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Chapter 803: Suicide with 7 swords in the back

After the war, the Theater of Grief, which was originally the center of the battlefield, was undergoing post-war reconstruction.

From now on, this place will be transformed into a place where the top five secret institutes resolve disputes and conflicts.

If the marquis and barons had anything to say, they could chat with each other to their heart's content here, and they could even fight to solve the problem according to the ancient rules of Maldraxxus.

According to the agreement, Sindani handed over the runes of the secret courtyard of rituals, and then hid in the secret courtyard of rituals to thank the guests behind closed doors on the grounds of retreat and penance.

As for the position of baron vacated by the dismissed sage, Sindani said that she would make her own choice and would not need to fill in from the outer court.

On the second day after the war ended, Sharlayan obtained an unsurprising piece of information from the sharp-eyed Marquis Akalek.

Philosopher Stone "committed suicide" in prison last night, and it is said that he was stabbed seven times in the back.

Sharlayan: "God killed himself with seven swords in the back, do you believe this?"

At that time, Akalek shrugged indifferently: "Since Xindani wants to make it up like this, then let her go, anyway, we have already got what we want."

After experiencing this turmoil, Sindani didn't dare to jump out to be a demon for a long time.

Kexus issued a clear warning on behalf of the three secret courts loyal to the military master. This time, the past can be ignored, but if the secret court of rituals dares to engage in this kind of hedging, Kexus will personally visit the goalkeeper of the ritual secret. The senior management of the hospital tore them down one by one.

Sindani knew that Kexus didn't like to joke, and his harsh words were always true.

In order to avoid the hot spots that are unfavorable to the Ritual Institute for a while, Xindani said that the Ritual Institute will temporarily close its doors and not participate in any external disputes.

Although the lack of the combat power of the Ritual House would have some impact on Maldraxxus, at least it was better than being followed by a group of "allies" who would launch a backstab at some point.

After getting the rune from the Chamber of Rites, Sharlayan dug out the last rune from the Chamber of Creation with the assistance of Akalek.

After Bingzhuzhijian shouted the two slogans of "Strategy to Outsmart the Enemy" and "Never Failing to Win", the five runes on Bingzhuzhijian's body were finally filled.

Sharlayan hurried to the Theater of Sorrows, intending to tell the good news to Kexus and Stradama who were discussing the follow-up matters. Unexpectedly, Kexus threw a "surprise" first.

"This...isn't it right?"

Sharlayan looked bewildered: "I haven't reached the state of demigod, and I can't even touch the minimum standard for running for Marquis."

"Let's not mention that I'm still a living person. It's far from time to settle in the Shadow Realm. You should hire someone else."

Sharlayan tried his best to avoid Stradama's meaningful gaze, but Valeera and Stellagosa who were following him noticed this keenly.

Onyxia had a half-smile expression on her face, apparently seeing through the reason why Kexus and Stradama jointly made this recommendation.

Kexus didn't have any bad intentions, he just wanted to leave a wise and brave talent for Maldraxxus to fill the loopholes in Maldraxxus' strategic vision before the return of the military lord.

Stradama's intentions are more intriguing, and Kexus doesn't bother to delve into it, as long as she agrees with him.

Although the Marquis of Akalek who came to the Theater of Sadness with Sarlayan was a little surprised by the choice of the two colleagues, he did not object to Sarlayan taking over the Secret Academy of Creation, and voted for it with great interest.

Onyxia, who was the first to see everything, didn't speak rashly, she knew that someone would definitely jump out and object.

"No! I don't agree!"

Sure enough, Valeera hastily rejected the recommendations of the three marquises.

Valeera argued excitedly: "Sharlayan is still alive, and he still has unfulfilled responsibilities in Azeroth. It is impossible for him to be permanently stationed in the Shadow Realm. This recommended appointment should not have been established from the very beginning."

After a period of recuperation, the injury on Stradama's leg basically recovered.

However, Sharlayan speculated that there should still be some scars on her soul body, because when Stradama went out, she always chose floor-length skirts that could perfectly cover her feet.

