The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all looking forward to Jiangnan continuing to sing, but he was in no mood.

After the "baptism" of heavy rain for nearly a day and a night yesterday, the island was no longer clean and tidy, and there were fallen leaves, dust and various blown garbage everywhere.

Not only that, some houses were blown to the ground because the windows were not closed in time.

As for the room, you don't need to see it to imagine how bad it is.

Maybe some animals have taken the opportunity to sneak in, stealing all kinds of things in it, pooping and peeing, etc.

They may even chew furniture and various important items.

These are just what we can see at present, and some equipment may have problems due to scratches.

Facing this dilapidated scene, Jiangnan's face was full of seriousness, and he said helplessly: "I will be busy in the next few days!"

This is the work of the island guard. When there is nothing to do, it will be particularly leisurely, and when there is something to do, it will be exhausted.

Jiangnan rolled up his sleeves and prepared to do a big job.

Then, he found a broom and prepared to clean the inside and outside of these houses.

After all, the ground was full of fallen leaves, garbage and bird droppings, which was very unsightly.

This was originally a boring job, but Jiangnan worked very hard.

In addition to this being his job, it was also because he just heard the system prompt sound.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for having a martial arts exchange with Kangaroo Gangzi and successfully defeating him, so he successfully realized the Kangaroo Fist!"

It turns out that realization can be so simple!

Just find an animal to fight and defeat it!

There is no need to sit cross-legged on the ground and sink the qi into the dantian like in martial arts fantasy novels, and there is no need to enter the inner world.

Is this the system's credit?


Jiangnan thought it must be because of his natural intelligence and talent!

Next, Jiangnan began to sweep the floor tediously.

His figure appeared on the road, in the house, and on the grass.

That's right, the grass here is allowed to be trampled, and there is no wooden sign next to it saying: Don't trample on the lawn, the grass is also alive!

Jiangnan didn't know who came up with this slogan, but he just felt it was a bit strange.

According to this logic, all kinds of fruits and vegetables are also alive, including millet and wheat. Don't they usually eat fruits, vegetables and pasta?

Then what to eat?

Eat soil?

But according to their logic, soil is also alive, it can't be trampled, let alone eaten!

Then they can only go to the toilet to eat!

In fact, according to the preferences of the lawn, it needs to be trampled appropriately.

Because appropriate trampling and rolling will increase the density of the lawn, and it will also have a certain effect on suppressing weeds to a certain extent.

This statement is quite correct, and you can refer to the houses in your hometown.

Many people's hometowns are only inhabited by the elderly. When they live there, the yard is clean and looks like a home.

But once the elderly die, in less than half a year, or even two or three months, the yard will be overgrown with weeds, and there is no place to stay.

Unconsciously, Jiangnan has been sweeping the floor for twenty minutes.

He lay directly on the grass, stretched his waist, and complained: "Why are there so many pigeon droppings?"

In these twenty minutes, he saw a lot of pigeon droppings, which can be said to be everywhere, and there is no place to step.

It's okay for pigeons to poop on the road, but the key is that after seeing that some house windows are damaged, they took the opportunity to sneak into the house and poop unscrupulously in the room.

Presumably because of the heavy rain, the pigeons could only hide in the room in order to find a warm place.

"No! These pigeons must be taught a good lesson!"

Jiangnan came up with a plan, stopped sweeping the floor, and began to look for flocks of pigeons between the houses.

"Is the island owner going to catch pigeons?"

"Sure, pigeon meat is very nutritious!"

"Roasted pigeons, beggar pigeons, braised pigeons, stewed five-spice pigeons, stewed fragrant pigeons, pigeon wings, baby pigeons with treasures, pigeon breasts with pine nuts, fresh pigeons in June, tea-scented pigeon breasts, Chaoshan marinated pigeons, pearl baby pigeons, three cups baby pigeons, and eight treasures baby pigeons!"

"Wow! A full pigeon banquet!"

"Stop talking, I'm already drooling!"

"You're so bold. The island owner killed wild rabbits before, and was criticized for a long time by some rabbit lovers. If he makes so many pigeons, he will be criticized to death by pigeon lovers!"

"Oh, really? That must be more

Add cumin and more spiciness, I like spicy food! "

"I like clear stew, the island owner must have one!"

The audience in the live broadcast room began to call out the dishes, and directly chose to forget whether Jiangnan was going to catch pigeons.

After walking for a while, Jiangnan finally saw a group of pigeons.

They were gathering under the big trees on the road, cooing, walking around, or looking for food.

And the place they occupied was full of pigeon shit on the ground, which looked disgusting and messy.

Jiangnan put his right hand into his pocket, and when he came out again, he clenched his fist and slowly walked towards the pigeons.

Now pigeons are more or less not afraid of people, especially when they see humans holding their hands high, and maybe holding food, they will flap their wings and gather.

Sure enough, before Jiangnan got close enough, pigeons flew over one after another.

In the blink of an eye, a group of pigeons gathered in front of him. The pigeons poked their heads out and came to his palm. But when he looked closely, he found that it was… Clean! There was nothing in Jiangnan’s palm! No, to be precise, there was something there, that was air! The pigeons were obviously stunned for a moment, and some of them even glanced at Jiangnan, then turned and left. They came impromptu and left disappointed. The audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter. “Without rice, even pigeons will leave you, let alone people!” “My dear, brother, I understand! I will work hard to make money tomorrow! ”

“Is the pigeon that glanced at the island owner cursing?”

“Is the island owner: You never thought it, you all thought it was a food trick, but I actually used an empty city trick!”

“In a sense, this is the real pigeon!”

“Pigeon: Wait, you are going to die!”

“Pigeon: Brothers, remember, this guy is wearing white clothes, pull him into black clothes later!”

“Pigeon: You wait, we will download the anti-bombing APP when we go back!”

“Pigeon: We will not say a word before our lawyer comes, but our lawyer is still on the way, and it will take two and a half years to arrive!”

“Lawyer’s letter of warning!”

“Pigeon: If we don’t eat all your hair today, you have grown a lot!”

“Yes, eat all the hair on the island owner, it’s best if there is no hair left!”

“Oh? I have to drive now. Hair, sweat hair, beard, nose hair, armpit hair are all easy to consume. How do pigeons consume the last kind of hair? "

"It's not easy. Just lock the target, aim at the island owner's turret, and launch an attack!"

"Fuck! That means Kun and pigeons will collide! Kun will fly and his eggs will be broken!"

"The above, the word Kun is used very well! No, wait, you are actually Xiao Heizi. Do you know how hard my brother works? Do you know how many awards he has won? He won the Chinese Music Award for pure English songs. You can't even compare to his Kun hair!"

"Strange, there are so many animals in the live broadcast today, not only many pigeons, but also a dog!"

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