The sky is full of clouds, and the sky is full of clouds.

"Wow! The clouds in the sky are so beautiful!"

"One layer after another, like waves!"

"Like waves? I couldn't help but look down, they are not as big as mine, not as round as mine, and not as white as mine!"

"I don't believe it unless you show me the photo!"

"Since you don't believe it, then I don't believe it either!"

"I'm blind, I can't see it even if there are photos, can I touch it?"

Who would have thought that Jiangnan was just observing the clouds in the sky, and the audience in the live broadcast room could drive because of it.

It was already afternoon, and the clouds were dyed with a layer of gold under the setting sun, which was magnificent and looked like a heavenly palace, making people yearn for it.

Admiring this beautiful scenery did not make Jiangnan feel comfortable.

On the contrary, his face changed drastically.

Although the clouds are beautiful, they are rolling wildly, which is not a good sign.

As we all know, weather forecasts are often inaccurate, but this time it seems that there is no false report.

Jiangnan jumped down from the tree and said to the four bilbies: "It's going to rain heavily soon. You should go home quickly and hide deep underground. Don't come out."

"See you again if we are lucky!"

Before he finished speaking, he had already rushed down the mountain in a hurry.

Seeing Jiangnan's posture as if he was chased by a wolf, the audience in the live broadcast room were puzzled.


"Does the island owner have the ability to predict the future like Zhuge Liang?"

"Zhuge Liang was not a prophet, but rheumatism, a precursor to old cold legs. Otherwise, how could he accurately predict the east wind, otherwise why did he sit in a wheelchair in the later period!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! When Zhuge Liang burned Sima Yi's army, why didn't he calculate the heavy rain through rheumatism!"

"The heavy rain was too sudden, and rheumatism had no time to sense it. Didn't you see that Zhuge Liang cried in pain when it rained!"

Just as the audience in the live broadcast room were talking nonsense, the originally golden sea of ​​clouds above their heads had rolled up quickly.

In just five minutes, the golden color turned into lead gray.

The lead gray surged from a distance, just like locusts passing through, and wherever it passed, it was shrouded in darkness.

"Strange! It was bright and clear just now, how come it suddenly got dark?"

"It got dark too quickly, didn't it? Did God use the speed-up skill?"

"My wife's face didn't change as fast as the weather!"

Faced with the sudden change in weather, the audience in the live broadcast room was very nervous, and they stopped teasing Jiangnan, but became more convinced of him.

At this moment, the sky above Jiangnan's head was like the scene where the Axe Gang arrived in Stephen Chow's "Kung Fu".

Jiangnan didn't even look back, and ran down the mountain.

He ran in front, and the black clouds chased behind.

At this moment, Jiangnan wanted to use his third leg.

He was not joking, because in the United States, there was a man whose third leg was an astonishing 56 centimeters. He had to sew a pair of trousers for it every day when he went out, and it could really be used for walking.

Wow! ! !

Jiangnan braked his foot, and his rapidly rushing body suddenly stopped in place.

A group of cute little animals suddenly sounded in his mind - mergansers!

Two days after birth, the young mergansers will jump down from a ten-meter-high tree hole and start to live in the river with their mother duck.

They will never return to the tree hole after that, unless they reach the mating season when they grow up.

The most important thing is that they can't go back!

They are only a dozen centimeters, but the tree hole is more than ten meters, which is completely incomparable.

And they can neither fly nor climb trees.

Seeing that the heavy rain is about to come, if the mother merganser does not find a good place to shelter from the rain immediately, the ducklings will definitely die.

And there are too many ducklings, a total of twelve. Once they are frightened and accidentally separated from the mother duck, the situation will become worse.

Who made them leave the tree hole for the first time and step into this new world? Everything outside is very strange to them.

Jiangnan looked up at the sky and gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, let's go find the merganser first!"

The heavy rain will not come until two hours later, and he still has enough time to save this group of rare animals that have been declared extinct by humans.

Jiangnan turned and ran in the direction the merganser had just left.

His speed was even faster, and those who didn't know him would have thought he was the reincarnation of Dai Zong, the "God of Speed" in "Water Margin".

Seeing Jiangnan

The audience was concerned and puzzled by the turnaround.

"Island owner, why did you go back again? Did you find a faster way down the mountain?"

"Island owner, hurry up, or we'll be flooded!"

"I just heard the island owner say that he was going to find mergansers!"

"Why are you still looking for mergansers at this time? They are ducks, and they are not afraid of water at all!"

"Not afraid of water and being drenched by water are two completely different concepts, okay! The ducks I raised when I was a child were drenched to death on rainy days!"

The black clouds above were getting more and more terrifying.

Jiangnan was still searching in the bushes.

Hard work pays off.

Behind a boulder, he found a family of mergansers.

The mother merganser also felt the sudden heavy rain, but at this point, it could no longer take the children back to the tree hole, and could only hide here temporarily.

The boulder was a little tilted, which could slightly block some of the falling rain.

But if there is a storm, the tilted part of the boulder can't withstand it at all.

When Jiangnan arrived, the mother duck was holding a duckling in her mouth, trying to carry it under the boulder.

The duckling was obviously frightened, running around blindly, and kept calling.

As for the other ducklings, they were relatively worry-free, and they had all gathered under the boulder.

They curled up in a ball, hugging each other for warmth.

The body was shaking violently, with cold and fear.

At this time, the mother duck's attention was all on the running duckling.

Unfortunately, the mother duck's ability to hold the child was very weak, and she couldn't hold it up at all.

At most, she could only hold a small wing.

Therefore, she cried out in a hurry.

The voice was helpless, anxious, and hysterical.

Ducks are like this, they can't hold their children at all. Many people have seen mother ducks taking their children in short videos on the Internet. Whenever they encounter steps, the ducklings can't keep up, and the mother duck can only quack and seek help from kind passers-by.

When the mother duck saw Jiangnan suddenly appear, she was startled at first, then rushed to Jiangnan quickly, quacking, as if saying: Save my child! Please!! Please!!!

At this moment, in order to save her child, she had completely eliminated her vigilance against Jiangnan and became extremely humble.

Because she knew that in this situation, only Jiangnan could help her.

In her eyes, the moment Jiangnan appeared, there seemed to be a ring of sacred light behind his head.

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