The fishermen were so busy that they had to live together.

"In order to survive and reproduce, weak fish will instinctively choose to live in groups!"

Jiangnan sat on the shore and whispered, "Sardines are a typical species that live in large groups."

"They don't have their own ideas. Wherever the big group goes, they follow."

The sardines in front of them were very shocking, causing the audience in the live broadcast room to drool frequently.

For the Chinese people, it seems that anything can be eaten.

Even monsters can be eaten, and they don't have time to grow up.

This is also the fundamental reason why there are no monsters in China.

Once the monster lands in China, it immediately becomes spicy thirteen spices!

Jiangnan controlled the bionic fish to continue diving.

The sardines ignored the bionic fish and slowly moved away, like a giant ghost swimming in the sea.

Then, Jiangnan saw many more fish.

But they were all familiar faces, such as clownfish, double-saw fish, lionfish...

For some reason, these fish were swimming towards the depths of the seabed intentionally or unintentionally.

And further down, it was the deep sea that Jiangnan had never set foot on before.

At this time, there was no need to worry about his life being threatened. He decisively controlled the bionic fish to swim towards the bottom of the sea.

Just like that, deeper and deeper...

About five minutes later, all the viewers in the live broadcast room widened their eyes, and two big words were written in their pupils: fear!

I saw that in the live broadcast screen at this moment, the seabed was actually faulted.

That's right, it was a fault.

In the sea where the bionic fish is currently located, you can still see all kinds of small fish swimming around.

But on the other side of the fault, it was a dark abyss.

No matter how wide your eyes are, you can't see what's in the abyss clearly.

It feels like there is another sea inside the sea.

"Oh my goodness, a sea within a sea!"

"Who would have thought there is a sea inside a sea? I really learned a lot today!"

"By the way, what's inside?"

"It's pitch black, nothing can be seen clearly, there should be all kinds of huge and ferocious fish hidden there?"

"Could Godzilla be hiding there?"

The audience in the live broadcast room had their imaginations run wild.

Jiangnan smiled helplessly and explained: "There is indeed a sea in the sea, which has been scientifically verified!"

"In July 2010, the research team of the University of Leeds discovered the sea in the sea."

"After testing, it was found that the flow rate of the submarine river can reach 6.6 kilometers per hour, which is equivalent to 350 times the flow of the Thames River and 10 times higher than the Rhine River, the largest in Europe."

"Everyone may be very conflicted, thinking how can there be other water in the water?"

"Imagine pouring a spoonful of oil into a glass of water. There is no doubt that the oil will float on the water surface. After all, the density of oil is lower than that of water. Then, as long as there is a fluid with a higher density than water, lakes and rivers can be formed on the seabed."

It is not known whether there are any terrifying creatures below, or because its existence itself is a kind of terror, no small fish dare to swim downstream.

They are afraid, but the bionic fish are not afraid.

Jiangnan did not hesitate at all and controlled the bionic fish to continue to swim downstream.

For a moment, the screen in the live broadcast room suddenly darkened.

In fact, there is light under the deep sea, but from the illuminated area, the light here cannot be seen.

When the bionic fish completely entered the deep sea area, the picture in the live broadcast room finally became clear.

It's just that the picture is a little dimmer than before.

Not long after diving here, Jiangnan saw a lot of fish again.

The fish here all have the three characteristics of deep-sea fish: big mouth, big eyes, and light-emitting organs in some parts of the body.

The bionic fish continued to swim down, and the live broadcast picture became shocking again.

I saw countless plants growing deep in the sea.

These plants are all long and look very elegant.

Those who don't know would think that Head & Shoulders was used.

At first glance, it looks like an underwater forest.

"What is this?"

"I know, it's seaweed! It looks like a seaweed swaying in the wind, that's what I'm talking about!"

"It's so weird, I feel like it's hair!"

"Explain it clearly, kid, what part of the hair does it look like!"

The audience in the live broadcast room wanted to drive again.

But more people were attracted by this magical picture and were shocked and speechless.

Who would have thought that in the dark and boundless seabed

There is a sea in the sea, and in it, there are long plants that are almost twenty meters long.

They are called seaweed, but they are more like trees.

There are forests on the seabed?

The audience was confused and couldn't believe it.

"These are all giant kelp!"

At this moment, Jiangnan's magnetic voice sounded in the live broadcast room.

"Giant kelp is one of the strange algae plants in the ocean!"

"There was no such thing in our country before. It was not introduced until 1978. It has been successfully cultivated in some cities in the south."

"Giant kelp can treat some diseases such as cholesterol, asthma, and bronchitis."

"And mature giant kelp can generally grow to 70 or 80 meters, and the longest giant kelp has reached 500 meters."

Jiangnan said while controlling the bionic fish to swim up and down and left and right around the giant seaweed forest, trying to let the audience in the live broadcast room see more clearly.

In the eyes of the audience, you can clearly see very thick giant kelp growing upside down on the seabed and then floating up.

"It's really dozens of meters long, this is too scary!"

"How many meters is the tallest tree in the world?"

"Outrageous! Too outrageous!"

"Sure enough, the underwater world is much more exciting than we humans imagine. There are indeed many unknown creatures here that we have never come into contact with!"

"I used to think I was quite knowledgeable, but now it seems that I am still too ignorant!"

"Five hundred meters long, what is this concept, it's even taller than the building I live in!"

The audience in the live broadcast room had already exploded.

Jiangnan controlled the bionic fish to continue wandering in the giant kelp forest.

At this time, a touch of joy had already appeared in his eyes.

The giant kelp forest can form a very unique ecosystem on the seabed. Because there are so many giant kelp, it can't be eaten up at all, resulting in abundant food here, and if there is danger, they can hide quickly, so there must be a lot of marine life living here.

The giant kelp forest is similar to the forest on land.

"I hope to capture some interesting animals."

Jiangnan was looking forward to it silently in his heart. At the same time, he glanced at the comments and said with a smile: "The Australian eucalyptus is the tallest tree in the world. It is generally more than 100 meters high, and the tallest is 156 meters, which is equivalent to the height of a 50-story building. It is called the tallest tower in the tree world!"

As the bionic fish continued to wander in the giant kelp forest, the live broadcast became dreamy.

A tiny fish swam among the huge seaweed, forming a great contrast.

And these seaweeds are still dark green, with wrinkles on the surface. With the fluctuations of the sea water, they will sway slightly, just like the ancients throwing embroidery and dancing, giving people a strong visual impact.

The audience was amazed and recorded and took photos.

After all, such a scene is hard to come by.

Jiangnan controlled the bionic fish to continue swimming forward, looking forward to meeting marine animals.

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