The baby was stung, and the baby was still alive.

Jiangnan shook the scorpion grass in his hand and said, "Trust me, these can heal your children."

After that, he came to the two black bear babies and gently wiped the parts where they were stung.

The two black bear babies were mostly stung by the claws and noses, which are relatively vulnerable places. As the scorpion grass was applied, a burst of coldness came, and they couldn't help sneezing.

The expression was cute and the appearance was lovely.

I have to say that the scorpion grass really works. After a while, the two black bear babies felt a lot more comfortable, and they stretched out their tongues and gently licked Jiangnan's palms.

Jiangnan rescued them more than once. Now they like Jiangnan from the bottom of their hearts and want to get close to Jiangnan.

They were originally cute, and with that coquettish energy, they became even more adorable.

When the black bear mother saw that her children were in good condition, her serious expression relaxed.

"Come with me."

Jiangnan glanced at the black bear mother's left front shoulder and said, "Your wound also needs to be treated."

The wound left by the Steller's sea eagle Tai Sui for the black bear mother was still quite hideous, and it could not be healed in a short time. If it was infected during this period, it would not be able to take care of its two children.

Before Jiangnan came out today, he put all the equipment on the back of the moose Lufei, and now he needs to find it first.

Next, Jiangnan began to lead the way in front, and the black bear family of three followed him leisurely.

Along the way, the two black bear babies were particularly naughty, chasing the flying butterflies from time to time.

When they encountered a small hill, they were too lazy to walk, and they just rolled into a ball and rolled down.

"Wow, this is so cute, my girlish heart!"

"It seems that the scorpion grass that the island owner found is very effective. The black bear baby is full of energy so quickly."

"When I was stung by a scorpion when I was a child, my grandmother would find scorpion grass to wipe it for me."

"When the island owner just said to take it internally and apply it externally, I suddenly remembered the snot of the Yaksha in "Nezha: The Devil Boy Comes to the World."

"The person upstairs, stop talking, I'm eating vermicelli."

"Isn't that just right? (Dog head)"

The audience in the live broadcast room were attracted by the two cute black bear babies and couldn't take their eyes away.

Jiangnan was also observing them.

He found that one of the black bear babies was darker in color, while the other was lighter, a bit like the protagonists of Boonie Bears, Big Bear and Little Bear, and said, "Why not call you Big Bear and Little Bear from now on!"

"Big Bear and Little Bear?"

"Here comes the question, what's so great about being bald?"

"Island owner: How about I shave my head? And find an electric saw?"

"Here comes the question again, what's the name of Big Bear and Little Bear's mother?"

The audience kept asking new questions.

Jiangnan looked up and down at the fat black bear mother and said calmly: "It's called Jiasha!"

"The island owner's naming idea is amazing!"

"Black bear mother: My name is Jiasha? What's wrong, I stole myself?"

"Normal! The more you want something, or want to become something, you will name it after it. For example, I once met Louis Koo at the airport. He greeted me and said: Hey, isn't this Peng Yuyan? I haven't seen you for a few days. You are more handsome than me!"

"Bah! Obviously I am Peng Yuyan!"

"It seems that it's time for me to take out my selfie!"

"I just want to ask, why is my last name Xia, but my father gave me a single name Liu?"

"Be happy! I have a classmate whose last name is Mai, but his name is Yin!"

"The one with the last name Qin and the last name Shou expressed dissatisfaction!"

"Bi Yuntao passed by!"

"Wei Shengjin didn't want to lie !"

Jiangnan glanced at the comments, smiled, and said, "What are these names? Nowadays, if people want to name a girl, they are basically the same. The names will definitely contain words like Ke, Tong, Ruo, Xuan, Xuan, Han, Xin, etc. "

"Many mothers of our generation like to watch romantic dramas, and they like to read romantic novels when they were in school. They can't help but bring the names of the heroines into reality. Over time, it becomes uncontrollable. "

"Imagine that if these children are in the same class in the future, one day, a child goes to the teacher's office and says: Teacher, something happened in the class. Zixuan and Zixuan quarreled and accidentally bumped into Zixuan and Zixuan. Kexin, Kexin, and Kexin hurried over to persuade them to stop fighting, and bumped into Ruoxi, Ruoxi, and Ruoxi. Zirui and Zirui saw this and quickly found the class cadres Haoran, Haoran,

Yuhao and Yuhao, Yuxuan, Yuhan, and Yuqi brought medicine to bandage everyone's wounds. Zixuan, Zixuan, and Zixuan said they would not fight anymore, but they started fighting again. Teacher, please go and take care of it. "

"When the teacher heard this, he would commit suicide at best, or resign directly, and would never dare to get involved in the teaching industry in the future!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was laughing like crazy.

"Hahahaha, the island owner is good at talking!"

"I am looking forward to being the island owner's wife more and more, so that I can..."

"No way, you have to drive too!"

"I finally understood. There are actually only seven or eight people in this class!"

"No! There is obviously only one!"

"The island owner is really amazing. There are several almost identical names in our class. Every time the teacher calls the roll, they all stand up."

"Lu Ziqiao from "Love Apartment": I know this very well! Isn't it Qinqin, Qinqin, Qinqin, Qingqing, Qinqin! "

"Thank you, island owner! My wife is planning to give her daughter these names, and we must change them quickly!"

Amid the discussion of the audience, Jiangnan has returned to the palm tree forest and found the moose Lufei.

The moose Lufei was standing under a big tree waiting for Jiangnan, anxiously circling around the tree.

After seeing Jiangnan coming back, he immediately showed joy.

But after seeing the black bear family behind Jiangnan, the joy immediately turned into nervousness.

Da Da Da!

The moose Lufei moved his hooves and rushed over, using his body to protect Jiangnan.

It thought that the black bear family wanted to hurt Jiangnan, and protected him loyally.

Although it was afraid of the black bear mother's robe last night, it became bolder after learning that the Steller's Sea Eagle Tai Sui defeated it.

After all, it was protected by the Steller's Sea Eagle Tai Sui!

"Hahaha, don't worry, they won't hurt me! "

Jiangnan felt warm in his heart, and gently stroked the neck of the moose Lufei to comfort it.

When the condition of the moose Lufei gradually stabilized, Jiangnan took out the special medicinal wine from the backpack on its back and applied it to the wound of the black bear mother's robe.

After a lot of trouble, the special medicinal wine was finally used up.

It was squeezed clean, without a drop!

This bottle of special medicinal wine saved three animals, the great white shark, the beaver and the black bear. It is quite practical and cost-effective.

"Let's go, let's go see the beehive now, maybe we can eat honey!"

Jiangnan turned over and rode on the moose Lufei, waving his hand to command.

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