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Chapter 815: so-called "people"

The last time we met in the Eternal City of Olympos, Gristia had gone through some disguises, but she could see her high-spirited posture from her full energy.

It has only been more than two months since Oribos left, and the vigorous momentum seen in Gristia at the beginning has disappeared.

Although she was still sitting upright on her consul's throne, Gristia's eyes were not focused at all, and she was staring blankly at the blue sky far away from the promotion fortress, as if she had no interest in everything that happened around her.

Adristis called several times in succession before the distraught Gristia came back to her senses, and she withdrew her gaze from a distance to look at the four Sharlayan who were right in front of her.

"Ah~ it's you guys."

Gristia's original sonorous tone also became weak, and it sounded like a laziness.

"I'm sorry for letting you see the unseemly side of the promotion fortress. I... I'm really incompetent, and I'm really ashamed of my trust in the Firstborn."

Sharlayan frowned and questioned: "Isn't it just that I made some mistakes? It's not irreparable, why should I be so decadent?"

"People can not escape from doing wrong?"

"Isn't it enough to correct mistakes? Take this as a warning and remind yourself not to make the same stupid mistakes in the future. Isn't this how people grow up step by step in the process of trial and error and correction?"


Gristia was silent for a moment before sighing softly: "Perhaps, I have been a high-ranking eternal person and consul all the year round, and I actually forgot that I am still alone."

The so-called people here are not human beings, but a broader concept.

To describe it in more precise terms, perhaps it should be said...intelligent life.

Since obtaining many secrets of the Azeroth universe through barrage, Sharlayan no longer believes in the so-called gods.

In his view, gods are nothing more than higher-level intelligent creatures that ordinary people cannot understand. Strictly speaking, they still have to be classified as "human beings".

As with the Titans, so with the Eternals.

Even the Firstborn who created the entire physical universe cannot escape this framework, but they have many powerful powers in their hands that ordinary people cannot understand.

It is precisely because they are human beings, and the omniscient and omnipotent gods imagined by extraordinary people, that the First Born left many loopholes when the world was created, which led to Zovar's extreme attempt to reshape the universe after the world was destroyed.

Among the five major kingdoms in the shadow world, apart from the second-generation arbitrator who can only handle work mechanically, Sharlayan believes that the military master who encourages his subordinates to challenge himself is the eternal person who is closest to the concept of "human".

To put it more simply, the Warrior Lord is the most down-to-earth one among the five Eternals.

The Winter Queen, Gristia, and Denathius all have varying degrees of melodrama, and they themselves are not aware of this problem.

It is precisely because they have been aloft for a long time that they have separated from the masses, thinking that their will can represent the entire country.

The perennial Buddhist Queen Winter was woken up by the rebellion of the Blazing Wilderness. Under the guidance of Salayan, she finally learned from the pain and regained power.

The chaos caused by Gristia's forcing of Amway's own will was even greater, but it was not impossible to end.

Denathrius's own way of power rule has also aroused the resentment of many people. Prince Renathal and the stone blacksmith who are preparing for the cause of revolution are vivid examples.

For Griann, who was promoted to the fortress, Gristia's countless years of prestige have always been on them. Even if they know that Gristia has done something wrong, most people dare not stand up to her blatantly.

...And even if she puts it forward, there is a high probability that the stubborn Gristia will not accept it.

As a passer-by from outside the Shadowlands, Sharlayan can look at things more calmly from the sidelines.

Anyway, as a living being, he will not be governed by the Eternals for a long time, and he will openly raise any questions he finds.

It was this attitude of being a bystander that made both the Winter Queen and Gristia value his suggestion.

For them, this is a very rare objective opinion that defies authority.

As the saying goes, one sentence is true, but thousands of books are false.

The growth concept of "people" making mistakes and making corrections thrown out by Sarlayan made Gristia realize something.

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the case.

No one can guarantee that they will not make mistakes in their lifetime. If the scale of this lifetime is stretched to infinity, the problem will be even more serious.

