The audience was full of curiosity.

"What is the smallest crocodile in the world?"

"In my impression, crocodiles are all huge creatures!"

"When I was a child, I saw a crocodile hiding in the water and biting it. The adult bison that was drinking water on the shore was dragged into the water. The bite force was so terrifying that it still lingers in my mind. ”

Jiangnan smiled and explained: “People and animals are big and small, Even the cold-blooded and huge crocodiles in people's impressions are no exception. The smallest crocodile in the world is called the dwarf crocodile, which is the one in front of us. "

"Even an adult dwarf crocodile is only one meter long, which is one-fifth of the length of other adult crocodiles. It is simply a miniature version. "

"The largest dwarf crocodile recorded in the world is 1.9 meters long."

"This one is less than half a meter long, and it is obviously a cub."

The audience I listened to the popular science carefully and was shocked at the same time.

"What did I hear? 1.9 meters tall, and the smallest crocodile?"

"It seems I have to redefine the word smallest!"

"The Hobbit of the crocodile world!"

"Hobbit: Are you polite?" "It looks so cute, I really want to raise one."

Jiangnan looked at the comments and continued: "With its small size, harmless appearance, and cute appearance, there are indeed countries that will Keeping them as pets means that the island nation is living a good life! "

"However, although the number of dwarf crocodiles is still relatively large in Africa and other places, the overall population has declined significantly compared to the past and has been listed as moderately endangered. or endangered species.

“It can be bred artificially, but no country has dared to try it.”

“The reason why they dare not try it is that dwarf crocodiles have extremely high requirements for the living environment.”

“They like to stay The places where they live are tropical rainforests, wetlands, ponds and swamps, etc., because they are too small to They prey on large animals, so they can only catch small fish, shrimps, frogs and crabs to eat, and occasionally eat carrion. "

"The second reason is that dwarf crocodiles like to act alone, and only use rotten meat during mating season. They use plants and mud to build nests and look for the opposite sex. Once mating is successful, they can lay 10 to 17 eggs at a time. "

"Finally, I would like to add that although they are small, they are actually very smart. In order to avoid natural enemies, they mainly move at night. When it rains, they will also use the cover of the rain to look for food. "

"On weekdays, they will climb trees to bask in the sun. You heard it right, dwarf crocodiles can climb trees. When they are threatened, they will immediately jump down from the tree. "In order to protect themselves, they have armor-like scales on their abdomen, neck, tail and other vulnerable parts, which are unique to other crocodiles. No."

The audience listened to Jiangnan's explanation while looking at the dwarf crocodile under the water.

At this time, a viewer named [一心白嫖] asked a question that everyone was concerned about: "Island owner, why does the dwarf crocodile keep the same posture and not move at all? What is it doing? "

That's right. During Jiangnan's explanation, the dwarf crocodile in the river did not move at all.

It was like a sculpture!

In order not to disturb the dwarf crocodile, Jiangnan did not control the drone to enter the water. He said: "It It's hunting!"

"When it comes to fishing, the dwarf crocodile is definitely the king, and it's still an empty bait."

"Generally speaking, they will choose to lie down at the bottom of the water in the flowing area, then open their mouths and wait quietly. Prey. "

"Calmness and patience have always been the best qualities of fishermen. Thanks to a flap in the throat that completely seals the organ, the dwarf crocodile can hold its breath underwater, even if four hours have passed. Drowned. "

"Maybe Some people may ask how dwarf crocodiles use their eyes to observe prey in the water. In fact, they don't use their eyes at all. Their snouts and skin sensory organs on both sides of their bodies are very sensitive and can sense the movement of their prey by detecting tiny changes in pressure in the water. Tracks. "

"Fish generally have poor eyesight, and the dwarf crocodile is motionless, which can cause them to relax their vigilance and even think it is a piece of wood. "

"When the fish are unaware When it swims into the mouth of the dwarf crocodile, it closes instantly, and the prey is easily caught. "

"Although they are high-diving

hands, but swallowing still requires floating to the surface to eat!"

The reason why the dwarf crocodile chooses this method to hunt is mainly because its body is too small.

Just like when Pan Jinlian and Wu Dalang, Hu Sanniang and Wang Ying "competed" at night, because of the physical limitations of the man, the woman must have to work harder.

The man even needs to tiptoe or stand on a bench.

"Fuck! Isn't this the Jiang Taigong fishing in the animal world!"

"The farmer waits for the rabbit by the tree, and the dwarf crocodile opens his mouth to wait for the fish!"

"Oh my goodness, holding your breath for four hours is so awesome!"

"What's so awesome about this? There is a person in our village who went to participate in a diving competition. He jumped into the water for a month and is still holding his breath in the water now."

"The dwarf crocodile didn't even blink in the water. I really want to know if its eyes are sore."

"Dwarf crocodile: I worked hard to catch fish, but you asked me if my eyes are sore? ”

“Sun Wukong in “Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons”: I used to chop fish from Nantianmen to Penglai East Road with two kitchen knives for three days and three nights without blinking. You ask me if my eyes are dry?”

“They say that turtles are the ones who don’t move, but I didn’t expect there are crocodiles!”

The audience laughed.

Jiangnan sat on the grass, quietly observing the dwarf crocodile.

He wanted to capture the moment when the dwarf crocodile succeeded in hunting and closed its mouth, but…

Ten minutes passed, Jiangnan’s eyes were sore, but the dwarf crocodile remained indifferent.

“Forget it, let’s continue fishing for eels! "

Jiangnan shook his head helplessly.

He didn't have the patience to wait for the dwarf crocodile to hunt for four hours. Now the sun was warm and just sprinkled on his body. He almost fell asleep after sitting for only ten minutes. If he continued to stare, he would definitely nod continuously.

It was just like when he was in school, listening to the math teacher's lecture, he couldn't help but want to doze off and nod his head!

Jiangnan got up and was about to continue fishing for eels, but...

"It's over! There are no earthworms!"

Jiangnan wanted to cry but had no tears.

Just now, I saw the barrage saying that there were crocodiles, so I hurried to the shore. Who would have thought that all the remaining earthworms fell into the river.

"Forget it, three eels are enough to eat. Now the sun is shining, I will take everyone around."

Jiangnan's mentality was very good. He quickly adjusted and began to stroll along the river.

This stroll actually made him discover a treasure!

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