Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 509: Lydon's gift

Many people have misunderstood the representative forces of the six origins of the universe, subconsciously thinking that what Titans use must be the power of order, which is the so-called arcane.

But in fact it is not the case.

True, both Aman'Thul the Allfather and Norgannon the Dreamweaver wield powerful arcane powers.

But there are also titans like Khaz'goros the Shaper, Gorgnas the Ragescreamer, and Eonar the Lifebinder who wield other powers.

What Eonar masters is another of the six original powers, the power of life.

Sharlayan speculated that Eonar's attainments in controlling the power of life had already reached the pinnacle, and even Elune, who was at the top of the life side, was not necessarily better than her.

The barrage provides some information on this.

Eonar is the only one who excluded gameplay and revived the dead on a large scale in the plot of the original history.

Although it is inevitable that Aman'Thul, who has the power to control time, will assist, but even so is shocking enough.

Bwonsamdi has a saying that often hangs on his lips.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are the rules of the universe, and no one can violate them. No matter how many years the dead have wandered in the world, they will eventually go to the destination of all the dead—the Shadow Realm.

In the final battle with Argus the Destroyer, Eonar overturned the three views of many people, forcibly pulled the fallen heroes who participated in the battle back from death, and reversed the established rules of life and death.

Sharlayan didn't know how Eonar did it, but that didn't stop him from admiring it.

"Eonar the Life-Binder..."

After listening to the information provided by Sharlayan, Raiden, who was half squatting on the ground, fell into deep thought.

After learning the news that the Titan is still alive, the great guardian's decadence has subsided, and his normal logical thinking ability has returned.

According to Sarlayan, the information he knew all came from the universe, and was pieced together by interrogating the demons of the Burning Legion and the information obtained from the Draenei, which is highly credible.

Raiden, who was created by the titans, of course hoped that the titans were still alive. It was hard for him to imagine how a world without titans would resist the powerful forces of shadow and chaos.

Therefore, Raiden subconsciously did not doubt the loopholes in Sharlayan's words, and convinced himself to believe his analysis.


After thinking about it for a while with a changing face, Leiden sat back on the ground, his heavy weight made the whole basement tremble violently.

"Even if the Titans are still alive, the problems facing Azeroth are still serious."

Raiden frowned and said: "With the state of the Titans who only have their souls hiding in xz, it is obvious that they have no spare power to help Azeroth get out of the predicament."

"Without the help of the Titans, how will we resist the attack of the Burning Legion? How will we deal with the eager Old God?"

Sharlayan retorted with a displeased face: "Without the Titans, can Azeroth be unable to save itself?"

"Master Raiden, maybe you don't know that as early as 10,000 years ago, Azeroth repelled the dark titan Sargeras with the efforts of mortals, demigods and guardian dragons."

"For tens of thousands of years, the ancient gods have indeed been breaking free from the seal little by little, but they have never been able to find a chance to completely corrupt Azeroth."

"A few years ago, after the victory of the quicksand war led by mortals, the guardian dragons once again strengthened the seal of the thousand-eyed demon C'Thun."

"If it wasn't for Loken's traitor, Yogg-Saron the Demon of Thousand Throats wouldn't be able to easily corrupt Ulduar."

Sharlayan looked at Raiden, whose eyes began to shine, and persuaded him earnestly, "It is true that the Titans, who are overwhelmed by themselves, can't help for the time being, but does Azeroth have to rely on the Titans' charity to survive?"

"Tens of thousands of years have passed. Although Azeroth has suffered a lot, it still survives like this."

"The guardian of the titans retired, the guardian of the dragon fell apart after the war of the ancients, and the demigods of the wilderness also fell in large numbers in that tragic war."

"Mortals have survived this difficult ten thousand years relying on their own efforts. We with flesh and blood have not succumbed to the bewitching of the ancient gods, and have not been crushed by the ubiquitous infiltration of the Burning Legion."

