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Chapter 562: Which one is more harmful, stupid or bad?

Due to poor communication, the truncated former army could not understand Biagri's intentions at all.

When the legion is fighting, the most taboo is disagreement, and there are many orders.

It's as if the two hands of the same person are fighting each other left and right, naturally nothing can be done.

If it wasn't for the fact that the troops in New Sandara City weren't enough to go out to cover up the killing, Sharlayan was confident that he would be able to completely leave this army with different opinions.

Unfortunately, after a period of high-intensity offensive and defensive battles, Bode Linyu lacked confidence and did not dare to take risks to lead the army out of the city.

Watching helplessly as the recovered coalition reinforcements devoured the isolated and helpless former Iron Legion army, Biagri had no choice but to order the withdrawal.

The Iron Legion completely withdrew from the territory of Crystalsong Forest, carefully returning to the Storm Peaks through the narrow path.


After rushing to the field one after another, and continuously releasing tranquility spells to heal the accompanying soldiers on the way, Sarlayan was almost exhausted and fell to the ground.

As soon as the battle was over, the tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep on the spot while he was still sitting on the horse.

When Sharlayan woke up from his deep sleep, he had already been sent back to the guest room of the lord's palace in New Sandara City.


This was the first time Sharlayan used his mana to continuously cast spells with such a high intensity, and his mind was still a little dizzy due to excessive mental power consumption.

Sitting up from the bed in a daze, Sharlayan couldn't figure out what he wanted to do with his confused brain.

"Ah... that's right."

Rubbing his temples vigorously and standing up from the bed, Sarlayan opened the window of the guest room and looked out.

It is now the cold winter season of December, and the temperature in Northrend, the Arctic continent, has dropped sharply. Even the relatively warm Crystalsong Forest has snowed, and the whole city is covered in snow.

The high elves live in the Eversong Forest all the year round, and many residents of New Sandara City saw snow for the first time.

The war is over, and the streets of this boomtown are gradually regaining popularity.

Suppressing dizziness and activating Eagle Eye, Sharlayan gazed through the drifting snowflakes and looked far away at the northern trail at the junction of Crystalsong Forest and the Storm Cliff.

The Iron Legion has long since disappeared, replaced by the New Sandara defenders with the Lin Yu family crest printed on their shirts.

"It's finally over..."

Sharlayan, who was in poor condition, did not continue to maintain the eagle eye technique, and patted his forehead in relief.

"It's time to build a solid checkpoint fortress at that key entrance."

"You don't need to worry about it."


The wooden door of the guest room opened, and the lively and active Tinagosa was the first to rush forward with cheers.

"Sharlayan! You finally woke up!"

Valeera and Stella Gosa followed closely behind. The person who spoke before was Vale. LS Leian caught Little Tina's swoop, smiled wryly, took two steps back and sat on the sofa , looked up at Valeera.

"How do you say that?"

Valeera shrugged: "Literally speaking, Lord Linyu has made up his mind to build a fortress at the entrance of the trail in the north. It will not be so easy for the Iron Legion to invade Crystalsong Forest in the future."

Crystal Song Forest is a newly occupied area. The previous main project was to improve the city's infrastructure and dig through the mountain tunnels leading to Wintergrasp Lake.

Then came the construction of the Iron Wall Dam and the Northern Keep.

That chicken thief guy in Loken just chose an appropriate time to launch the invasion before Crystalsong Forest's defense system was completed.

Because of Sharlayan's reminder, the Iron Legion's invasion did not catch the defenders by surprise, but the timing of the attack happened to be stuck at the most uncomfortable time for Bod Linyu.

After this battle, Bode Linyu, who has learned the lesson, should put aside the construction of the Iron Wall Dam first, and try his best to seal the gap between the north and the storm cliff.

New Sandarra executives, including Baldur Linyu, thought that Icecrown was uninhabited.

But Sharlayan knew very well that as soon as the Frozen Throne was built, the Lich King Ner'zhul would formally step onto the stage of history, proclaiming his existence to Azeroth.

Valeera felt a little distressed when she saw Shariya rubbing her brows and trying to think hard.

"Okay, don't think so much, did you forget to promise us?"


Sharlayan raised his head to look at Valeera, and he was stunned for a moment before revealing a sudden look.

"Oh, by the way, I promised you that I will relax for a while after this war is over."

Stellagosa also walked up with a smile, and stretched out her fair white hands to gently press Salayan's temples.

"Since you still remember, stop squeezing your brain cells and take a good rest. You have done enough."

