The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

"Oh my god! A mother scorpion eats her own children?"

"It is indeed one of the five poisonous creatures!"

"Cold-blooded animals are cold-blooded animals!"

"There is no need for the island owner to rescue such a cold-blooded animal!"

The audience in the live broadcast room objected.

Jiangnan smiled and said, "Mother scorpions actually love their children very much, otherwise they would not carry their children on their backs for nearly a week."

"And the phenomenon of mother scorpions eating their children rarely occurs. It only happens in three situations."

"First, the mother scorpion does not eat enough before giving birth, and does not eat or move during the period of carrying the baby after giving birth. The physical energy consumption is large, and the mother scorpion is in a hungry state and eats the baby scorpions, just like the mother scorpion in front of you."

"Second, the soil is too dry during the birthing period, and the mother scorpion lacks water in its body, so it will eat the baby to get water."

"Third, it will eat weak baby scorpions that cannot climb up the mother's back. This is a phenomenon of survival of the weak in nature."

"It can be said that these three situations are all forced by the mother scorpion!"

"And this mother scorpion in front of me, I absolutely cannot give up saving it. This is the emperor scorpion, the world's largest scorpion ruler, so I said I saw a baby at the beginning!"

After Jiangnan's explanation, the audience in the live broadcast room gradually calmed down, but it was still very puzzled.

"Emperor scorpions are emperor scorpions, why is there a ruler?"

"Are there any categories for emperor scorpions?"

"Such a large scorpion, wouldn't it be more poisonous? Island owners must be very careful not to get stung!"

Jiangnan explained: "There are many types of scorpions, even emperor scorpions, there are many types, including dictator emperor scorpions, Gambian emperor scorpions, and red claw emperor scorpions."

"The one in front of you is called the ruler emperor scorpion, even among emperor scorpions, it is the largest."

"The ruler emperor scorpion is indeed poisonous, but it is very weak. Because of this, it is also a very famous pet scorpion in the reptile pet circle around the world. After all, who doesn't want to have a pet with low toxicity, domineering appearance, and fierce personality?"

"Among the ruler emperor scorpions, those of 16 or 17 centimeters are the rarest. Yes, the one in front of me is only 20 centimeters, which is incredible. "

"Finally, I will share with you a little-known fact. After 70 million years of continuous evolution, many animals will continue to evolve in order to survive, thus changing their original form. "

"Even many cold-blooded animals have evolved directly into cold-resistant, warm-blooded animals that can regulate body temperature!"

"Of course, after each large-scale evolution of species, there will always be some species that remain in their original state."

"Like fish, after some evolved into amphibians, the other part of the fish continued to survive."

"But there are very few such reptiles, and scorpions are one of them."

"To this day, scorpions still maintain the original form of dinosaurs 70 million years ago!"

When Jiangnan finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed.

"A 20-centimeter emperor scorpion, and there are so many babies, the island owner has made a fortune!"

"It has remained unchanged for 70 million years, the scorpion is amazing!"

"Mom, I have made progress. I have seen the scorpion that the dinosaurs saw before!"

"It is impossible! How can it be non-toxic when it is so big?"

Jiangnan put the canned glass bottle in place and continued to catch scorpions.

As for this ruler emperor scorpion, I will take it away when I go back.

Otherwise, it will affect my movements a little bit if I take it now.

"In nature, many large animals have no deterrent weapons."

"For example, elephants, tigers and lions all eat meat and rely on their ferocity to scare away all animals, but they can only eat vegetarian food and rely on their size to suppress them."

After Jiangnan gave an example, he continued: "Since everyone is so interested in scorpions, I will tell you about the top ten most poisonous scorpions in the world."

"No. 10, Mexican Statue of Wood Scorpion!"

"It is only seven centimeters long, light brown in color, and looks like a pipa. The surface of the whole body is covered with highly keratinized hard skin. The body is clearly segmented and looks wooden, hence the name."

"There are more than 30 species of scorpions distributed in the Americas, but only the Mexican Statue of Wood Scorpion's sting is considered a real threat to life."

"Don't look at it as small. Once stung by it, adults will have tachycardia, rapid breathing, weakness, and movement disorders."

"And children under six years old will die!"

"No. 9, Libyan Golden Scorpion!"

"It also has a nickname called Scorpion

"Scorpion King" is a scorpion king because it is ferocious, fast, and smart. It will run away immediately when it encounters an enemy it cannot defeat, and will never fight to the death. "

"As long as it runs fast, it will not lose again, so it got the nickname of Scorpion King."

"Its toxicity is comparable to that of the wooden scorpion in the statue!"

"Eighth place, North African black fat tail scorpion!"

"This scorpion is very domineering and strong, and its whole body is black, hence the name."

"In Egypt, more than 500 people have been stung by it, and three of them died as a result."

"Seventh place, black thick tail scorpion!"

"Their tails are also thick, and they like to eat small and medium-sized animals such as small crickets and spiders, and even eat the corpses of some large insects. They are famous small tanks in the desert."

"Of all the scorpions in the world, only it likes to act during the day. ”

“In fact, its toxicity is no different from that of our native Chinese scorpions, and even less, but there is a lot of venom in its thick tail sac, and the amount of venom it injects is extremely amazing. For children, this amount of venom is also very dangerous.”

The audience in the live broadcast room listened very carefully.

I don’t know why every time they listen to Jiangnan’s popular science, they not only can’t sleep, but become more energetic.

Perhaps they are intoxicated by Jiangnan’s appearance and voice, or perhaps they want to hear about their favorite animals.

“Good guy, finally waited for our native Chinese scorpions!”

“By the way, are there any scorpions in our China on the list!”

“Island owner, keep talking, I love to listen to this knowledge!”

“Take out the little notebook, maybe someday these knowledge points can come in handy!”

Jiangnan shook his head helplessly and said: “There are no scorpions in our China on the list, but the next scorpions are very similar to our native Chinese scorpions.”

“Sixth place, yellow fat tail scorpion. ”

“It is no different from the scorpions we see every day, of course, it refers to the color, and it is slightly larger in size.”

“Although it is similar to our native Chinese scorpions, it is much more ferocious and can kill the several scorpions mentioned above in seconds.”

“Previous scorpions all ate insects, but the yellow fat-tailed scorpion eats small lizards and small snakes.”

“Scorpions eat lizards, scorpions eat snakes, can you imagine it?”

“Not only that, its venom is more poisonous, fiercer and more powerful. Once stung, it will affect the body's nerves and cause the whole person to be paralyzed.”

“If it is serious, respiratory failure will occur and then disappointment!”

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