The fruit was found to be real.

: Damn, this is confirmed to be true, it is really a devil fruit.

: Wow, why is it not mine.

: Any object touched by hand will rust, what a strong ability.

: Is it true or not, it can't be a script.

: Believe it or not, I'm going to the fruit store to find a devil fruit anyway.

"Then how do I use my ability?"

Cheng Xinli asked anxiously.

"Just take an unwanted item in your hand, then concentrate and think, that's it."


Although he was a little confused, Cheng Xinli still took out a piece of iron from the cabinet.

He took the iron piece in his hand and began to concentrate.

Suddenly the iron piece began to corrode and rust rapidly.

After a while, the brand new iron sheet became rusty.

Cheng Xinli exhaled, looked at the iron sheet in his hand, and was immediately very excited.

"Thank you, Lord Lin, thank you!"

Lin Yuan chuckled.

"This is your own good luck, it has nothing to do with me."

"Develop your fruit ability well, this is a very strong fruit."

"If your fruit can awaken, it may even be able to corrode the world."

: You see, the iron sheet is rusted, and the speed is so fast, this is the power of the devil fruit.

: Is it true that the anchor can corrode the world, and what is the fruit awakening.

: Damn, this is not a special effect, are those on the Internet true!

: Impossible, it must be a magic trick, he changed a piece of iron.

: The above, don't deceive yourself, this is real.

Thanks to the fairy in the cloud for 20 super rockets.

Fairy in the cloud: Anchor, can you tell me in detail what fruit awakening is?

Seeing the question from the netizens, Lin Yuan explained: "The so-called fruit awakening is to develop the ability of the devil fruit to a higher degree, causing qualitative changes."

"After the natural devil fruit awakens, it can permanently change the climate or environment of a region."

"After the superhuman devil fruit awakens, it can affect things other than the ability holder itself."

"After the animal devil fruit awakens, it can greatly improve the recovery ability and combat effectiveness, but there will be side effects if the awakening fails."

"And the Rust Rust Fruit is a superhuman devil fruit. After its awakening, its ability will act on the surrounding environment, causing everything around it to rust."

"So I said that after this netizen's fruit awakens, it may reach the level of corroding the world."

: Damn, the fruit awakening is too strong.

: Permanently changing the climate of a region, it is worthy of being a natural fruit.

: Ah, the more I listen, the more envious I am. Why is the devil fruit not mine?

: Some people are still wailing in the live broadcast room, while smart people are already in the fruit store.

: My family runs a fruit shop. If there is a devil fruit, how can it be your turn?

Cheng Xinli then asked: "Then Lord Lin, how can I achieve fruit awakening?"

Lin Yuan continued: "The development of fruit ability is a long process. Even in the entire pirate world, not many people can complete fruit awakening."

"You need to do it step by step, just like when we go to school, you always have to go to elementary school first, then to middle school, and then to college, of course, except for some geniuses."

"So where you can go depends on yourself."

"So that's it, Lord Lin, don't worry, I will definitely develop the Rust Rust Fruit well."

Cheng Xinli suddenly realized and made up his mind to develop the fruit ability well.

At the same time, in the Abnormal Bureau.

"Chen Xinyi will send someone to invite Cheng Xinli to join the Abnormal Bureau immediately."

"Remember to invite, be friendly, don't force him."

"Yes, Director Zhao."

Zhao Liangguo instructed Chen Xinyi.

Ended the microphone with Cheng Xinli.

Lin Yuan took out the Garp hat he had bought before.

: Here it comes, what kind of treasure is this hat?

: The little notebook is ready, ready to get superpowers at any time.

: I wonder if this treasure will be a treasure from the new world.

Lin Yuan looked at the live broadcast room and said.

"This treasure also comes from the pirate world."

"There are three common power systems in the pirate world, namely devil fruits, physical skills and swordsmanship."

"But there is also a universal power called 'Haki'. A strong man in the pirate world once said 'Haki can override everything'."

"And this treasure is the armed color Haki among the three colors of Haki.

. "

:Disappointed, it's still a treasure from the pirate world, I thought it would be a new world.

:Oh, the pirate world actually has physical skills and swordsmanship, and it can be compared with the devil fruit, how powerful it is!

:Three colors of domineering? Does it mean three kinds?

:Is domineering so strong that it can override everything!

Lin Yuan continued to popularize science.

"The three colors of domineering are Armament Haki, Observation Haki, and Conqueror Haki."

"Armament Haki, like wearing invisible armor, improves personal defense; it can evolve into attack power, improve personal destructive power, and even touch the entity of the "Nature System" fruit ability user."

"Observation Haki, has the power to strongly feel the surrounding atmosphere, can sense enemies out of sight or further predict the opponent's actions."

"Conqueror Haki, can rely on its own "spirit" to intimidate or scare the enemy. ”

“Both Armament Haki and Observation Haki can be acquired through training, but Conqueror Haki is acquired by only one person among millions of people.”

“Whether it is physical skills, swordsmanship or devil fruit, you can add Haki to your attack, so there is a saying in the pirate world that Haki can override everything.”

: Wow, I said it was a good thing.

: Armament Haki can actually touch the entity of the natural devil fruit. I said how could the elementalization of the natural system be really invincible.

: Isn’t this Observation Haki just like radar scanning, you can sense the existence of people without looking.

: No, it should be better than radar. Radar can only scan targets, while Observation Haki can even predict the opponent’s actions.

: Haki can be cultivated after birth, so can we practice it too?

: I am definitely the chosen one with Conqueror Haki.

The live broadcast room suddenly became lively.

Lin Yuan clapped his hands.

“Okay, back to the topic, today’s treasure is called Garp’s hat. "

"Garp is a vice admiral of the navy, representing justice in the pirate world. This hat is what he usually wears."

"You only need to wear this hat for three minutes to gain Garp's Armament Haki."

"I've worn it before in the car. Now I'll show you my Armament Haki."

Suddenly, Lin Yuan's arms were covered in black.

Stretching out his fists and clasping them in front of his chest, a crisp sound like iron blocks colliding rang out.

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