The story of the black bear in the book "Journey to the West" is true, the black bear really likes to steal things!

The Asian black bear was attracted by the smell of fish and wanted to steal some fish to eat, but not only did he fail to steal it, he was also beaten up by the Steller's Sea Eagle Tai Sui.

A typical case of stealing a chicken but losing the rice!

In modern terms, he wanted to ask his sister out for a date, but before he could do it, his kidney was secretly cut by his sister!

After Jiangnan figured it out, he went back to the tent to sleep.

But after such a commotion, he couldn't sleep anymore.

As long as he closed his eyes, various photos of Asian black bears would appear in his mind.

It is said that only when you are in a foreign country will you miss home the most.

This is true for people and animals.

Just like the pandas that were sent abroad, in order to prevent them from missing home and to help them adapt to life abroad, basically every country will spend a lot of money to build the most Chinese-style residence for the pandas.

Pandas are national treasures and will be welcomed wherever they go.

Black bears are not necessarily the same.

I don’t know how that Asian black bear came all the way to Australia and survived on this isolated island.

The more Jiangnan thought about it, the more itchy he felt.

This feeling is like playing a game of "King of Glory" before going to bed. It was originally a smooth start and a sure win, but in the end, he lost to a stupid teammate.

Or there is a teammate who is very pit and very bad. He was killed by a single person half a minute after the start, and then he was killed frequently.

Although I didn’t mind it at the time, thinking that it was just a game, there was no need to scold teammates for the game, but after lying in bed for several hours, not only did I not fall asleep, but I kept thinking about the whole process of the game over and over again in my mind.

Finally, he couldn't help but log in again, repeatedly adding his teammates as friends to greet his ancestors.

Of course, if he is irritable, he will curse and greet them directly during the game, thus starting a battle to defend his parents.

What's more, the more he thinks about it, the angrier he gets. He can't help but want to continue playing the game, thinking that as long as he wins one game, he will go to bed.

But the result is that he lost all night, and only won one game at dawn.

Jiangnan is like this.

When the sky gradually turned pale, he suddenly remembered that before landing on the island, the staff had repeatedly reminded him that there was a bear on a small island nearby, and he should try not to provoke it.

And the reason why it appeared here was because it often fought in the zoo, and any other black bears that approached it were beaten up, and every time it was beaten all over.

In desperation, the zoo decided to temporarily release this black bear on a small island in the Great Barrier Reef.

After all, there are really many fish here, and I believe it can be self-sufficient.

To describe it in two simple words, it is: exile!

Jiangnan didn't sleep well the night before, and yawned, so he got up early.

After turning on the live broadcast, he didn't rush to wash up, but fed food to the moose Lufei, the Steller's sea eagle Taisui, the short-tailed kangaroos Xiyangyang and Gray Wolf, and the ten brothers of the sugar quoll.

Finally, he cooked a simple breakfast for himself.

"Oh my god, the Super God Emperor!"

"And there are more than 20 of them!"

"I heard that you have to consume 1.5 million words per month to have this noble status!"

"1.5 million is a lot. I played Landlord last night and lost it all in one hand!"

"On Douyin, the average daily income of the comment area is over a million!"

"I heard that these are all official. It has been explained on Weibo. The island owner is so handsome!"

"By the way, why is the island owner here so early today?"

"Island owner, are we going to Parrot Valley today?"

"Didn't we agree to go to Parrot Valley to catch lobsters yesterday? I can't wait!"

"Wait, did you notice that the island owner has very heavy dark circles under his eyes? "Listless, especially without energy!"

"Could it be that the island owner did something bad behind our backs last night?"

"That's for sure! The island owner ate so many fish last night, all of which were very nutritious, and his body must be very hot!"

"But there are no women or even men in the Great Barrier Reef except the island owner!"

"But there are animals!"

"Wow, why do I suddenly smell the scent of Indian curry!"

"People and animals? Hehe, I just saw it last night!"

"Brother, good brother upstairs, let me talk to you!"

"Don't believe these, I bought one before, but when I opened it, it turned out to be a video of a person training a dog


“Be happy, I bought the Japanese and European regions before, and when I clicked on them, the European and American regions were Tom and Jerry, and the Japanese region was Detective Conan!”

“Just like when I was a kid, my friend dragged me to watch The Old Corpse in the Mountain Village, saying that it was a movie about a teacher who took root in a mountain village and taught people, and it became a shadow of my childhood!”

“No one admits it, right? Well, I’ll come clean. I was with the island owner last night. Sorry, I asked for too much last night, and the island owner was squeezed dry!”

“Go play, the island owner is my husband, even if he is squeezed dry, I should go first!”

The audience in the live broadcast room was very active.

Jiangnan was eating breakfast while watching the barrage, and did not participate in the chat.

Until he finished eating, he said: “Today I will go to Parrot Valley to catch lobsters, but before that, I need to find an adult Asian black bear first. ”

“My camp was attacked by an Asian black bear yesterday. Fortunately, Tai Sui was very helpful, otherwise I would have been in trouble.”

“As for how to find the black bear, naturally, we should chase it along the route it escaped.”

“If it doesn’t work, we can first look for honey on the island. Black bears like that thing the most.”

“Even if we can’t find a black bear, at least we have honey, which can attract it.”

“And the sugar quoll likes honey the most, and I can also taste it! "

While speaking, Jiangnan had already stood up and walked outside the tent, and walked to the pool of blood left by the Asian black bear last night.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw the dried blood and finally believed what Jiangnan said.

Jiangnan squatted down and began to tell the story of the Asian black bear. At the same time, he found that an ant had been attracted by the blood.

It first tasted it lightly with its mouth, then seemed very excited, ran away in a hurry, and began to look for other ants.

Every time it met an ant, it immediately touched its antennae to communicate.

After a while, it was on the way with more than a dozen ants.

And there was another ant that gradually ran away, probably going back home to report the news.

Seeing this scene, Jiangnan disposed of the blood without hesitation.

When the army of ants arrived, the blood had disappeared, and all the ants began to search nearby.

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