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Chapter 514: Reopen the Valley of Splendid Blossoms

Shaohao will not lift the fog that envelops Pandaria until he has ensured that Pandaria's people are ready to face the six Sha.

However, Valeera and Onyxia's trip was not to persuade him to open Pandaria, but to unlock the sealed Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

The heart of Y'Shaarji is buried in the underground palace of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. At the beginning, Shaohao was worried that someone would break into the underground palace by mistake, so he sealed the entire Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Of course, this is not the only reason for sealing the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

There are a large number of mogu ruins in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, and a large number of stone mogu sleep in it.

Once stimulated by external forces, these stone statues will wake up from their deep sleep, threatening the pandaren who live here.

In addition, the Pool of Youth, which is suspected to be a branch of the Well of Eternity, is also located in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, just in front of the majestic Mogushan Palace.

There are many secrets buried in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, many of which are related to ancient Titan creations.

Before Shaohao turned into the mist, the pandaren were not ready to accept these secrets left over from ancient times.

Thousands of years passed quickly, and as the travelers gradually unearthed ancient artifacts buried in various places in Pandaria, the pandaren's understanding of this land gradually deepened.

Before Valeera and Onyxia approached the door, Shaohao had already considered whether to reopen the Valley of Eternal Blossoms to let the lorewalkers further reveal the deep secrets of Pandaria.

After tens of thousands of years of changes, today's pandaren are ready.

Under the persuasion of Valeera's three-inch tongue, after several considerations, Shaohao, who was already wavering, finally agreed to her request and decided to reopen the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

When Sharlayan and Little Xingxing hurried back to Pandaria with Azadas, the bodies of the four supreme gods had already gathered in the south of Kun-Lai Mountains, in front of the sealed gate leading to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

The restart of the Nalaksha engine was not in a hurry. The two just accompanied Azadas here to witness the reopening ceremony of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms after ten thousand years.

After all, the four gods are only demigods of the wilderness. Considering the relationship with Freya, the life guardian of all demigods of the wilderness, they can all be regarded as nominal subordinates of the guardians of the titans.

Yu'lon, Xuen, Niuzao, and Chi-Ji respectfully saluted Azadas, the guardian of the earth, and sincerely welcomed him.

Since Raiden disappeared and Pandaria was closed to the outside world, the four supreme gods have never seen the living guardian of the titans.

The appearance of Azadas gave them a sigh of relief, and the many titan facilities buried in Pandaria could finally be returned to their original owners.

In fact, Azadas doesn't know much about today's Azeroth, after all, he spends no less time sleeping than Raiden.

Fortunately, Brian Bronzebeard of the Explorers' Association had been staying in Uldaman to excavate cultural relics some time ago.

In his spare time, Brian often tells Azadas about the tens of thousands of years of changes in the outside world, so that Azadas will not be like Raiden, who is blind to the current situation in Azeroth.

"Hello, children of Freya."

Azadas, the guardian of the earth, has a steady personality and is gentle with others. He has the same philosophy as Tire.

As long as they are willing to dedicate their strength to protect Azeroth, the titan creations of Tyr will not discriminate against anyone with colored glasses.

Azadas did not put on the high airs of the guardian, and responded to the greetings of the four gods with a peaceful attitude.

Today's protagonist is not Azadas, he didn't steal the sight of the host, he consciously retreated to the side after saying hello, and watched with great interest as the four gods made final preparations for the unblocking of Jinxiu Valley.

The monks from White Tiger Temple, Shado-Pan Monastery and Sunshine Peak had already known about the important event that the Valley of Splendid Blossoms was about to be unsealed, and they were orderly standing guard outside the ceremony venue, prohibiting any random people from entering the venue.

"Speaking of..."

While waiting, Valeera suddenly came to Sharlayan's ear to report.

"Words came from Taran Zhu that someone tried to sneak into the Mogu'shan vault after we left, was knocked out by Eragon and thrown into the Shado-Pan's prison."


Sare'an raised his eyebrows in surprise: "There really is such a strong warrior, what is the identity of the other party?"

Valeera spread her hands: "Coincidentally, it's the person you asked us to focus on before, Zhou Zhuo who belongs to the Lorewalker organization."