"We are still living every day down-to-earth and working hard to contribute to a better future."

"One person's power may be small, but as long as we are united and united, we can twist the power of all people into one rope..."

Sharlayan clenched his fist firmly and said: "I believe that even the Burning Legion and the Old Gods are not so easy to take away our homeland."

"Mortals, unite as one...?"

Gu Zhen

Sharlayan's cognition and philosophy are very different from Raiden's.

In Raiden's view, it is only natural for Titans and Guardians to protect Azeroth, but he still lacks sufficient knowledge and understanding of the mortal group.


For the first time since meeting, Raiden smiled, although it was a self-deprecating wry smile.

"Perhaps you are right. I have been out of touch with this world for too long, and I no longer understand the current situation in Azeroth."

Raiden stood up from the ground with his hands on his knees: "Since I already know that the Titans are still alive, I can't continue to be so decadent, otherwise I won't have the face to report to the masters in the future."

"It's time for me to re-examine this familiar yet unfamiliar world, mortals, there will be fate in the future..."

A faint golden light of lightning began to emerge from Layden's body, as if he was planning to turn into a thunderbolt and leave here.

"and many more!"

Sharlayan took from the Blight Realm the power of the guardian that was extracted from the soul of Lei Shen.

"This is the power we took back from Thor, and it is here to return to its original owner."

Raiden looked at Sharlayan meaningfully: "You are not interested in this power?"

Sharlayan smiled and scratched his head: "It would be a lie to say that we are not moved. Now that Azeroth has entered a period of turmoil again, we need strength at the right time."

"But after all, it is an external force that does not belong to me. I don't want to be like Thor, relying too much on the power that I didn't get through my own practice."

"As a reward for returning the guardian's power... Lord Raiden, I hope to get your permission to grant us the qualification to use the Furnace of Origin and the Engine of Nalaksha."

Raiden frowned slightly: "There is nothing wrong with the Nalaksha engine, but the Origin Furnace...Even with the guarantee of Azadas, I dare not rashly release the authority to you."

The Forge of Origins is no joke.

Once this thing is fully powered, it can destroy the ecological circle of Azeroth in a very short period of time, and completely wipe out the civilization of this season.

This destructive function is irreversible, and even the Titan Guardians will be annihilated.

It was the first time Raiden and Sharlayan met. Although he was very happy to learn the news that the Titan was still alive from Sharlayan, it was not enough for Raiden to fully believe him.

Sharlayan spread his hands with a wry smile: "Lord Raiden, we don't want to control the Origin Furnace to reshape Azeroth. We haven't lived enough and don't want to commit suicide."

"In order to compete with Loken who controls the Forge of Will and the Creator Engine, the power of the Forge of Origin and the Engine of Nalak'sha is essential."


Leiden rested his chin on his hand and pondered for a while.

"I can fully open the authority of the engine of Nalaksha to you, and at the same time partially unlock the function of the furnace of origin."

"You can use the Furnace of Origin to extract the essence of Azeroth and supply it to the Engine of Nalak'sha, but you cannot activate the Furnace of Origin to reshape the earth."

Sharlayan breathed a sigh of relief: "This is enough, thank you Lord Raiden for your understanding."

Raiden raised his finger and pointed at the ball of golden energy floating in the air, absorbing 90% of the power into his body.


Even in the underground secret room, Sharlayan and the others could hear the roar of thunder coming from above the Isle of After regaining his power, Raiden, surrounded by golden thunder all over his body, looked very powerful , completely different from the decadent look before.

"Sharlayan, leave the remaining 10% of your power to you, which contains part of my authority."


Layden turned into a flash of thunder and disappeared from the spot, leaving only a wisp of faint voice on the spot.

"I will travel all over Azeroth to re-understand this strange world. I hope you can keep your promise and maintain the stability of the situation in Azeroth before I come back."

"Mortal, let me see your awareness and ability, don't let me and those who trust you down."

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