Valeera echoed and said, "Don't take everything on your shoulders. If Quel'Thalas leaves you and you can't continue to develop, then this country is probably not far from being doomed."

[It makes sense, Xiao Sa has been doing his best, which is not a good thing. 】

[That's right, if one person is responsible for too many things, others will not get the opportunity to practice the actual operation, which may eventually lead to the generation of talents. 】

【Brother Zhu likes you. 】

[Happy here, don't think about Shu, take it as a warning. 】

[One thing to say, the situation in Shu is different from Quel'Thalas, and it's not just a matter of talent generation. 】

[We know, there is no need to go online like this, just to give an example, to persuade Xiao Sa not to push himself so hard. 】

[Drakalai and Loken have both withdrawn their troops, and only Ymiron is left in Northrend who is still working hard, so he can really relax. 】

[Ymiron should not be able to cause any splashes in a short period of time. Even if he can win the battle for kingship, as an old zombie who has been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, it is impossible to win the allegiance of the contemporary Vrykul. so easy. 】

【Aren't the night elves also considering entering Northrend? In case of an emergency, you can also ask the night elves for help. Ymiron is just a disease of scabies. 】

"A night elf..."

Salayan leaned softly on Stellagosa's body, looking at the luxuriously decorated ceiling with somewhat empty eyes.

"I don't know if Malfurion has convinced the Council of Night."

"Boom! I disagree!"

Mount Hyjal, Andarius, the capital of the Night Republic at the top of the World Tree Nordrassil.

Under Malfurion's call, the councilors who were running around finally returned to the capital to gather together.

After hearing the new plan presented by Malfurion, while the others were still considering the gains and losses, someone took the lead in angrily slapping the table and standing up.

"Azshara! What a disgusting name, I will not allow my people to be defiled by Azshara's name! This evil and filthy name should have been relegated to the dustbin of history long ago!"


Maiev raised her legs and looked at someone who was talking nonsense and sneered, "Just for a name? Are you a three-year-old kid?"

"What did you say?!"


The venomous Maiev confronted each other without giving in: "Listen, Tai is three years old, let me teach you well."

"As Malfurion said, the Azshara region is endowed with excellent conditions for building a deep-water port."

"Thanks to you, the night elves have been complacent for ten thousand years. We must do everything we can to make up for the time you wasted as soon as possible."

"What? You don't think our country doesn't need to build a navy, do you? What kind of country is Azeroth's largest country just playing tricks on land? Are you self-proclaimed?"

"Wake up! You really don't have any experience with the huge naval battle between Zandalar and Kul Tiras? The night elves deserve to be able to watch from afar?"

Malfurion opened his mouth, trying to persuade Maiev not to be so vicious.

But after thinking about it carefully, he gave up the idea with a wry smile.

Although Maiev's words were full of guns and sticks, every sentence hit the nail on the head.

The Dark Night Republic, which inherited the legacy of the Dark Night Empire, undoubtedly has the number one comprehensive national power in Azeroth. The emerging human kingdoms, Quel'Thalas, and Zandalar still have a certain gap with the Dark Night Republic. Other small countries Let alone.

But that's no reason for the night elves to stand still.

Vigorous human beings are still working hard, and the high elves have also ended their autism and started to reform many ills in the country. The Zandalari, who had been busy with internal affairs before, also took their hands to look at the world again.

Sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

When the surrounding countries are developing with all their strength, the Dark Night Republic, which is standing still, is equivalent to going backwards, and sooner or later it will be caught up by established powers and emerging countries.

This is what Malfurion, Maiev, Jarod, Fandral and others do not want to see Similarly, Tyrande does not want to watch his beloved country being trampled underfoot humiliation.

All the council members present knew that Tyrande was not bad, but simply stupid, and she loved this race more than anyone else.

But during the long period when Tyrande monopolized power, the harm caused by stupidity and badness was actually not much different, and both would hinder the development of the country.

Malfurion was well aware of this, and after the establishment of the Night Council, he sent her to the relatively quiet Temple of the Moon God, where she continued to manage the theocratic system she was most familiar with.

Tyrande was very dissatisfied with this, and even angered Sharlayan who proposed the republic system because of this, which is why he made those stupid revenge actions before.

Malfurion didn't hesitate too long, and raised his hand to stop Tyrande and Maiev from arguing.

"It's useless to say more, let's vote on it."

"Those who agree to develop the Azshara region and enter Northrend raise their hands."

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