The sound of the sound was so loud that the sound of ... Jiangnan slowly stood up and walked towards them.



The group of small animals had been prepared for a long time. The moment Jiangnan stood up, they all climbed towards the nearest tree.

Before Jiangnan got close, they had already disappeared.


Jiangnan came under the big tree and was about to look for the group of small animals. As a result, as soon as he raised his head, some black things were thrown at him.

Fortunately, he reacted in time and dodged quickly, otherwise his whole face would be hit.

Jiangnan looked again and finally found the group of small animals on a thick branch. The small things in their claws were the black little things.

Looking carefully, it seemed to be their poop!


The poop was thrown out from their claws and hit Jiangnan again.


After Jiangnan burst out a Chinese quintessence, he ran away from the tree at the fastest speed.

He kept a distance of four or five meters, thinking that this distance was safe enough.

Who would have thought...



The little animal standing on the tree branch jumped down directly, and then... took off.

It was like skydiving.

In an instant, it flew over Jiangnan's head.

When it flew over Jiangnan's head, it would continue to drop poop.

And this time it was ready and hot.

Jiangnan didn't dare to hesitate at all and began to dodge frantically.

In the live broadcast room, the audience saw this scene and all their eyes widened.

"Oh my goodness, what did I see? The mouse flew?"

"This world is too crazy, the mouse not only serves as a bridesmaid for the cat, but can also fly!"

"Is this the legendary flying squirrel?"

"It seems that they threw poop?"

"The island owner reacted very quickly, otherwise he would be covered in poop!"

"Hahaha, I think of the chimpanzee in Nanning Zoo who threw poop at tourists!"

"I think of Shen Teng in the variety show "Travel Through Time", who was covered in cow dung!"

"How did the island owner offend them that they would take such crazy revenge!"

"I remember an uncle who would have a Birds were circling above him, pooping at him too! "

"The island owner's position is good, very cunning, if I had your position when I was playing PUBG, I wouldn't have been sniped to death!"

Jiangnan was in no mood to read the comments, he was running away with a purpose, and soon came to a wild fruit tree, picked a few big and red ones, threw them on the grass, and shouted:

"No matter how I offended you, these fruits are your compensation."

"If you don't have enough, I can find another way to compensate."

I don't know if these little animals understood or were tired of flying, they began to fall to the ground one after another.

And they fell very accurately in front of the wild fruits.

They didn't eat immediately and impatiently, but stared at Jiangnan, and after making sure that he wouldn't get close, they ate carefully.


Jiangnan breathed a long sigh of relief, and then he had time to read the comments.

"I will answer your questions one by one."

"They are not mice or flying squirrels, but sugar gliders."

"This animal is unique to Australia. The biggest difference from flying squirrels is that they have pockets."

"As you can see, they have big eyes, pink noses, and pointed and thin ears. They are very cute and can catch people's attention in an instant.

"The most important thing is that they are very small. Even after adulthood, their body length can only grow to about 60 centimeters, and this is the length of the tail. "

"They have a wide range of diets. The menu includes insects, lizards and other small animals, as well as some flower crabs.

flowers and fruits."

"But among them, they like the sweetest fruits the most, which is why the word "honey" in the name of sugar gliders comes from this."

"As you have just seen, sugar gliders can fly!"

"But they don't fly like birds, but glide!"

"They have membranes on both sides of their bodies that can be used for gliding, extending from their hand joints to their ankles. This body structure allows them to glide between the trees."

"Although it is just gliding, not real flying, it is enough. It jumps down from the high treetops, opens its gliding membrane, and quickly passes through the trees through the acceleration of gravity. This method allows it to avoid the eyes of most predators."

"In addition, it is also for the convenience of foraging."

"Sugar gliders are veritable foodies. According to survey statistics, about one square kilometer can provide sufficient food for a sugar glider. ”

“To move in such a large area, running and jumping alone is a very physically demanding task, so in the long process of life evolution, these cute little animals have gradually evolved the ability to glide. ”

“Although I was very good at flying in a wing suit yesterday, it is child's play compared to them.”

“They have very high gliding skills. With the movement of their limbs and membranes, they can control the direction and distance of their gliding at will. As long as the height is high enough, they can fly about 150 meters away at once.”

“With such ability, no matter how vast the forest is, it can't stop its footsteps. It can easily travel to every corner.”

“And its natural enemies, eagles and some cats, are usually left far behind by this unique skill.”

Before Jiangnan finished speaking, the audience in the live broadcast room were already shocked.

“An animal the size of a palm can actually glide 150 meters. It's so terrifying!”

“Isn't this the paratrooper in the animal world! ”

“According to this ratio, even the best paratroopers among humans will be turned into slag in front of them!”

“After watching so many animals in the island owner’s live broadcast room, I feel more and more that we humans seem to be useless in other aspects except for our developed brains!”

“It looks so cute, I really want to raise one.”

“By the way, is it allowed to be raised in our country? This thing is not only cuter than hamsters, but the key is that it can fly!”

PS: Off topic, I read the comments and some readers said that the protagonist killed a hare to save the bird of paradise. It’s really saintly. I just want to ask, the bird of paradise is a protected animal. Is it saintly to save protected animals these days?

And I wrote it very clearly in the book that there are tens of billions of hares in Australia, which are harmful animals. Even the country is trying to eliminate them. Don’t you understand Chinese?

Finally, don’t you eat animal meat in real life?

If this is saintly, then you are the real saint!

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