Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 439: last nail

Crystalsong Forest is located in the very center of Northrend. Although it extends in all directions, it cannot be directly connected to the North Sea.

Important visitors with a small number can be sent directly, but large troops and large quantities of trade materials can only be transported by sea.

The shipping capacity of Quel'Thalas is limited to the coastal waters. To open up the ocean trade routes to and from Northrend in the North Pole, it is necessary to rely on the strong shipping capacity of Kul Tiras.

The reason why Kul Tiras has always maintained a good ally relationship with Quel'Thalas is Jaina's master-student relationship with Kael'Thalas. The main reason is that following Quel'Thalas can gain practical income.

Since Quel'Thalas formed an alliance with the Kalimdor tauren, Kul Tiras has officially opened up the sea trade route between the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor through this channel.

In the same way, when Quel'Thalas allied itself with the Kaolin Tauren and Suramar, Kul Tiras also followed behind and opened up the route to the Broken Isles.

Sharlayan heard a sentence from the barrage a long time ago.

There is no eternal friendship between countries, but only eternal interests.

These two deals alone have brought a lot of money to Kul Tiras.

Therefore, when Sharlayan entrusted Daelin to transport the High Elf Northern Expedition to Northrend, the mouth-watering King of Kul Tiras readily agreed without even thinking about it.

Because he knew that once Quel'Thalas took Crystalsong Forest, the vast Northrend continent would be opened to Kul Tiras little by little.

Regardless of the bitter cold climate of the Arctic continent, this frozen continent has many precious resources that are not found in other places.

For example, rare arctic minerals, polar herbs, thick fur unique to arctic creatures, etc.

What business is the most profitable?

Of course it is a monopoly.

As early as many years ago, Kul Tiras opened a sea route to the Howling Fjord of Northrend, and they also built a local port called Valgarde.

The Howling Fjord is the territory of the dragon-plundering vrykul, and the pioneers of Kul Tiras struggled in the local area, and if they were not careful, they would be brutally killed by those tall and strong giants.

After finally ascertaining the surrounding environment, the pioneer team bumped into Keel Wilderness.

Not any race can have Sharlayan, a dragon half-breed, as a bridge, and Kul Tiras cannot get the preferential treatment of dragons like the high elves.

The road to the west was blocked, and the Kul Tiras frontier team could only march towards the Grizzly Bear Hills in the north with difficulty.

But that's all there is for them.

Although the furbolgs love peace and will not take the initiative to attack outsiders, they will not let foreigners wantonly plunder resources on their own territory.

When the Kul Tiras pioneers arrived in Grizzly Hills, it was at the time when the Grizzlymaw and the Drakkari trolls were battling **** heads.

The furbolgs in wartime were not as friendly as in peacetime. They didn't take any action against the Kul Tirans, they just persuaded all the pioneers to leave because of the war ahead.

The way forward was blocked in this way, and the pioneer team had no choice but to return to the Howling Fjord, and withstood the attack of the dragon-plundering vrykul, and collected resources in this relatively warm land of Northrend with great efficiency. low.

The Dragonbone Wilderness cannot be opened to mortals at will. Unless under special circumstances, the dragon clan cannot tolerate chaotic caravans passing through their holy land at will, even the high elves are no exception.

The Dragonbone Wilderness is impassable, and if you want to open a trade route, you have to go another way.

That is the route from Howling Fjord - Grizzly Hills - Zul'Drak to Crystalsong Forest.

Once Quel'Thalas took Crystalsong Forest and reached an offensive and defensive alliance with the furbolgs against the Drakkari trolls, there was only one nail left between Howling Fjord and Crystalsong Forest.

Dak'Saron Fortress.

The Drakalai trolls built the Dak'Saron Fortress not for defense, but as a front-line barracks to facilitate the attack on the Grizzly Bear Hills where the furbolgs depended for a living.

This fortress, which is more offensive than defensive, has no city defense weapons, and is more of a base to continuously send troops to Zabukharak further ahead.

According to the information detected by Backlight Blade, Zuldak is divided into three layers, namely the outer layer where the Daksaron Fortress is located, the functional layer where the Siletus Altar is located, and the core layer where the capital Gudak is located.

