The old man was very angry.

"This grey parrot can actually be sarcastic?"

"It seems that the island owner didn't teach it to say this?"

"My goodness, it's self-taught!"

"Is it possible that this grey parrot could speak originally?"

"I remembered a joke. Someone bought a parrot in a pet store and went home to teach it to speak seriously. But after half a year, the parrot still couldn't speak. It once thought that the parrot it raised was dumb, so it let it go. Who would have thought that the moment the parrot spread its wings and flew high, it suddenly shouted: Goodbye to you!"

"My friend... A friend of mine raised a parrot and called it "Dad" every day, trying to get it to call him after it learned it. But one day, when he just called it "Dad", the parrot called out, "Hey, good son!"

"What's that? My friend put the parrot in the bedroom. After a month, the parrot kept talking to itself, "Baby, are you asleep? Kiss me, mua, touch me, don't make a fuss, not tonight, can you do it?"

"Hahaha, the couple's night talk has all been learned!"

Some of the viewers in the live broadcast room were full of curiosity and were still making noises, but some had already driven to kindergarten.

"There are very few parrots that are self-taught and can make their own sentences!" Jiangnan explained: "Scientists believe that although parrots are eloquent, this is just a conditioned reflex, and speaking is just mechanical imitation." "This kind of imitation behavior is also called echoing in science." "Because birds do not have a developed cerebral cortex, the singing center is located in the relatively low-level striatum organization, so they have no thoughts and consciousness, and it is impossible for them to understand the meaning of human language, nor can they use these languages ​​correctly everywhere, so sometimes they even speak nonsense regardless of the occasion, which makes people laugh and cry." "In the UK, there was once a unique parrot learning to speak competition. The participating parrots only needed to say one sentence, and the judges would score according to the content and pronunciation of the sentence." "Among them, a sentence spoken by an inconspicuous African grey parrot was particularly appreciated by the judges and the audience, so it defeated other contestants and won the championship." "After the cloth covering the birdcage was removed, the grey parrot first looked forward, backward, left and right, and then exclaimed in surprise: Wow! "A few days later, the extremely excited owner invited many distinguished guests to his home to celebrate. In order to show the guests how "genius" the grey parrot was, he opened the cloth covering the birdcage again, thinking that the parrot would say: Wow! Why are there so many distinguished guests here! To win everyone's applause. "Unexpectedly, the grey parrot still said: Wow! Why are there so many parrots here! When seeing the distinguished guests, everyone laughed and cried, and the owner lost all face and was embarrassed. Unbearable.

"From this, it can be seen that parrots learning to speak is just a conditioned reflex, and they can only learn a limited number of words.

"But I think there are exceptions. Some parrots are naturally smart and have high IQs. After they can speak, it is very likely that they can make sentences by themselves."

"Just like people, although they all have the same organs, some people are born with explosive IQs and can learn anything as soon as they learn it, while some people really can't learn it, even if they memorize it by rote.

This resonated with many viewers.

"Isn't this talking about me?"

"When I was a child, I couldn't remember English words when I was learning English. I tried all kinds of methods."

"I can't remember math formulas!"

"I don't know why I have no talent in learning, but when I see others secretly watching a double sports movie in an Internet cafe, I only need to take a peek and I can remember the URL, and I can remember it for many years."

"Old iron upstairs, let me talk to you!"

Jiangnan saw that the live broadcast room was about to drive again, so he left quickly.

He did not continue to teach the parrots to speak, but walked deeper into the valley. He wanted to see what else was inside.

The most important thing was that his throat was about to smoke from talking, so he had to slow down first.

As he went deeper into Jiangnan, he found that the stream inside was getting wider and faster.

There must be a big river at the end of the valley.

Just as he thought, he walked deeper for more than ten minutes and a big river appeared.

The river water flowed slowly, and the sunlight shone down, sparkling, as if inlaid with countless shining diamonds.

The river

There are many fish and shrimps in the water, and even river clams can be seen in Jiangnan.

"The water here is so clear, I really want to jump in and take a dive!"

"I saw crayfish in it!"

"This is not a crayfish, I saw a very big one, it feels like 20 centimeters!"

"This is the authentic Australian lobster! I'm greedy for it!"

"By the way, it's four pounds?"

"Hey, why do I think of the last glory of the Spring Festival Gala sketch "Not Short of Money"?"

"Four Australian abalones!"

"Sorry, no!"

"A four-pound lobster!"

"Sorry, not that big!"

"How big is it?"

"Yes...more than one pound!"

"More than one pound...are there...are there?"

"Yes...or no?"

"Damn, you are performing a sketch here!"

"Xiao Shenyang, Uncle Benshan: All the words you say are ours!"

The audience was so naughty, and they had a lot of fun.

Without noticing that Jiangnan had already put Xiyangyang and Lanyangyang on the ground, letting them play on the grass, he rolled up his trousers and walked into the river.

"Wait! Look at what the island owner is doing!"

Finally, someone paid attention to Jiangnan.

"The island owner went into the water. Is he going to catch fish?"

"Impossible! The otters gave him so many fish today that he couldn't finish them in one day. How could he catch more fish himself?"

"Is he catching lobsters?"

"That's even more impossible! Crayfish in the water are too hard to catch. If you're not careful, you'll get caught!"

"I think he's catching clams. That's easier!"

"When you take a bite of a clam, it tastes like chicken and has a hundred times more protein than beef!"

"Why do I feel like you're not talking about clams?"

"Are you talking about ingredients? Or something else?"

"It depends on how you understand it. They are ingredients at all times!"

"Everyone, look, the island owner has already started!"

As long as it's about food, the audience's passion for discussion is as high as ever.

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