The host was very happy, and the news was very good.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for saving the little blue macaw couple and finding a new home for them. Intimacy value +1500!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining [Nutrient Solution]!"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining [White Tiger]!"

[Nutrient Solution*1]: Although a bottle has only the capacity of an adult's thumb, only one drop is needed to restore malnourished animals to health.

Not only that, this nutrition can also repair the internal organs of animals and restore them to their best condition, just like nirvana.

If the organs are injured from the outside and threatened, they cannot be repaired.

This nutrient solution can also be used by humans.

Note: To sum up, this nutrient solution can only be used for internal conditioning, and it cannot repair external and psychological trauma. Please do not confuse the host.

[White Tiger*1]: A cute little white tiger, already on the way to the Great Barrier Reef, please check it carefully.

Jiangnan looked at the system's reward and couldn't help but complain in his heart: Is this white tiger the kind I imagined?

Just when he was puzzled, the phone rang.

Jiangnan picked it up and found that it was an unfamiliar number, and it was from Australia.

This made him more confused, but he still answered it with a tentative mentality.

"Hello, Island Master Jiang, I am the manager of Jamala Hotel. I sincerely hope you can help me."

"If you are willing to help, you will be the most distinguished guest of our hotel in the future. Come anytime and anywhere, and we will provide the best quality service for free."

As soon as the call was connected, the person on the other end of the phone begged in the most fluent English.

Jamala Hotel?

The wildest hotel in the world with more than 200 animals?

How did he know me?

And how did he get my contact information?

Jiangnan looked confused and asked in English: "Hello, what's your name?"

"I was so anxious just now that I forgot to introduce myself. I'm sorry. My name is Richard!"

Jiangnan remembered that the manager of Jamala Hotel was indeed named Richard. It didn't seem to be a scam.

"What happened to your hotel? Do you need my help?"

Jiangnan asked again.

"Just two days ago, our hotel rescued a Bengal white tiger. It was less than one year old, and its mother and two brothers all died under the guns of hunters."

"When we rescued this Bengal white tiger, it was very weak. We tried all kinds of methods, but it just refused to eat or drink, and even often hid in the corner, unwilling to get close to humans, even the breeder who gave it milk."

"There's no way. We can only hope that you will take in this Bengal white tiger."

Richard said it very seriously, not like a joke.

Is the white tiger here now?

Could the system help me? Jiangnan thought it was a woman at first...

Jiangnan was still confused and continued to ask: "How do you know me? How did you think of asking me to take in this Bengal white tiger?"

Richard asked back: "Island owner, don't you know that you are not only popular in your China, but also abroad?"


Jiangnan was getting more and more confused.

"I don't know who uploaded your live video to the Internet, and it has dominated the hot searches in many countries."

"I heard that many live broadcast platforms in these countries even want to invite you to live broadcast there."

"I also happened to see many of your videos 20 minutes ago, especially the three videos of rescuing the little sea lion, the little shark and the black bear family. I felt it was amazing and thought you could make this Bengal white tiger recover successfully."

"After that, I quickly asked someone to look up your information and learned that you were working in the Great Barrier Reef here, and naturally got your contact information."

Richard explained the whole story clearly.

"I see!"

Jiangnan nodded in sudden understanding and said, "Then send the Bengal white tiger over here. I will do my best to make it recover and grow happily!"

It just so happened that the four sacred beasts of the Great Barrier Reef were just missing a white tiger.

"The Bengal white tiger is on the way!"

"What is it?"

"Before calling you, I had already sent our hotel's pilot to fly a helicopter with the Bengal white tiger to the Great Barrier Reef. It will arrive as early as tomorrow noon."

It's not surprising that the Jamala Hotel has a helicopter.

After all, their hotel can

They are flying around the world, and they are also rescuing and taking in various animals.

This move of acting first and asking for permission later is wonderful.

Jiangnan grinned and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will refuse?"

"To be honest, I have checked all your information, and there are many live videos of rescuing animals. I can be sure that you are a person who likes animals, so I am relieved to hand over the Bengal white tiger to you."

"Thank you for your compliment!"

Jiangnan smiled and said, "I am still live streaming now, so I will hang up first. You can always contact me if you have any questions in the future."

"Thank you, Island Master Jiang, you are a good person!"

Jiangnan was given the good person card again.

After hanging up the phone, the audience in the live broadcast room cheered collectively.

"Congratulations to the island owner, you have harvested a Bengal white tiger, and it's still a baby!"

"The four great beasts of the Great Barrier Reef have returned: the green turtle Dalang, the bird of paradise Jianqiang, the salamander Chongba and the Bengal white tiger!"

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"The island owner has been speaking English the whole time, I don't understand, where is my royal translator?"

"Just now, a hotel manager called the island owner and asked the island owner to take in a Bengal white tiger cub. That hotel is the wildest hotel in the world that the island owner mentioned before!"

"Fuck! The white tiger baby is coming to the Great Barrier Reef?"

"Congratulations to the island owner, you have harvested another beast!"

"Why are you so excited? It's as if everyone doesn't have a white tiger. I have one myself!"

"I don't believe it, unless you shoot a video for me to see! (dog head)"

The audience in the live broadcast room drove again inexplicably.

While Jiangnan was lying on the rocking chair, he had already started thinking about naming this Bengal white tiger cub.

He remembered that there was a classic cartoon called "Little Tiger Returns Home" when he was a child.

When he watched it at that time, he had imagined that he could have a white tiger one day, even if it was just for a short period of time. He didn't expect that it would come true now.

Just as Jiangnan was thinking about it, he suddenly turned around and saw that the birdcage was empty.

The little blue macaw couple who were in it just now disappeared!

It was as if they disappeared out of thin air, without any movement!


Jiangnan couldn't help but burst out a Chinese quintessence, jumped up from the rocking chair, and searched inside and outside the villa in a hurry.

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