The green turtle is on the verge of a big fight.

"Hahaha, it's over, the green turtle is relying on the island owner."

"Green turtle: I'll repay you for saving my life, why don't I marry you?"

"Isn't this CP feeling here, sisters, give me a sip, I've been a man and a woman, I've been a woman and a woman, I've been a man and a man, but I haven't been a cross-species CP yet! (drooling)"

"I know, the green turtle must want to sing a song for the island owner to say thank you, because you are warm Four Seasons."

"Since the green turtle won't leave, why don't we give it a name first?"

Jiangnan reached out and stroked the green turtle, nodding and saying, "That makes sense. I met you on the first day I came here. It's so lucky, so I'll give you a name."

"There's a touch of green on your head, so why not call it Little Green?"

After taking a closer look, Jiangnan discovered the green. In addition, the green turtle's head was round and bulging. At first glance, it looked a bit like a green-headed turtle's emoticon.

"Little Green? Is there a Little Blue?"

"Green Turtle: I'm really screwed, how do you name your dog?"

"I think since it's a turtle, and it's big, why not call it Turtle..."

"Since it's so green, why not call it Wu Dalang?"

"I, Song Jiang, don't accept it!"

"I, Yang Xiong, don't accept it either!"

"Hua Zixu doesn't accept it even more!"

"Go away, we're watching "Water Margin", and you're watching plum blossoms in a golden bottle!"

"If that's the case, Yang Jian, Yang Guang, Li Yuan, Fang Yiai, Li Zhi, Li Xian, these big guys must go to war!"

"Li Zhi? What did I hear? Litchi, upstairs, it turns out you're also a little blackie!"

"Damn it, why not call it Green Grassland."

In order to give the green turtle a good name, the audience in the live broadcast room argued heatedly.

Jiangnan looked at the scrolling comments, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and finally said: "Listen to me, just call me Dalang?"

After saying that, he looked at the green turtle.

The green turtle did not refute, and even nodded humanely.

The entire audience was stunned.

"Fuck! It's a spirit!"

"Nonsense, turtles are spirits!"

"Green turtle: Sorry! I was born before the founding of the People's Republic of China!"

"Turtle people will never be slaves unless they are provided with food and shelter!"

Suddenly, Jiangnan realized that the green turtle Dalang did not seem to want to leave, but...

"Haha! Ouch!"

Jiangnan felt funny,

It turned out that he was careless.

Just now, the green turtle turned over, and he clearly saw that there was a small barnacle hidden under the left forelimb, which had not been picked off.

This barnacle is not on the long shell, it is directly attached to the skin.

Jiangnan took out a knife, pressed against the edge of the barnacle shell, and carefully moved it.

After a slight movement, Jiangnan hurriedly grabbed it, fearing that he would hurt it with a knife.

With a little force, the barnacle was taken off.

The mucus of the barnacle itself, plus something that might be thick water, flowed out... and it was pulled with threads, just like...

"Ding! The green turtle was very satisfied with the host and gave the host a pair of [burden-reducing gloves]."

[Burden-reducing gloves]: These gloves, which seem ordinary, can be worn on the hands, but can massage the host's hand muscles all the time, and reduce the burden on the host, so that the host's hands are no longer tired.

"Note: This glove can also protect the host from attacks by cold weapons such as daggers to avoid injury."

All the barnacles were finally taken off, and the green turtle turned his head to look at Jiangnan, and finally staggered towards the sea.

Gloves that make hands tireless?

Many girls must hope that their boyfriends have a pair!

Jiangnan was still studying the burden-reducing gloves. When he reacted, Dalang had already disappeared.

"Some people put on their pants and refuse to admit it, but you are refusing to admit it after you have put on the barnacles!"

Jiangnan looked at the calm sea and complained helplessly.

Although he complained, he still waved at the sea.

Then he took all the barnacles and returned to the villa to prepare dinner.

"Don't look at the ugly barnacles, but they are really delicious and easy to make."

Jiangnan explained while making it: "First, you have to clean the barnacles, because there are many fragments of barnacle shells in its meat. If you don't clean it well, you will definitely knock your teeth when you eat it."

