The truth is, the only way to clean the Great Barrier Reef is to go to the riverbed.

Jiangnan can indeed clean the Great Barrier Reef by himself in a week.

Because the monkeys and gray wolves who helped are not even considered human beings.

He played a word game.

Although it was a bit of a joke, the audience did not think so, but was very happy.

It was a good deal for them to see the animals working together and cleaning.

"I know these monkeys. They sat in front of me when I took the college entrance examination last year. Later I heard that they were admitted to Tsinghua University."

"Are animals now so clever? Why does my stupid dog just eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and then destroy the house every day!"

"Everyone, pay attention to the two monkeys on the left of the island owner. They actually work together to carry buckets on the left and right."

"Island owner, can you give me a few monkeys? In this way, I can lie down when cleaning during the New Year!"

"Island owner, these monkeys are all born by me, give them back to me!"

"Coincidentally, those big bad wolves are all born by me, I want them too!"

The audience in the live broadcast room were all jealous.

Who doesn't want to have a group of obedient and sensible little animals who can help with housework?

There was a dog on the Internet who was signed by many short video companies to shoot videos because he looked cute and well-behaved. He was a typical earner of money to support his family.

And the dog's owner doesn't need to do anything. He just counts money at home every day.

Later, perhaps because he felt that the life of rich people was too boring, he took the initiative to become the dog's agent.

Jiangnan had no time to check the barrage, and he was busy repairing the building.

If the window was broken, he would reinstall it.

If the glass was broken, he would install another one.

If the roof was leaking, he would go up to fix it.

All these miscellaneous and detailed jobs were his job.

Not only that, the circuits in the house also needed to be checked.

Including various entertainment facilities on the island: yachts, seaplanes, diving equipment...

I don't know how long it took, but Jiangnan sat on the roof of a villa.

He repaired the leaking part of the roof, and the black monkey king Baicaoshuang followed him all the time, helping him, and with his flexible hands, he would occasionally hand over a wrench or a wooden board.

Although it was the first time to work, the man and the monkey cooperated very well.


When the work here was about to end, bursts of monkey calls suddenly came from not far away.

Jiangnan and the Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang heard the noise and looked over. They found that one of the monkeys was holding something in his hand, which aroused the curiosity of the other monkeys, and they all came over to check.

"Look at your subordinates, and then look at the subordinates of the White Wolf King Jiaoyue."

Jiangnan said to the Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang.

The Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang stretched out his hand and covered his face weakly: Throw it away!

They are all animals, and they are all kings. Others' subordinates are diligent and tireless, but his subordinates start to slack off after working for a while.

As the leader of the monkey group, he can't hold his face!

Helplessly, the Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang jumped off the roof and quickly came behind the group of monkeys.

His movements were light, like a ghost.

It stood there for a minute, and the group of monkeys didn't notice it.

Until one of the monkeys felt a chill on his back, he turned back suddenly, was startled, and immediately stood still obediently, and never dared to laugh again.

The smile on his face one second ago disappeared immediately the next.

Not only that, he turned his head away in a hurry, not daring to look at the Black Monkey King, but he didn't know where to look, looking to the left for a while, and then lowering his head.

He even gently rubbed the monkeys around him with his feet, reminding them kindly.

In one second, he completed no less than a small action.

The monkey that was rubbed turned his head suddenly and wanted to curse, but when he saw the Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang, he stood up immediately.

In this situation, monkeys gradually noticed that something was wrong, and after seeing the Monkey King coming, they all became well-behaved.

They also took the initiative to stand in two rows, making way for the Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang to pass.

And the monkey holding something in his hand spread his hands obediently and handed it to the Black Monkey King Baicao Shuang.

This scene is like the evening self-study in school. While the teacher is away, all the students are making noise in the classroom, and some are secretly playing with their phones and reading novels.

When the teacher stands behind the window without anyone noticing, all the students tacitly stop talking, and the students who are playing with their phones and reading novels are also discovered by the teacher and obediently hand over their phones.


After seeing the thing, the monkey king Baicaoshuang carefully picked it up and returned to Jiangnan at a very fast speed.

He took the initiative to spread his hands for Jiangnan to check.

"It turned out to be a crab!"

"It should be that monkey who found it by chance while working!"

"It looks red, I want to eat it!"

"No, why is this crab so strange? Why are its eyes on its head?"

The doubts in the hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room were solved, but they had new doubts.

"Big-eyed sand crab!"

Jiangnan reached out and gently picked it up, put it in his hand, and whispered: "Just like their name, compared with other crabs, their eyes are particularly large."

"If you go to the beach, you may encounter them."

"Because there will be a lot of sand piled up at the entrance of their caves, at first glance, it looks like a pagoda made of sand."

"But if you want to catch them, it is very difficult."

"Don't look at the big-eyed sand crabs as small, but they are extremely agile."

"They will use the second and third pairs of legs to crawl, and the speed can reach about 1.6 meters per second. They will only stop or change their legs. They only use their four pairs of legs to find the direction, which is typical of being domineering. "

"In addition, they can also use their large and long eyes to peek at the situation outside the cave. "

"Once they find someone approaching, they will immediately drill into the deepest part of the cave or escape to the sea. "

"In addition to good eyesight, their hearing is also very developed and sensitive. "

"They can easily hear footsteps ten meters apart. "

"They can originate from the Cretaceous period and continue to evolve and survive to the present. They also have their own way. "

Jiangnan introduced the little crab in his hand in one breath, and the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned.

"Originated from the Cretaceous period? My goodness, it can really survive!"

"1.6 meters per second? Damn, isn't that almost the same as us humans!"

"Runs fast, has big eyes, isn't that what many girls love!"

"I really envy those squinty little eyes of mine!"

"It looks so cute, I really want to have it, I wonder if I can buy it in our country!"

"Wait, this crab is a little strange, is its left claw damaged?"

"It is indeed damaged! No wonder it doesn't look very lively, it looks like it is dying!"

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