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Jiangnan looked at the scrolling comments and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will try my best to place the prototypes of the well-known animation characters in Bikini Bottom."

"The prototype of SpongeBob SquarePants is actually a natural sponge." "It has no head, no tail, no trunk or limbs, no nerves or organs. It is the simplest multicellular animal on earth."

"The prototype of Patrick is the granuloma sea star."

"It is a This is a large starfish, but it is only about 20 to 30 centimeters long. It is fat and pink, just like in the animation, and looks fat and stupid. "

"The prototype of Mr. Kratos is the sword water flea. "

"This is really amazing It cannot be placed in Bikini Bottom because it will become food for all fish.

"Auntie Puff's prototype is a small pufferfish."

"The prototype of the nest is a sea snail."

"The prototype of the Sea Tyrant is a bass fish." After Jiangnan briefly introduced a character, he finally received the system reward.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for saving the big-eyed sand crab, naming it Mr. Krabs, and arranging a new home for it. Intimacy value +120!"

"Ding! Mr. Krabs likes you very much, and he will reward you with the [Secret Recipe for Krabby Patties]! ”

[Krabbit Patty Secret Recipe]: A delicacy from the famous animation "SpongeBob SquarePants". Click to learn, the host can learn it immediately and make it perfectly.

Note: When the host goes out, how can he be without dry food? Simple and light The crab roe burger is a good choice.

Eating this crab roe burger regularly can increase the host's breath-holding time in water.

To be honest, when Jiangnan saw the reward, he almost vomited blood.

Who would have thought that Mr. Pi was thinking about the crab roe burger The secret recipe is in my hands!

It's just a hamburger, I know how to make it!

"This thing is basically the same as the Indian god you!"

Jiangnan complained in his heart.

In fact, the Indian god you does not have certain effects, and it is also It's not from India, but from a pesticide factory in China.

In order to make more money, the boss came up with such an exotic name.

The Chinese people thought it was from India, and when tourists went to India to play, they basically went to look for more authentic Indian gods.

But at that time, India had no There is no such product.

However, after seeing the business opportunities of Indian God You, they began to produce it one after another.

The secret recipe of Crab Roe Burger is the same as Indian God You, which looks good but is not practical, and it simply makes people feel more mysterious.

However After seeing the prize introduction, he couldn't wait to click on the learning button.

Although there is no specific description of how long the breath holding time should be increased, even one more minute would be considered to give Jiangnan more time. A little life.

After learning the secret recipe of crab roe burger, Jiangnan went out to work again.

But this time he brought kangaroo Gangzi and Steller's sea eagle Tai Sui.

When passing by the warehouse, Jiangnan hesitated again and again, opened the door, and The Great Sage Mandrill was released.

"I originally wanted to keep you locked up until dark, but now I'm too busy, so I'll let you out early to help."

Jiangnan patted the shoulder of the Great Sage Mandrill and said solemnly: "Compared to those criminal animals Consequences, I'm really good to you, please don't let me down. "

The Great Sage Mandrill looked confused and gestured: In this day and age, animals can also commit crimes?

The audience in the live broadcast room basically had the same opinion as the Great Sage Mandrill. expression.

"What is the island owner saying? Why don't I understand?"

"That's impossible. How can animals commit crimes?"

"Humans are in charge of everything, so why do they force human laws on animals?"

Audience They all don’t believe it, and are even full of doubt.

Jiangnan helplessly explained: "Just two years ago, in Thailand, a cat violated the decree of going out at night, was detained and photographed for committing a crime, and the photos can be found on the Internet."

"In 1471, in Switzerland, a The chick laid an egg, and the local people thought it violated the laws of nature and sentenced it to death. "

"In 1457, also in Switzerland, a sow and piglets killed a human child, and they were subsequently hanged. ”

“In 1621, in Germany, a cow pushed its owner’s mother and was sentenced to death. ”

“In 1639, in Italy, a weasel was accused of destroying crops and sentenced to expulsion, but was later granted a 14-year reprieve after a lawyer intervened. Day. "

"In 1916, in Mi

In the United States, an elephant killed its trainer and was hanged. "

"In 1924, in the United States again, a dog bit a pet cat to death and was sentenced to life imprisonment."

"In addition to foreign countries, such things also happen in our country."

"In Anhui Province, a husky sneaked into the chicken coop and bit two hundred chickens to death. It was detained for deliberately killing the chickens' beaks."

"In Mount Emei, a monkey king robbed and harassed a girl, causing the girl to fall off the cliff while dodging, and then the monkey king was shot dead."

When Jiangnan finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room still found it hard to believe.

Then they opened Baidu and started searching. After finding that it was true, they were completely dumbfounded.

"I can't accept it, but I was shocked!"

"The monkey in Mount Emei is not wronged at all!"

"That monkey in Mount Emei is not a monkey at all, it's just a beast!"

"In fact, the elephant is very miserable. It was caught by humans and forced to train expressions. It will definitely go crazy! ”

“Am I the only one who feels sorry for that chick? It was killed just because it laid an egg. Is the price of early love and early pregnancy so high?”

“Aren’t the two hundred chickens bitten to death by the Husky even more miserable?”

“You little black guys, you see, this is the fate of offending my brother. If you dare to spray or bite my brother again, be careful of being detained.”

“If your brother lays an egg, will he be executed too? "

When Jiangnan was popularizing science, his voice became louder and louder.

The purpose was simple, just to scare the Great Sage Mandrill, hoping that it would know its limits in the future.

This trick of killing a chicken to scare the monkey really worked.

When hearing about execution and shooting, the Great Sage Mandrill's body trembled obviously, and his eyes became clear and simple.

In this way, Jiangnan set off with the three animals.

At the same time, he also took a tool from the warehouse.

It's just that the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't recognize this tool no matter how hard they looked at it, and they couldn't even name it.

The audience in the live broadcast room began to speculate wildly.

"What exactly is that thing?"

"It's made of pure wood, what use can it have?"

"I only care about why the island owner brought Gangzi, Tai Sui and Dasheng with him this time. Is there any use for them?"

"I know that when I was going out, the island owner saw Gangzi lying on the sofa, sleeping leisurely, and felt uncomfortable, so he pulled him out. "

"Makes sense! Every time during the Chinese New Year, my parents love me very much on the first day at home and cook all kinds of delicious food for me. But within three days, as long as they see me sleeping in bed, they will scold me. "

"It feels like you get up early to go to work and see your cat occupying your bed and sleeping soundly. You must feel unbalanced and want to wake it up. "

"Master! I understand!"

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