The reason why Jiangnan kept speeding up was that he realized that he had been fooled. He had carefully checked the inside and outside of the store and found no other animals. However, an animal escaped from it in just ten minutes. This means that it had been hiding inside. He broke the glass of the second-floor window to mislead. He made himself think that it had escaped from the window and chased it out quickly. It could take the opportunity to slip away without anyone noticing. This trick is called: luring the tiger away from the mountain! This guy is really smart and is good at using various strategies. If this happened in ancient times, everyone could be a military advisor, at least better than Wu Yong, the military advisor of Liangshan Mountain!

Wu Yong is best at using dirty tricks, and he often uses knockout drugs.

Jiangnan didn't care just now, but now he takes it seriously.

Many things are like this, and you will only care when they happen to you.

Today, it dares to brush Jiangnan one after another, maybe it will do something extraordinary tomorrow, maybe it will want to drive Jiangnan away and occupy the island directly.

Aiming at the direction where the black shadow escaped, Jiangnan ran all the way.

From the tree to the ground, from the hillside to the stream, without saying a word, it has been leaping rapidly and quickly, and soon rushed into the depths of the forest.

Even so, his footsteps still did not stop.

Under the full moon in the sky, Jiangnan rushed at full speed under the night sky, like a lone wolf running wildly.

This scene is as beautiful as an exquisite wallpaper.

After passing through the grove and passing one hill after another with different heights, Jiangnan was still running wildly.

He was like a wild beast, or even more like a zombie that had just been released from a cage, enjoying the joy of running freely and carefully looking for the mountain ghost.

After running for an unknown distance or a long time, Jiangnan gradually stopped.

In front of him was a waist-high bush.

Since no one had set foot here for many years and no one had taken care of it, it grew particularly high.

Some haystacks were even as high as Jiangnan.

If you hide in it and play hide-and-seek, you will never find it in your lifetime unless you light a fire.

The environment in the depths of the forest was particularly quiet, with no animals around.

You could only hear the occasional cold wind blowing and the rustling of the bushes.

It was said to be quiet, but it was more like dead air.

It was like a morgue at midnight!

Jiangnan had every reason to believe that this was the territory of the mountain ghost, and because the mountain ghost was too tyrannical, other animals did not dare to provoke it or set foot here, resulting in a dead atmosphere.

After getting into the bushes, Jiangnan stopped running and explored around carefully.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but after coming here, he felt an inexplicable sense of tension.

This feeling became clearer and clearer.

Every two or three steps Jiangnan took, he would stop, slowly look around, and try to find the mountain ghost.

From time to time, he would close his eyes and feel the fluctuations in the air with his heart.

In this lush bush, any fluctuations would be particularly obvious.

At this moment, Jiangnan was no longer a zombie abroad, but more like the impermanence of the country.

He wandered in the dark night, searching for souls floating in the wild.

"The environment here is so scary!"

"I don't know why, but I feel creepy even through the screen!"

"It's mainly because it's too quiet! I can't even hear the sound of insects!"

"That mountain ghost must be hiding here, the island owner should be careful!"

"Isn't this more exciting than a horror movie?"

"I just like to watch something scary in the middle of the night, the scarier the better!"

The audience in the live broadcast room had different opinions.


Suddenly, a sound similar to the breaking of branches sounded slightly.

Although the sound was very light and weak, Jiangnan still captured it keenly.

Jiangnan's already slow steps stopped immediately, and he turned his head decisively, narrowed his eyes, and stared at the source of the sound.


The atmosphere at this time became even quieter and more depressing.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room widened their eyes, staring at the direction where Jiangnan was looking, trying to see something.


About a minute later, the strange sound sounded again.

This time it was obviously clearer than before.

However, this time, it was not in the direction that Jiangnan was looking at.

But... behind Jiangnan!!!

In the dark night, lush grass, and dead silence, a voice suddenly came from behind.

In this atmosphere, even an ordinary voice would feel particularly creepy at this moment.

The creepy feeling does not need to be created at all, it will make your heart beat faster and your body tremble.

It's like countless insects have drilled into your body, quickly devouring your strength, courage, etc., making your nerves slow and twisted, and starting to think about all kinds of terrifying things.

Jiangnan's expression gradually became solemn.

In almost all horror movies, if you look back at this time, you will definitely see something unclean.

At the least, you will be scared to scream and flee in a panic, and at the worst, you will be scared and pissed.

But Jiangnan took a breath quietly, his body tensed up, his hands clenched into fists, ready to attack at any time.

No matter what is playing tricks, he is not afraid.

Ning Caichen, the weak scholar, was not afraid, and he could fall in love with a female ghost, so why should he be so scared?

Here it comes!

Jiangnan felt the other party approaching!


After a few seconds, the strange sound rang for the third time.

This time, Jiangnan heard it clearly.

It was not the sound of a branch breaking, but the sound of bones rubbing against each other! ! !

And he could clearly feel that the other party was behind him, and even wanted to touch his back.

Although there was no physical contact yet, a wave of coolness had already swept over.


The sound rang again.

Jiangnan felt his left shoulder being patted.

With the help of the thin starlight, he looked down.

It was a...

hand! ! !

To be precise, it was a human hand bone!

No skin, no muscles, no blood, only pale and creepy hand bones!

The audience in the live broadcast room saw it clearly.

Some of the timid ones screamed on the spot and hid in the quilt.

Some decisively turned off their phones and dared not look again.

As long as I turned off my phone quickly, I would not see the unclean things.

Some were very brave and still reminded the island owner.

"Run! Island owner, run!"

"Oh my goodness, the island owner has encountered a ghost!"

"I'm afraid there is really no escape this time!"

"In the wilderness, a person suddenly appeared and patted his shoulders with his hands. The key is bones. This is more frightening than Sadako and Kayako!"

"By the way, is this thing the White Bone Demon?"

"There are also White Bone Demons abroad? If you say so, I won't be afraid. The White Bone Demon is not only a woman, but also looks pretty, hehe!"

"Downstairs, you kid actually thought of the same thing as Ning Caichen "If you don't understand, just ask. The White Bone Demon is just a skeleton, it has no body at all. Excuse me, how do you exercise?" "The White Bone Demon can possess people, I let her change a beautiful woman to possess every day, then I will be very happy!" "I didn't expect that one day, the White Bone Demon's method of possession can be used in this way. The old pervert's idea is really unique!" "Mystique: No need to be so troublesome, I can freely transform into anyone!" The audience was basically scared, and Jiangnan was the same. Even though Jiangnan had amazing concentration, he couldn't help but take a breath quietly at this moment. This human hand bone just lay on his shoulder, as if it was frozen, motionless. The atmosphere solidified at this moment. Jiangnan held his breath and didn't dare to breathe heavily. His body was also tense to the extreme. As long as he felt that this human hand bone was going to attack him, he would turn around and fight back at the first time. However, as time passed, the atmosphere almost froze to the freezing point, and the human hand bone just didn't move.

It seemed to be testing Jiangnan's endurance, and it just didn't move.



The sound of bones rubbing against each other has been heard countless times.

Jiangnan's nerves were tense, and cold sweat oozed out of his forehead uncontrollably.

Because there was also a human hand bone on his other shoulder!!!

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