What Sarlayan wanted to express was actually very simple. It is not terrible to make mistakes. The terrible thing is that you will never repent after making mistakes, and you will always put on airs and refuse to bow your head to admit your mistakes.

Although this merciless evaluation made Gristia feel a little embarrassed, but the personal example was right in front of her eyes, which finally made her realize her own problems and the origin of the problems facing the promotion fortress.


Once she realized it, the decadence on Gristia's body was obviously reduced, and she turned her eyes to the blue sky again.

Unlike before, this time Gristia's gaze was no longer blank, but rather entangled.

"I found the problem, but how do I fix it?"

Sharlayan smiled and shrugged his shoulders: "This is an internal issue of the promotion fortress. It should be resolved by the officials of the promotion fortress after fully listening to the opinions of the people. I, an outsider, will not do it for me."

"Hmm..." Gristia rubbed her chin thoughtfully: "It makes sense, only local people know the local affairs best...Adristis."

"The subordinates are here."

Adrestis, who had been standing by the side with his eyes on his nose and his heart on his nose, bowed and replied, "Consul, please order."

Gristia stood up from the throne with a spear in her hand: "Lead the way, I want to go to the negotiation site to see the situation in person."


Adrestis bluntly advised: "With all due respect, if you arrive suddenly... it may cause some unnecessary confusion and interfere with the negotiation process."

Gristia said indifferently: "I didn't say that I would intervene in the negotiations brazenly. I just wanted to hide aside and listen to the voices of the people, and understand the truest demands of the oath-breakers."

Adrestis breathed a sigh of relief: "So that's it, then...please come with me, I know a good place to watch the negotiation up close."

In order to prevent Gristia, who is worried about her ability to govern, from slapping her head and coming up with some weird ideas, the worried Sarlayan and her party followed her and Adristis to the negotiation site.

After discussions between the two parties, the venue for the negotiations between the Forsworn and Kyrian was chosen at a small square between Heroes' Rest and Fort Elysium.

This place was originally the barracks of the centurion, the structure of the promotion fortress, and it was temporarily transformed into a negotiation site.

Adrestis led a group of people to the top of a hill not far to the east of the negotiating site. From here, they could just see the negotiation process of the four saints on both sides of the negotiating table.

In order to prevent someone from blatantly denying the outcome of the negotiation, there are recording officers from the two parties at the scene, who can record the content of the negotiation between the two parties in real time.

Adrestis used the authority of the consul's assistant to remotely connect to the recording system of one of the recording officers.

A translucent picture of the negotiation scene was presented in front of Gristia, Sarlayan and others, and they could even hear the slightly distorted sound of the scene.

De Vos first unabashedly expounded the fact that Lesonia, the loyal hand, betrayed the promotion fortress and took refuge in the However, she did not throw all the blame on the already frightened Lesonia, Instead, he openly admitted that he was induced by Lesonia to make a lot of absurd decisions, and then detonated the backlog of dissatisfaction with Gristia for many years and fell to heaven.

Visy Fernie's rhetoric is similar, and Alidia, Lesonia's soul-bound object, played an important catalytic role in her fall to heaven.

But at the end of the day, Fallen to Heaven is driven by the personal will of Viccifernie and Devos.

If they had no doubts about Gristia and the existing laws of the promotion fortress, even with Laisonia's instigation, falling to heaven would not be so easy to happen.

"Visy Fergie, Devos..."

Gristia sighed silently: "I'm afraid it's not just the two of them, right? Sandria, Senius, and Kailos are also dissatisfied with the iron law that has not changed for tens of thousands of years."

As Gristia's political assistant, Adrestis is a tough guy who always speaks out.

"As you said, it is recorded in my government affairs records that the five saints have proposed reforming the law successively, but you have not adopted it once."

Gristia looked a little embarrassed: "Uh~ Is that so?"

The unselfish Adrestis nodded without hesitation and said, "At least according to my records, that's true."

Gristia: "...Okay, just watch it patiently, and then I will give them a unified positive reply."

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