The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

"I didn't expect that one day I could see the Orion Nebula in the live broadcast room!"

"Beautiful! Even prettier than my wife Reba!"

"I finally understand why many people are willing to travel to places far away from the city. The scenery is really beautiful."

"Lying on the grass at night and admiring the starry sky is a kind of enjoyment."

"Is it true that someone in ancient times also observed the Orion Nebula?"

The audience in the live broadcast room was immersed in the beautiful starry sky.

"Yes, it really exists!"

Jiangnan nodded and said, "It is written in the "Records of the Grand Historian: Book of Celestial Officials": There are three stars below, Dui, called punishment."

"In ancient times, the Orion Nebula was called Fa or punishment."

"Collected Explanations" also wrote: Meng Kang said that it is between the three stars, small on top and large on the bottom, so it is called sharp."

"Meng Kang's description is very credible, and his description is consistent with actual observations in terms of both direction and shape."

"In addition to the Orion Nebula, our ancients also observed the Orion Nebula, the Pleiades, the Beelzebub, the Andromeda Galaxy, etc."

"In ancient Greek mythology, there are also descriptions of Orion and stories given to it."

"About 2000 BC, astrologers connected the bright spots in the sky to outline the Orion in Greek mythology. The hunting goddess Artemis was attracted to Orion and quickly fell in love with him. But the goddess's twins Brother Apollo was jealous of Orion's talent and sent a scorpion to kill Orion. "

"In addition to these, everyone should pay attention to the three bright stars inlaid on Orion's belt. They are perfectly arranged and neatly spaced. The arrangement of our mysterious Sanxingdui in China echoes it. "

"The same is true of the pyramids in ancient Egypt. "

"To this day, people are still wondering why the ancients did this. Are the pyramids and Sanxingdui related to the aliens in Orion, and the arrangement is a kind of transmission method. "

"Perhaps it is because the ancients often observed the stars and thought that the stars were very magical, so they built according to the position of the stars. "

"Perhaps it is because aliens really exist. "

"There has been a news circulating on the Internet these two days, saying that aliens have visited the earth and come once every ten years!"

Jiangnan said his opinion while admiring the Orion Nebula.

After quietly admiring the starry sky for a while, the weather gradually became colder and the fireflies slowly faded away.

Jiangnan got up and stretched his waist, ready to go back to the tent to sleep.

Suddenly, he thought of something and said, "I'll give you a heads-up that I'll be doing unprotected freehand rock climbing tomorrow."

"As for where to climb, it's naturally the vertical and steep cliff that I encountered when I was flying in a wing suit before."

"That mountain is weird and rugged, and many places are very steep. It should be more than a thousand meters. I have good physical fitness, so I should be able to climb it."

The audience in the live broadcast room were ready to say goodnight, and they immediately became energetic after hearing Jiangnan's words.

"I didn't expect there would be a preview in the live broadcast room, it's so funny."

"Freehand rock climbing! Is the island owner going to risk his life again?"

"Lord of the underworld: Who is jumping back and forth in my territory?"

"It's too dangerous for one person, at least there should be a team following."

"Yes, I see that those who freehand rock climb have a team following them, some are responsible for safety protection, and some are filming the whole process."

"The world record for freehand rock climbing seems to be 900 meters, the island owner is going to break the world record!"

Jiangnan's face showed no tension, and he said leisurely: "Yes! The world record holder for freehand rock climbing is Alex Honnold, who climbed the 914-meter El Capitan."

"El Capitan, the world record holder for freehand rock climbing is Alex Honnold, who climbed the 914-meter El Capitan." The holy land in the hearts of rock climbers around the world is the world's largest granite monolith, standing in the United States. The "Dawn Wall" of this rock is famous for its steepness and danger, and is known as the most difficult climbing route in the world. "

"And Honnold started climbing when he was 10 years old. His parents supported him very much and have been cultivating him silently. His father would pull ropes on the ground to protect him, and his mother sent him to a special training base. "

"Compared with Chinese parents who pay more attention to grades and test papers, they do pay more attention to cultivating their children's interests and hobbies. "

"Since 2009, he has dreamed of climbing El Capitan with his bare hands. He has tried more than 1,000 times, and free climbing is his ultimate goal. "

"For this, he prepared for a year and a half, borrowing

He has climbed El Capitan nearly 60 times with ropes. "

"This is not for rehearsal, but to try different rock points repeatedly and study the most difficult areas. Otherwise, no matter how awesome the boss is, he will die."

"After getting familiar with the route, make sure the weather temperature, humidity, wind direction, etc. are suitable, and the physical condition is at its peak. When the right time, right place and right people are gathered, he will officially go up the mountain."

"Finally, after going through untold hardships, it took him 3 hours and 56 minutes to successfully reach the top!"

"His climbing process was also made into a documentary, and the film production cycle lasted 807 days. In the current impetuous entertainment industry, a movie can be released as soon as a month, or even completed in more than ten days. More than 800 days is very rare."

"But the results are also very impressive. He has won the Academy Awards and Emmy Awards, and has won many awards in other countries. "

After Jiangnan finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room were collectively stunned.

Just by simply listening to Jiangnan's narration, the picture has already emerged in their minds. I really can't imagine what it would be like to watch Jiangnan climb all day tomorrow.

"Island owner, why don't you give up?"

"This is too dangerous. It feels like delivering goods to the King of Hell!"

"I have been learning and training since I was a child, and I have also conducted more than a thousand visits. Island owner, can you really do it?"

"Island owner: Men can't say no! Especially at night!"

"Island owner, I support you. Tomorrow I will bring my whole family to see you. We must break the previous record and leave the world record in our China!"

"Come on, island owner! Whether you can rush up tomorrow or not, I will arrange a super rocket!"

"Island owner, I have nothing to support you, so why not give me to you? You must be gentle to me at night! "

Some of the audience persuaded Jiangnan to give up, while others chose to support him unconditionally.

Faced with such an extreme challenge, the voices of persuasion and support are basically two extremes.

Those who persuaded were worried about dying, while those who supported wanted to have the honor of breaking the world record. Although it was not broken by them, at least it was broken by a Chinese, which was enough.

Jiangnan smiled calmly and said, "Don't be so nervous, let me tell you the subsequent story of Honnold!"

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