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Chapter 542: The changing situation on the front lines

Sharlayan has explored in advance, and the Shining Plains can indeed produce a large amount of salt.

Unfortunately, the power of the high elves in Kalimdor is very weak.

If you want to grab a piece of land in Thousand Needles, you need to face the Garak centaur clan who migrated here from Desolace, as well as the overwhelming birdmen and wyverns.

Quel'Thalas, which relies on the sea to eat the sea, has no shortage of salt, so there is no need to go to war for a shining plain.

The tauren are quite interested in this salt field, but their miserable population has not yet recovered after fighting against the centaur for a long time.

The establishment of the South Sea Port in Tanaris to maintain sea trade with the Eastern Kingdom is the limit, and the tauren really cannot spare manpower to further expand their territory.

There are only a few strong local races in Kalimdor. The tauren can't get out, the night elves are not interested, the wild boars are confused, and the furbolgs are too far away.

All major races were unable to make a move. In the end, this salt field would probably fall into the hands of goblins looking for business opportunities all over the world.

The Shining Plains are very close to the entrance of Tanaris, and sooner or later the goblin city Gadgetzan mentioned by the barrage will be established.

After sorting out the future developments in Uldum and Tanaris, Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"Perhaps, it's time to formally contact the Steamwheedle Consortium."

With Ptolemy formally enthroned as the new pharaoh, the disturbances in the Uldum area finally subsided completely.

The three major clans jointly signed a peace agreement, and then they will enter a period of relatively peaceful development, each recovering the vitality lost in the war.

After initially negotiating trade cooperation with the tol'vir, the four of Sharlayan returned to the Hall of Origin ahead of schedule, waiting for Azadas to complete the overhaul of the furnace of origin.

In the last few days, Sharlayan didn't wait tediously. He entrusted Stellagosa to deliver information to Silvermoon City and the Nexus, so as to learn about the latest developments on the front line and in the country.

With Stellagosa's current strength, he still can't open the long-distance cross-sea portal to send people there, but it's okay to just send some small notes.

The smaller the mass of the teleported object, the less mana that needs to be consumed.

The battle situation on the Northrend frontline has not changed much, and the steel army on the northern frontline remains on hold.

However, according to Bod Linyu, the lord who stayed behind in Crystalsong Forest, those Iron Vrykuls and Iron Dwarves have become eager to move recently, probably because they couldn't wait any longer because of the changes in the situation on the Eastern Front.

On the Zul'Drak battlefield on the eastern front, Cirvanas still firmly guarded the city wall that had been reinforced many times.

The Drakkari troll has never been able to break through this strong line of defense. Recently, the frequency of attacks has been significantly reduced, and it seems that they are secretly planning something.

The subtle changes in the frontline situation made Salayan feel a little uneasy.

After leaving Northrend for more than half a year, the rescue operation has come to an end.

However, as the saying goes, those who travel a hundred miles are half ninety, and the last moment when they are close to success is the most prone to accidents.

Sharlayan didn't think that Loken would wait forever, he had already guessed what the Zandalari old **** were planning for Drakkari.

Four words, advance with retreat.

The fiercer the fight between the Drakkari trolls and the high elf-furbolg coalition forces, the less likely Loken, who was sitting on the hill watching the battle, would make a move himself.

On the contrary, if the war between the high elves and the Drakkari trolls shows signs of dying down, Loken will instead consider whether to take the initiative to attack and further confuse the situation in Northrend.

"The rain is about to come."

Sharlayan rubbed his eyebrows with a headache: "What about the mainland? What does His Majesty Kael'thas say?"

Valeera, who was in charge of deciphering the encrypted information, sighed helplessly: "'Keep the status quo', His Majesty Kael'thas is still busy liquidating those old nobles who have lost their minds."

"In order to prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry, the four major armies must sit in Silvermoon City and cannot be sent to Northrend for support."

Sharlayan said with a bitter smile: "In other words, the war in Northrend can only rely on the existing local troops?"

Valeera nodded: "There is also Kul Tiras who is also in the Northland."


Sharlayan raised his eyebrows unexpectedly: "Has Daelin broken through the defense line of the dragon-plundering vrykul?"

"Yes, but the marching route has only been initially opened up, and those barbaric vrykul have not been completely suppressed."

