, Guyin carefully poured anger into the battle axe.

"I am Durotan, the chief of the Frostwolf clan. I recorded this passage in the world of the dead—the Shadow Realm, and my friend Salayan Deep Shadow brought it to my son Guyinl."

"Son, I'm sorry, your mother Draka and I failed to witness your vigorous growth and left you alone in a strange world."

"Because of the war of aggression launched by the Horde against Azeroth, the native residents of Azeroth have been hostile to orcs for a long time."

"About your experience over the past ten years, I have learned about it from Sharlayan."

"Growing up in the human world is destined to make you form a different worldview, values ​​and outlook on life from traditional orcs. The way you think about problems is more inclined to the pragmatism and smoothness of human beings, rather than orcs who value glory more than life."

"This may be an opportunity. You, who have received human education for a long time, may become a bridge to ease the tense relationship between the orcs and the people of Azeroth."

"Listen to me, Gu Yiner."

"Values ​​derived from humans will make you have a negative perception of the orcs who actively invaded Azeroth, but please don't jump to conclusions for now."

"The reason behind that war of aggression is not simple. It was only after I arrived in the Shadow Realm that I gradually understood the whole picture."

"When you got this battle ax and heard my message, you should have escaped from the cage that humans set for you and regained your freedom."

"Then, let's make big strides towards Alterac Snow Mountain to find our true clansmen."

"If Drek'Thar is still alive, he will teach you our culture and customs, and train you to be a qualified Frostwolf chieftain."

"Finally, please forgive my incompetent father. Your mother and I will work hard to survive in the Shadow Realm, and look forward to being reunited with you in the Shadow Realm a hundred years later."

"Father, Durotan."

Sharlayan didn't know what specific information Durotan left in the battle axe, but he could guess the general content based on the cause and effect.

Gu Yiner, who had no father or mother since he was a child, heard his father's calm and honest voice for the first time. Unknowingly, two lines of tears were left in his blue eyes representing uncontaminated pure-blooded orcs.

The Frostwolf Clan is the only orc clan that has never drank the blood of demons. As a direct descendant of Durotan and Draka, Gu Yiner has not been polluted by the blood of fel energy.

However, due to the large number of evil orcs around them emitting a small amount of evil energy non-stop, except for a very few individuals, all the orcs including the Frostwolf clan were dyed green by a special effect similar to herd immunity.

Today, the only feature that can distinguish evil orcs from pure-blooded orcs is the eyes.

Before the curse of Mannoroth is completely shaken off, the eyes of the orcs who drank the blood of demons will always be piercing scarlet, just like Nazgrim standing behind Guyinl.

At this moment, Nazgrim was looking at Gu Yiner who was standing still in the same place with suspicious eyes.

During the years of being imprisoned in the Dunholde Asylum, Nazgrim has become quite familiar with Gu Yiner, a little compatriot who often came to the Asylum to ask questions.

In the eyes of most orcs, except for the inescapable appearance, Guyin'er has almost no resemblance to traditional orcs, and is more like a human wearing an orc's skin.

This kind of cognition made the orcs in the shelter have a very bad attitude towards Gu Yiner. Many people thought that humans deliberately fooled them in this way and taught their cubs badly.

The **** decides the head. When the orcs and humans have preset positions in advance, whatever the other party does will think in a bad way.

Of course, in fact, Guyin was indeed adopted by Blackmoore for some ulterior purpose.

But this does not mean that Goyil will go down the road that Blackmore has planned for him.

After about several minutes, Gu Yiner came back to his senses from Durotan's message, and wiped away the tears that had flowed down his chin.

"I am Gu Yiner."

From the soft whisper at the beginning, Goyiner gradually amplified his voice, proudly puffed out his chest and looked at the snow-capped Alterac mountains in the distance.

"I am the son of Durotan the Frostwolf chieftain and Draka, the legal heir to the chieftain of the Frostwolf clan."

Gu Yiner stood up the wolf soul battle ax and put it on his chest: "Here, I swear in the name of my father, Durotan, that I will dedicate the rest of my life to the Frostwolf clan."

"I will pass the test of the Frostwolf clan, and as the chief of the Frostwolf, I will work hard to resolve the hatred between the orcs and Azeroth, and work with the local residents of Azeroth to build and protect our new homeland."

After hearing Durotan's message and formally accepting his identity, Gu Yiner seemed to have matured a lot suddenly.

His oath surprised Nazgrim, and he looked at the young compatriot thoughtfully.

Noticing Nazgrim's gaze, Guyin looked at him calmly.

"Nazgorin, don't you believe my oath?"

Nazgrim regained his composure and shook his head: "That's not true, I just don't like the rhetoric of human beings."

"Compared with vows, I value practical actions more. I hope you can really fulfill this vow in the future."

Nazgrim solemnly hammered his chest with his right fist: "I am Nazgrim of the Blackrock Gu Yiner, no matter what your identity is, you really took action to bring us back Rescued Dunholde shelter."

"In order to repay your kindness, I entrust my life to you."

"Until the day you betray the orcs or you don't need me anymore, I will fight for your future, so order me as much as you want."

Before, Guyin just followed Sharlayan's guidance and subconsciously approached Alterac Snow Mountain.

After listening to Durotan's message, Guyin'er confirmed his goal.

In order to prevent Gu Yiner from finding the Frostwolf Clan living in seclusion in the deep mountains, Durotan thoughtfully left a detailed map to the Frostwolf Clan's hermitage in his battle axe.

"Let's go, go to Alterac Snow Mountain and find my people."

Gu Yiner firmly held the wolf soul battle ax in his hand and said firmly: "I will fulfill my father's expectations, pass Drek'Thar's test, and become a qualified chief of the Frostwolf clan. This will be my first step towards a lofty goal. step."

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