Valeera has always been the most nervous person about Sharlayan's relationship issues. She hadn't met Stradama before, and thought that the Marquis was just like the two barons of the Withering Secret Court. .

After seeing Stradama's peerless appearance with her own eyes, the alarm in her heart immediately sounded.

Not only because of Stradama's beauty, but more importantly, there was something wrong with the way she looked at Sharlayan.

Stellagosa also noticed this point, and she didn't want to add more competitors, she stood on Valeera's side with a clear-cut stand, and firmly opposed the recommendation of the three marquises.

Under the hint of Stellagosa's eyes many times, Onyxia, who originally wanted to hide and watch the fun, was dragged into the water helplessly.

Stradama used to be the queen who controlled the entire planet, and her life experience was far richer than that of Onyxia, let alone Valeera and Little Xingxing who were less than 1,000 years old.

With just a few words of confrontation, she could see the feelings of these three beautiful girls with their own characteristics towards Sharlayan.

The Queen has never said to accommodate others in her private life, only others accommodate her.

Stradama's desire for monopoly was no less than that of Valeera. Using these two as arrows, the two sides entered into the debate with their tongues and swords, but Sharlayan, who was the protagonist, was left out in the cold.

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily, sneaked aside and waved to Kexus and Akalek.

"Let's be honest, what do you think? How could you come up with such a far-fetched proposal?"

Kexus shook his head helplessly: "There is nothing we can do."

"As the think tank of Maldraxxus, the Sanctuary of Rituals closed its doors to thank visitors, and the Sanctuary of Creation is now half-dead."

"The threat of Denathius is imminent, but the soldier's lord has disappeared. We must protect this foundation for him before the soldier's return."

Sharlayan complained mercilessly: "So you all want to push me to take the blame? Are you not afraid to backfire and make me a target?"

There is a reason why the military master stipulated that the leaders of the five secret courts must be demigods.

In Maldraxxus, a country that respects strength, it is difficult for a marquis who has not reached the demigod state to hold the field.

As a mortal, how can you be a Marquis? I don't accept it! Let's fight!

In the early days of the establishment of Maldraxxus, there were also mortal marquises in the five secret courtyards, which would naturally attract challenges from a large number of unconvinced people.

The Marquis is shouldering the responsibility of commanding the entire court, and he spends a lot of time dealing with endless challenges, which will inevitably delay their own work.

But under the rules of Maldraxxus, it was unjustifiable not to accept the challenge.

After a long period of testing and running-in, the military master made it clear that he must have the strength of a demigod to secure the position of Marquis.

Akalek spread his hands and said, "So Kexus added an agent in front of the Marquis, and the agent for the Marquis is only can relax the standard to a certain extent."

"Besides, things are in a hurry now. With the three of us helping you to suppress the situation, there shouldn't be many stunned young people jumping out to attack."

"When the soldier lord returns, all the hidden dangers of Maldraxxus will be resolved. At that time, whether you choose to retreat bravely or stay in office, the soldier lord who has always been invincible can help you settle the troubles caused by your choice."

‘God is so omnipotent. '

Sharlayan complained in his heart: 'The warlord is indeed strong, but he is not invincible, otherwise he would not have been assassinated by Denathius and Zovall. '

[If it is only a short-term agency, I think it is acceptable. 】

[Agreed, Sharlayan personally defeated the former Marquis Gamar, and the group of stupid structures highly recognized him. 】

[Combined with the joint platform of the three marquises, there should be nothing wrong with the temporary agent. 】


Sharlayan rubbed the center of his brows with a headache: "I came to the Shadow Realm only to collect materials and rescue Bwonsamdi, why is the business done, but the troubles are getting more and more..."

[What can we say, born to work hard, who is busy if you are not busy? Resign yourself to fate. 】

[As the saying goes, those who can do more work. 】

[The turmoil in the Shadow Realm has nothing to do with Azeroth. If Denathrius and Zovar are left alone, the turmoil that affected Azeroth in the original history will come sooner or later. 】

[Anyway, I have encountered it, so it is better to act first and solve this hidden danger once and for all. 】

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