"Secondly, you don't need too many seasonings to cook barnacles, just green onion, ginger, cooking wine and salt."

"It's not advisable to cook the barnacles for too long after putting them in the pot, just one or two minutes after boiling."

Jiangnan handled it very quickly, and soon, the barnacles were put into the pot.

"Just these two steps?"

"Is it so simple?"

"This is definitely the fastest way I have ever seen, it's comparable to fried rice with egg!"

"No more words, try it when you get off work late one day."

The audience in the live broadcast room were confused.

They even doubted whether it would be delicious if it was made this way?

Until Jiangnan opened the lid of the pot, the doubts in his heart disappeared in an instant.

The barnacle meat was delicious and juicy, and the air waves rose up, as if it had entered the nose. A slight smell was enough to increase people's appetite, and they couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"Friends who haven't eaten yet, I can only say sorry."

Jiangnan took out the barnacles, took out the toothpick, and prepared to start.


The barnacles have not been picked up yet.


A dull sound rang out!

Not only Jiangnan heard it, but all the audience in the live broadcast room were shocked.

"What's that sound?"

"Knocking on the door?"

"Don't scare me. Didn't the island owner say that he was the only living person on the island? How could there be a knock on the door?"

"Go and ask Uncle Ying!"

"Wang Xiaoer: It seems that I must show my Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts!"

"Build a safe house quickly!"

"Taishang Laojun Queen Mother Ozawa Mary... Please bless the island owner. After all, we haven't had our wedding night yet."

"Come to me if you have anything. Don't embarrass the island owner. I'm in Wudang Mountain!"

This sudden sound made the live broadcast room more popular, and the number of people online doubled.

Jiangnan frowned slightly, slowly stood up, and walked to the door.


The door opened a crack from the inside.

Jiangnan poked his head out.

Look around.


There was silence all around, so quiet that it made people panic and so quiet that it made people feel creepy.


"Is it really something dirty?"

"I've seen a movie where the protagonist is stranded on a desert island and lives in a lighthouse. There's a knock on the door at night, and when he opens the door, it turns out to be a mermaid."

"Police: When we arrived at the scene, we only found this video."

"Come on, prepare the suona, and the blacks over there are ready to carry the coffin, and the whole village will have a feast!"

The audience in the live broadcast room are watching the excitement and don't mind the big deal, and they would rather die than let their friends die.

Jiangnan took a deep breath, remained calm, and closed the door with his backhand.

The result...

Just as he returned to sit on the chair, the dongdong sound rang again.

This time it was clearer.

Right at the door!

This time Jiangnan rushed to the door at the speed of a 100-meter sprint and slammed it open, but even so quickly, he still didn't see anything.

Jiangnan was puzzled for a while, and even found a flashlight and shone it in the distance.


It rang for the third time.

"No wonder the work here is so easy and the annual salary is high. It turns out it's not clean."

"If the island owner can survive tonight, run away quickly."

"All fear comes from insufficient firepower!"

"That makes sense. Hurry up and look around the room to see if there are any AK47s or something."

"Hold on, island owner. I just ordered a tank online and it will be here soon."



I don't know how many times this has sounded.

No matter what the audience in the live broadcast room said, Jiangnan didn't open the door again. Instead, he sat at the dining table and ate barnacle meat calmly.

No matter what's outside, you have the strength to deal with it only when you are full.

In other words, even if you really die, you can't be a starving ghost.

"Uh! So full!"

Jiangnan burped, wiped the corners of his mouth with his hand, and calmly came to the door again.

Bang, bang, bang!

As if sensing Jiangnan's approach, the sound became clearer, more violent, and more urgent.

Jiangnan opened the door, but there was still nothing in front of him.


Just as he was about to lift his foot, he seemed to be tripped by something.

Looking down, he saw that it was actually Dalang, a green-headed turtle.

Jiangnan turned on the headlights in front of the door, and when the lights came on, he saw that they were all green-headed turtles.

Some were big and some were small, and there were about a dozen of them.

They all had one thing in common, that they had more or less barnacles on their backs.

Jiangnan smiled: "The news that I caught barnacles spread so quickly in the ocean?"

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