Utgarde Castle, the dragonvrykul's lair, is located in the very center of the Howling Fjord. As long as this stronghold is not captured, the dragonvrykul threat will always exist.

And Daelin recently delivered a bad news to New Sandara.

Perhaps it was because the might of the Kul Tiras marines was too powerful, and the irresistible dragon-slaying vrykul began to wake up those ancient compatriots who were sleeping in Utgar's castle.


Sharlayan took a breath: "This shit..."

"Notify Daelin! Tell him to send someone to Gjalerbron in the northwest corner of the Howling Fjord to check the situation."

"Galerbron?" Valeera asked suspiciously, "Is there anything worth paying attention to?"

Sharlayan said with a solemn expression: "The number of ancient Vrykul sleeping in Gjalerbron is far higher than that of Utgarde Castle. Even...the ancient Vrykul king Ymiron slept there."

Valley exploration


Both Valeera and Stellagosa were startled by the information provided by Sharlayan.

Sharlayan had told them the story of King Ymiron when they were traveling in Northrend.

The ancient king was a vrykul hero through and through, at least according to the vrykul.

Today's dragon-plundering vrykul are still in a state of disunity, being chased away by the marines of Kul Tiras. Once Ymiron is revived... the consequences will be disastrous.

Stellagosa: "I will send a letter to Lord Lin Yu and ask him to send a messenger to tell Daelin!"

Sharlayan looked up anxiously at the top of the pyramid in the Hall of Origin: "I hope that Azadas can complete the overhaul within the scheduled time. Our time is getting tighter and tighter."

Azadas is a real person and never likes to brag.

It is said that half a month is half a month, which is exactly 15 days, not more than one day, not less than one day.

"nailed it!"

Instructing the four guardian generals Salayan and others who have been standing by to fight, Azadas patted his chest confidently and said: "Start to restart, I promise that there will be no problems!"

Sharlayan believes that Azadas will not just talk about it. The guardian of the earth has proved his character with practical actions.

"Then I'll start."

Sharlayan, who was impatient to wait, rolled up his sleeves and slapped him.

"Authorization passed, the great master Lai, please order."

Sharlayan took a deep breath, and Azadas patted him on the shoulder encouragingly.

"Restart the furnace of origin!"

"The order has been received, the furnace of origin restarts 30, 29...3, 2, 1, start."


Following Sharlayan's order, the humming of machinery began to be heard from the underground of the Hall of Origination.


When the Furnace of Origination reached normal operating power, the entire region of Uldum could see a pillar of light rising from the sky above the pyramid of the Hall of Origination.

"The energy conduction in the hall of origin, the power... 30%."

"The defense system is activated, and the construction of the colossus is charging."

"...defense system?"

Sharlayan's eyebrows twitched: "So, we entered the Hall of Origin when the defense system was down?"

Azadas spread his hands with a smile: "Otherwise? You don't think the Hall of Origin is so easy to breach, do you?"

The dormant titan creations lying in the hall of origin were awakened one after another, and the leaders of the titan creations such as Anuer and An Lafayette successively took these subordinates under their respective names.

At this point, the comprehensive defense system of the Hall of Origin has truly returned to normal.

If it was in this high-strength defensive state from the beginning, even with the help of the titan guardian Azadas, it would not be so easy to break into the hall.

On the cold continent of Northrend, the Hall of Lightning where Loken, the King of Wisdom, resides.

Loken is assessing the war situation in Northrend, carefully considering whether to take the initiative to launch an attack on the high elves occupying Crystalsong Forest.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a palpitation, and subconsciously raised his head to look in the direction of the Kalimdor continent.

"This is…"

After sorting out his Loken's face gradually revealed a look of panic.

"The Furnace of Origin has restarted? Impossible! Without Rai's authority, who can..."

"Wait, isn't it?"

Loken's face was uncertain: "Lai is back?"

"No, if he really came back, he should return to Ulduar immediately to check the situation, so... who is it?"

"That... Lord Loken?"

A Iron Vrykul general under Loken asked cautiously: "Are we going to send troops to Crystalsong Forest?"

Loken tried his best to calm down, pretending to be calm and said: "Let's wait and see what happens, I have a bad premonition."

"Biagri, send scouts to the Uldum area in the south of Kalimdor. Within a month, I will receive the latest information about the furnace of origin."


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