The construction of a new bridge is not as good as the construction of a new bridge.

In terms of infrastructure, if the entire Blue Star China claims to be second, no one dares to claim to be first.

It took 10 days to build a hospital, 9 hours to complete the renovation of a railway station, and 8 hours to demolish a four-lane overpass.

Taking advantage of the weekend to renovate a large bridge within two days, the reason is simply not to delay the people from going to work on Monday.

This is China's infrastructure capacity.

I believe that when Lin Yuan comes back from the Demon Slayer World again, everything around him will be very different, and these wooden houses will definitely not be seen.


The United States.

The curtains were closed, the lights were not turned on, and the only light source in the dim room was the large screen on the wall.

The screen was playing Lin Yuan's live broadcast.

"Go arrange a visit to China for me immediately, the sooner the better!"

The person who spoke was Telibi, who was preparing to run for the presidency of the United States again.

"Sir, President Biden never visited China during his term."

"Isn't it a bad idea for us to visit China privately for a not-so-strong other world?"

The secretary on the side said worriedly.

Visiting China at this time, you can tell at a glance that you are going to the other world.

Telibi: "You still see too shallowly. This is indeed a world with weak superpowers, but it does have the resources of a world, oil, gold..."

Otherwise, Telibi is called the king of understanding, and he sees it comprehensively.

In addition to a large number of countries applying to visit China, a group of so-called upper-class people and wealthy chaebols have sent people to China.

What they crave is the immortality of Muzan Kibutsuji.

In their eyes, eating people and not being able to see the sun are not big problems.

But the life and death and memories of those who accepted Muzan Kibutsuji's blood were in his hands, which they could not accept.

Therefore, they wanted to get Muzan Kibutsuji's blood, to study it, to improve it, and even they wanted to find the existence of the blue spider lily.


Demon Slayer World.

A circle of people from the original world were surrounding the portal.

They just saw Lin Yuan disappear out of thin air at this location, and they surrounded him, constantly waving their hands to test.

But nothing happened. Just when they were about to leave, Lin Yuan appeared again with Thor and Kanna.

Seeing that the people around him cast their eyes on them, Lin Yuan immediately used the Sharingan to hypnotize them.

When Lin Yuan left, people regained consciousness in a trance.

They scratched their heads subconsciously, not knowing why they appeared in the middle of the road, but they didn't care too much, so they dispersed and did their own things.

Since they came to the Demon Slayer World, how could they not go to see the protagonist of this world and the cute Nezuko?

Lin Yuan had sensed before that Tanjiro's family was still alive and had not met Muzan Kibutsuji.

Judging from Tanjiro's age, it should not be far from the time when the plot begins.

A gentle and kind person like Tanjiro should not have to endure such pain.

Time is not in a hurry, and every move of Tanjiro's family is always within Lin Yuan's perception.

Lin Yuan and the other two just strolled in the Demon Slayer world, feeling the scenery of Japan a hundred years ago.

Near noon, Lin Yuan walked into a restaurant and had a quick lunch.

Ordinary soba noodles, plus tempura fried shrimp, taste not much different from the food in Japan now.

Simply stick it with batter, fry it in oil, and sprinkle some fine salt after it comes out of the pan.

The taste is not bad, but it is really a bit bland, which is still far from the food in China.

Look, even Kanna just ate a bowl of noodles and didn't continue.

After dinner, the three of them left the town and walked through the mountains.

The speed was sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and they passed many villages and towns on the way.

Perhaps because it was daytime, they didn't know where the ghosts were hiding, and they didn't encounter any ghosts.

Without the treasure-hunting part, the fans just regarded it as a travel live broadcast.

The pure original ecology and the undeveloped forests made the fans feel much more relaxed.

Soon, Lin Yuan and the other two stopped in a small town.

A red-haired boy wearing a green plaid coat and carrying a bamboo basket ran past Lin Yuan.

Looking at the boy's back, Lin Yuan smiled slightly.

"It looks like it will be tonight."

In Lin Yuan's perception, he had already detected an inhuman breath appearing in the distant mountains.

Go up.

It should be Muzan Kibutsuji.

After confirming the time when Muzan appeared, the three of them wandered around the town, waiting for the night to come.


Time passed slowly, the sun set, and night fell.

Tanjiro, carrying a bamboo basket, walked alone in the mountains covered with thick white snow.

Although it was dark, Tanjiro still wanted to get home as soon as possible.

Suddenly, a low voice reached his ears.

Tanjiro looked behind him and saw an uncle standing in front of the window of the wooden house.

"Is that Tanjiro? Are you going to go up the mountain at this time? It's very dangerous."

"My nose is very sensitive, don't worry."

At this time, Tanjiro thought the uncle was worried that he would encounter wild animals in the mountains.

"You can stay here overnight, come here! Don't go."


Tanjiro wanted to say something, but was immediately interrupted by the uncle.

"Come when I tell you to. The ghost will come out soon."


Although Tanjiro looked puzzled, he decided to stay at the uncle's house for the night.

After eating the dinner prepared by the uncle, Tanjiro couldn't help asking about ghosts.

With the uncle's introduction, Tanjiro knew for the first time that there were ghosts and the Demon Slayer Corps in this world.

Tanjiro just thought that the uncle had lived alone in the mountains since his family died, and he was a little lonely and wanted to find someone to accompany him, so he prepared such a set of rhetoric.

Lying in the bed with his eyes closed, Tanjiro was still thinking about bringing his younger brothers and sisters to visit the uncle.

But suddenly he remembered that his grandmother had said the same thing before she died.

Tanjiro slowly fell asleep in his memories.

At the same time, Lin Yuan and the other two were already heading towards the mountain.

In Lin Yuan's perception, Muzan Kibutsuji was almost approaching Tanjiro's family.

Bang bang bang.

There was a sound outside the wooden house, waking up the sleeping woman.

The woman had a mole on the corner of her mouth, and her appearance was 70% similar to Tanjiro.

Aoi Kamado, Tanjiro's mother.

She stood up and looked at the children around her. They were not awakened by the noise outside the house and were still sleeping peacefully.

Aoi Kamado thought it was Tanjiro who came back, so she stood up and walked out the door.

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