The bird was born in a strange way, but the truth is that it is still alive.

"It knows how to seek help from humans, so smart!"

"This is the first time I've heard the island owner talk about this kind of bird, it's incredible!"

"I'd never believe that there are birds in this world that lead humans to find honey!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was full of doubts.

"It's normal that people don't believe it, because our country is relatively developed. If you want to eat honey, you can just go to the supermarket and buy it ready-made."

"And now there are special machines for collecting honey, so there is no need for honey collectors."

"Secondly, the honeyguide mainly lives in Africa and occasionally flies to Australia. It is not in China at all. It is normal that people are not familiar with it."

Jiangnan patiently explained: "In the primitive tribes of Africa, people must rely on honeyguides to collect honey."

"Someone once found in an African tribe that although many people there were poorly dressed, they had honey to eat at home. At one time, he suspected that the primitive people there had some special way to find the beehive."

"After the news spread, once This has aroused the curiosity and suspicion of scientists from various countries. An ornithologist named Herbert Friedman even went to observe it in person. "

"After a period of investigation, he found that when primitive people collect honey, they do not search blindly in the forest, but always go to the forest and listen carefully. "

"After a while, a little bird will fly out of the dense forest while screaming and circle over the heads of primitive people. This bird is a honeyguide. "

"Primitive people will be very happy when they see honeyguides, because they know that as long as they follow it, they will definitely find honey. "

"Under normal circumstances, honeyguides will circle over the heads of primitive people for a while, and then fly towards the depths of the dense forest with chirping sounds. "

"What the primitive people have to do is actually very simple, just keep up with the pace and don't fall behind."

"And the honeyguide is very good at leading the way. It will stop from time to time and chirp to guide the primitive people to keep up with it."

"Sometimes, it will fly over the heads of the hesitant primitive people and circle around, as if urging the primitive people to get on the road quickly."

"As long as they find a beehive and collect honey, the primitive people will not forget their "benefactor bird". They will leave some honey to show their gratitude."

"For a long time, in the culture of African primitive people, the honeyguide has become the god they worship."

"They will strictly protect the honeyguide. If anyone dares to kill a honeyguide, he will have his ears cut off at the least, or be severely punished. will be executed by others."

"Some tribes even observe the behavior of honeyguides for divination."

"When honeyguides are attacked by natural enemies, primitive people will try every means to rescue honeyguides!"

"The primitive people there believe that if they stand idly by when honeyguides need help, they will be punished by God!"

"In addition to seeking help from humans, honeyguides will also look for some animals that like to eat honey to help."

"It's just that animals are not as smart as humans. Every time, honeyguides peck their heads to stimulate them to chase themselves, thus leading them to the hive."

Jiangnan's story was vivid, and the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly realized it and listened with relish.

"Island owner, I have an unwelcome request. Forget it, I'm not polite. Give me this honeyguide!"

"I want to raise one, so I won't have to worry about honey in the future!"

"I don't know if it is allowed in China!"

"Miss, I actually have honey on my body, but it's a little less each time, and the color is also white. How about you raise me?"

"You are the best at talking about honey! (Dog head)"

"By the way, what are the shortcomings of such a cute little bird?"

Seeing that the live broadcast room was about to start again, Jiangnan captured a nutritious comment and said decisively: "No one is perfect, no bird is perfect, and as for shortcomings, Really!"

"Like cuckoos, honeyguides are nest parasites!"

"However, cuckoos mostly rely on their eagle-like appearance to scare away nest owners, and then take the opportunity to enter other birds' nests to lay eggs."

"Honeyguides quietly wait until the nest owner goes out to find food, and then sneak into other birds' nests to lay eggs."

"Their eggs will hatch earlier than other birds' eggs, and the hatched honeyguide chicks are extremely fierce. They have a pair of small hooks on their beaks, which form a deadly pair of pliers when they close their beaks."

"As soon as the babies of other birds break out of their shells, they will immediately use the small hooks on their beaks to snatch them away.

stabbed to death."

"If there are other siblings in the same nest, the chicks will even kill each other after hatching, anyway, only one can survive in the end."

"About ten days after birth, the small hook on its mouth will fall off by itself."

"Other birds don't understand why their children died. They will just carry the corpses out of the nest and feed the little honeyguide carefully. It's a pity..."

"Once the little honeyguide grows up, it will leave the nest and will not miss them at all."

"Without the care and teaching of their biological parents, they are born with the ability to find beehives and lead the way for humans and other animals!"

"It is still an unsolved mystery!"

"Maybe it's what we Chinese often say that dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and mice's sons can dig holes!"

"After all, it's something engraved deep in our genes, just like we are born to farm. Even in games, no matter what game it is, we Chinese can complete the farming game! ”

The audience agreed with Jiangnan’s words.

“Island owner, I played a game called “Don’t Starve”, and now it has been completed by our Chinese people as “Famine”. ”

“There is also a game called “Total War of the Three Kingdoms”. Foreign players are still diligently attacking cities and plundering land, struggling to support the normal operation of the army. If they are not careful, they will be destroyed, while our Chinese players are farming. As the saying goes, he who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. The hearts of the people are food. With food, what is there to be afraid of? So we must farm. As long as there is food, soldiers will come. With more soldiers, there is no war that cannot be won. ”

“Hahaha, it can be summed up in eight words: build high walls, store up food, and slowly become king!”

“To use today’s words, it is called: focus on production and promote development!”

“I don’t have any hobbies. I just like to look at beautiful women with fair skin, beautiful faces and long legs. I once thought it was a mental illness, but now I understand that it was inherited from my father!”

“Your father: Slander! Slander! You slandered me! "

Jiangnan looked at the comments and was amused.

I don't know why, when I saw this sentence, I thought of Xiao Yang, the big-bellied man in "Detective Chinatown 1".

When I heard the song "welcome to New York", three "beautiful nurses" coming towards me would appear in my mind.

"Let's go!"

Jiangnan adjusted his mood and waved his hand.

The honeyguide seemed to have sensed something, flapped its wings and flew into the air, and began to lead the way.

The moose Lufei moved his hooves and quickly followed, following the honeyguide closely.

A little bird led the way in front, and a man rode a moose and ran after him. Under the morning sun, this scene looked like a scene in a movie, quite artistic.

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