Among the three floors, the core floor has the largest area, but the population is not large, and most of the people who live here are dignitaries from Drakalai.

The temperature in the core layer is low, and the ground is covered with snow all the year round, which is not suitable for the cultivation of food crops.

The grain production base and various handicraft workshops of the Drakkara trolls are located on the functional layer in the middle of the third floor. Farmers, craftsmen and other civilians also mostly live here, and it is the most populous area among the three floors.

The outer layer where the Daksaron Fortress is located is more like a military area, and the non-combat population is very sparse.

The vanguard battalion planning to invade Eversong Forest is located on the western border of the outer layer, and the army that is now confronting the Iron Legion is also stationed in the mountainous area near the storm cliffs in the northwest of the outer layer.

To put it simply, the outer layer is the buffer zone for Drakalai's external operations. They will not let the war spread to the rear functional areas and core areas, ensuring that supplies from the rear can be supplied at any time.

As Sharlayan led the Backlighting Blade to execute a wave of beheading operations, the vanguard battalion that attacked Crystalsong Forest had already existed in name only, and most of the troops were dispatched to the northern front, facing off against the steel army.

Therefore, Drak'Saron Hold has become the last barrier between Grizzly Hills and Crystalsong Forest.

The furbolgs had long wanted to destroy this frontline base, but due to insufficient troops, they had not been able to put it into practice.

Now that they have decided to form an alliance with Quel'Thalas, of course these new allies must be brought into play as soon as possible. The first thing to bear the brunt is to destroy that unsightly fortress.


Sharlayan also has a plan to destroy the Daksaron Fortress. If this route is not opened up, the Northern Expeditionary Army's logistics supplies will also be impossible to talk about.

But Dak'Saron Fortress is not so easy to break through.

Military strength is only one aspect. If the furbolgs and high elves encircle from both sides, it would be difficult for the weakly defended Dak'Saron Fortress to stop it.

However, as far as Sharlayan knew, there was also a loa in charge of this fortress—the wind serpent Saronya.

The loa of the animal department are essentially the same kind of creatures as the demigods of the wilderness, and they are the original animal gods of Azeroth.

The only difference between the two is that Loa is not officially sanctioned by Life Keeper Freya.

The strength of the loa is uneven, most of the loa are not as strong as the demigods of the wilderness, but they are still more than enough to deal with mortals.

Powerful loa like Bwonsamdi and Rezan have undoubtedly surpassed the boundaries of mortal species and successfully advanced to the rank of demigod.

However, not every loa can surpass this limit, and many loas are still in the legendary stage.

This is why trolls are often successful when attempting to steal the power of their own loa.

On the one hand, it was because Loa usually had no defense against his own priests, and on the other hand, it was also because the strength gap between the two parties was not as big as imagined.

Wind Snake Salonga is not the powerful loa like Rezan and Bwonsamdi.

According to the barrage, in the future of the original history, Salongya will be killed by his followers, and after being deprived of power, he will be resurrected as a wind snake with a relatively weak strength.

But the weakness here refers to Saronya's strength after becoming a skeleton wind snake. Saronya in its heyday is definitely not so easy to deal According to the information provided by the barrage, Saronya is also It has two attributes of shadow and nature, and can release curses and poisonous clouds.

Poison was not a threat to Sharlayan who also possessed the power of nature. Even if the poison entered the body, it only needed to let the power of nature with amazing healing ability circulate in the body for a while to get rid of it naturally.

but shadows...

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "The attribute that interacts with shadow is light, and it just so happens that the Dawn Vanguard has also joined the Northern Expedition, so let Liadrin block Saronya's shadow attribute attack. "

Apart from Saronya, there are no other characters worthy of special attention in Dak'Saron Fortress.

After making up his mind, Sharlayan solemnly assured Pike, the shaman who was waiting for an answer.

"After our Northern Expeditionary Army arrives, I will send someone to contact you as soon as possible. At that time, both sides will exert force at the same time, put pressure on the Daksaron Fortress from two directions, and attack the fortress one after the other."

"As for Loa Salonga, the guardian of Dak'Saron Fortress...Leave it to us."

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