【Grass! That guy Zhou Zhuo really made a move, he deserves to be a monster. 】

【Tie Hanhan...】

In fact, even if Zhou Zhuo and other lorewalkers don't take the initiative to come to the door, Sharlayan still plans to invite the lorewalkers to discuss important matters after the engine of Nalaksha restarts and stabilizes.

Although most lorewalkers have the stink of cheap hands, they are undoubtedly the best in Pandaria in terms of knowledge, especially good at excavating ancient ruins.

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "Since we have already caught him, let him reflect in prison first, and release him after the troubles in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms are over."

Sharlayan does not advocate blindly hiding, paper cannot contain fire.

It made Zhou Zhuo and the other scholars think itchingly, God knows if those low-handed monster-seekers will cause some troubles, it is better to put all their archaeological processes under supervision, and use rules and regulations to strictly restrict their work. action.

"Let's do this first...the ceremony is about to begin."

On the square in front of the gate of Jinxiu Valley, the four gods stand in four directions.

The four supreme gods who have known each other for many years have a tacit understanding, and their bodies shine with different colors of light at the same time.

The green of Yulong, the white of Xuen, the red of Chi-Ji, and the yellow of Niuzao.

The four energies gathered in mid-air, blended into a whole, and turned into a beam of light that bombarded the majestic gate of the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.


Accompanied by the sound of the mechanism running, after thousands of years, the gate to the Valley of Splendid Blossoms finally opened again.

A fresh breeze full of vitality blew out from the door, and a piece of land covered by golden lawns appeared in front of Sharlayan and the others.


The residents of Kun-Lai Mountain outside the isolation line cheered excitedly, and the lorewalkers who mixed in were gearing up, eager to go deep into this land that had been sealed for many years to unearth ancient ruins. However, the first batch of people entering the Valley of Eternal Blossoms must not be their turn.

Liu He, the head of the Shado-Pan faction, led the team in front. Unlike the last time when he was dressed in casual clothes, today's Liu He put on a set of tight-fitting clothes with a very serious expression.

Following behind the Shado-Pan horde was a group of pandaren who looked like civil servants.

These dignified officials are the disciples of the Golden Lotus Sect, and they are in charge of administrative affairs throughout Pandaria.

The reopening of the Valley of Eternal Blossoms is such a big event, there is no reason for the Golden Lotus Sect not to send people to witness it.

For the next period of time, the Golden Lotus Church cooperated with the Shado-Pan to eliminate the dangers in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms and strictly protect those places that are not suitable for opening to the outside world.

Afterwards, they will consider relocating people to settle in Jinxiu Valley and rebuild this ancient imperial capital that has been abandoned for thousands of years.

Yes, Imperial Capital.

Whether it’s the Pandaren or the earlier Mogu, the core of their rule is located in the Mogu’shan Palace in the Valley of Eternal Until Emperor Shaohao abdicated and sealed the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, the Mogu’shan Palace lost its former glory overnight of prosperity.

Before the Vale of Eternal Blossoms is officially opened to the outside world, it will take some time to take care of it. Sharlayan intends to take this opportunity to get the Nalaksha Engine first, and discuss with Azadas how to recover the Origin Furnace with Raiden's authority.

"Oh! This little thing is quite unique."

Arriving in front of the engine of Nalaksha, Azadas immediately saw the man-made serpent—Elegon, whose body was shining with stars.

"This little guy should have been created by Lai?"

Facing Azadas' question, Sarlayan spread his hands: "I don't know, Raiden didn't mention this question."

Azadas explained with a smile: "That guy named Thor is unlikely to create such a creation that imitates the existence of the Star Saint, it should be done by Lai himself."

Eragon's intelligence is not high, he can only act according to orders, and cannot understand the issues discussed by Sharlayan and Azadas.

The existence of this Starlight Serpent is quite special. During the discussion, Sharlayan learned a brand new term from Azadas.

"Star Saints are a special life form in the universe. They have reached a cooperative relationship with Titans to assist the Pantheon in managing the universe."

"Oh, right."

Azadas slapped his forehead suddenly: "The observer Algalon we talked about before is one of the star saints. This race can travel freely in the universe with its body, and it is the best candidate for a messenger. .”


Sharlayan's eyes flashed brightly: "A cosmic messenger... I know who to look for Eonar."

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