The black monkey king Baicao Shuang opened his mouth wide and stayed where he was.

One of the biggest illusions in the world is: I can do it too!

The black monkey king Baicao Shuang did not believe in evil, and strode forward like the Great Sage Mandrill, and started riding the goat again.

Although the largest wild goat has been occupied, it still wants to ride this one.

Where you fall, you get up from there.

Besides, two monkeys are more than enough to ride a goat.

In the movie starring Bingbing, a man and a woman can "applaud with love" while riding on horses!

The Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang thought that the Great Sage Mandrill was riding the wild goat, and he only needed to quietly go around the back and ride it easily. Who would have thought...

The moment it rode on it, the wild goat shook violently again.

To be precise, the two hind legs kept jumping and shaking the back half of the body.

The Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang, who had just sat on it, had not sat firmly and could not react at all, and was thrown to the ground again.

Then he ran away quickly, turned around, and stared at the Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang to prevent him from getting close to him.

At this moment, the Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang almost cried.

Is there still justice? Is there still law?

They are both monkeys, so what is the difference between him and the Great Sage Mandrill?

But fortunately, he is the Monkey King, and the Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang quickly adjusted his mentality and looked at other wild goats.

Since this one doesn't let him ride, then find another one.

Its pattern opened up all of a sudden.

After all, this is how the second generation of rich people look for women.

But what is unexpected is that all the other wild goats are staring at it, alert to it, and don't give it a chance to get close.

As long as it gets a little closer, they will immediately run away, always keeping a safe distance.

The black monkey king Baicao Shuang was very depressed, and came to Jiangnan in a lost state, stretching out his hand to gesture: Brother, why don't those goats let me ride? What's the difference between me and the Great Sage?

Jiangnan was picking wild fruits, and said without turning his head: "It must be because your third leg is too big, which makes the goats feel uncomfortable, so they don't want you to ride."

As soon as these words came out, the black monkey king Baicao Shuang, who was listless the previous second, immediately smiled happily the next second.

Sign language: Brother! You are my dear brother! Or you understand me! ! !

"Island owner, you know how to comfort people!"

"Hahaha, I've learned it. I'll change my mindset to comfort people in the future!"

"I suddenly remembered a joke. When Tang Seng passed by the Kingdom of Women, the queen asked him at last: Will you marry me or not? Tang Seng shouted: Marry, marry, marry! The white dragon horse heard it as "Jia Jia Jia" and ran away.

Since then, the white dragon horse always felt uncomfortable on his back, and only he knew whether Tang Seng was attracted to the Queen of the Kingdom of Women."

"The island owner said it well, this is why I don't like riding a horse!"

"Since you don't like riding, then I don't ride it either!"

"What the island owner said makes a lot of sense, because I am 1.7 meters tall when I stand, but 2.3 meters tall when I lie down, so I can't ride a horse at all!"

"Last time my family built a house, I went to buy steel. When I went back, the owner of the steel store looked at my crotch and had to pull me, saying that I stole her steel pipe!"

The audience in the live broadcast room drove the car, one more perverted than the other, but one more stable than the other.

Soon, Jiangnan had picked two full backpacks of wild fruits.

"Let's go home!"

Jiangnan called the Great Sage of Mandrill and the Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang and started to go home.

As for the group of wild goats, they also left the orchard after eating and drinking.

Before leaving, they all came to the Great Sage of Mandrill and kept rubbing their heads gently, each of them reluctant to leave.

I don't know what kind of charm the Great Sage of Mandrill has that can attract wild goats so much.


Halfway through, the Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang suddenly made a strange cry.

Then he jumped down from the big tree and rushed towards a dense bush in a hurry.

Jiangnan and the Great Sage of Mandrill looked at each other and quickly followed.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo!"

When they got closer, they saw a baby bird in the grass.

This fledgling has not even fully grown feathers yet, its eyes are slightly open, and its body is covered with snow-white fluff, which is quite cute.

But don’t think it is a kind creature just because it is cute now.

Jiangnan keenly discovered that its beak is hooked.

Ninety percent of birds with hooks in their beaks are ferocious beasts, and the remaining ten percent are all kinds of cute parrots.

Perhaps it was a little cold from the wind in the forest, or maybe it saw someone approaching, the chick's body was shaking violently, and it kept crying hysterically.

The black monkey king Baicao Shuang was the first to discover the chick, but it did not approach to pull or bully the chick, but quietly waited for Jiangnan to arrive.

He also took the initiative to protect the chick to prevent other carnivores from approaching.

"Wow! What a cute little bird, I want to touch it!"

"I have a little bird too, come and touch mine, don't be polite!"

"Cute, I only see pity, under normal circumstances, chicks will die miserably when they leave the nest!"

"What kind of bird is this, why have I never seen it before?"

"I have lived in the countryside since I was a child, and I have seen all kinds of chicks, but I really can't recognize this one in front of me!"

After two minutes, no audience in the live broadcast room could recognize what kind of bird it was.

Jiangnan walked forward, carefully held the chick in his palm, and said, "This is an owl cub!"

"But this is not an ordinary owl, but an eagle owl."

"The eagle owl is known as the largest owl in China, and it gives people a particularly terrifying impression. Because of this, it also appeared in "Ghost Blowing Light: Yunnan Worm Valley", and it made Hu Bayi, Wang Pangzi and Shirley Yang suffer for a while."

"The feathers of adult eagle owls are mostly brown, and their eyebrows are long and narrow, all exceeding their heads."

"And the eagle owl chicks are like this."

"This season is the time when owls reproduce in large numbers. In order to raise their children, they need to catch at least four or five thousand voles."

"As we all know, owls are out at night. Animals without animals have relatively poor mobility during the day, so the mobility of the chicks is even worse. In addition, they are naughty and hyperactive, so they will naturally fall to the ground. "

"If you pick it up and take it home, it will only cause the mother and child to separate."

"It is very detrimental to the growth of the little owl out of the natural environment in the wild. It seems to save them, but it actually harms them."

"In fact, their parents usually forage nearby. When they hear the chicks' cries, they will come to find them."

"If you really can't find their parents, you can only send them home."

"Under normal circumstances, the chicks can't fly and can't walk far. The nest must be nearby and not too far away."

While talking, Jiangnan looked around and started looking.

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